- Dutch Reports On The Current Earthquake Situation
- An Emerging World
- Vital Message
- 30 plus Earthquakes hitting Ca. Coming in by the minute
- POOF for August 26, 2012: Dialing for Dollars
- MAG. 6.6 Molucca Sea earthquake
- ~ IMPORTANT~Thank You for Participating In your Part of the Divine Plan~
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of Your Creator’
- 7.5 Mag Earthquake Happened El Salvador – 27 August 2012
- Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 27, 2012
- A Whole New World—Opening Your Mind to A World of Infinite Possibilities...Free Your Mind! (Fly)
- Spirit Science 14 - Insights of Ascension
- Disclosure in Mexico NEW MAYAN TABLETS REVEALED! Amazing!
- The Indigo Victim Cycle
- Heavenletter #4294 The True Meaning of Namaste, August 27, 2012
- Blue Star UFO Report - August 26, 2012
- UK police’s plans to arrest Assange revealed
- SANAT KUMARA wishes to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energy
- The Organic Industry's Ties to Factory Farms
- Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence ~ Our World's Anthem
- ~ Emissaries of Love ~
- Massive Typhoon Bolaven slams Okinawa, Japan and heads for Koreas
- Strong and deep M 6.4 earthquake hit Molucca Sea, Indonesia
- The Universal Laws: The Law of Currency Exchange
- michael - playing piano part 13 AUTHENTIC music
- We are not somewhere else, and we are not too busy. ~
- Sophia Love – Our GPS
- ~Hurricane Isaac Coming to Shore~ WOW
- ~ A Special Love Letter To Humanity, as Humanity ends this cycle of duality forever~
- Confidential Documents Expose Romney On Taxes
- Montague Keen ~ August 26, 2012 We are all a Part of the Oneness Team
- Sheldan Nidle says " Our Planet's Truth is Emerging"
- Bain Documents: Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes
- EQ Update, Aug. 27, 2012 - S. Calif swarms
- NIBIRU ? - UFO ? or WTF is that? VERY HUGE Unknown Object passed the Sun - August 2012
- Master Jesus – Knowingness Of The Heart
- Chi Nei Tsang - Cleaning energy blockages - Very very very deep and effective technique
- New Star
- Brinkley: Citizen protests making an impact in China
- New crop circle inspires shock and awe: Who or what is making them and why is the media ignoring this incredible phenomena?
- 8/27/2012 -- Tropical Storm ISAAC heading to Louisiana & Salt Dome Sinkhole / Butane well
- 8/27/2012 -- past 72 hours of East Pacific Earthquakes -- California / El Salvador
- Learning lessons
- ~ Hilarion: Weekly Message ~ August 26, 2012
- Oracle Report - Monday, August 27, 2012
- 2MIN News August 27, 2012: Earth Shakes
- Greek town protests against migrant holding centre
- Even in recession the rich get richer: Savers have been hit for £70bn as printing money 'helps rich' admits Bank of England
- How Are Tampa Police Spending Your $50 Million?
- Tropical Storm Isaac heads for Gulf Coast; hurricane warning issued
- Official FAA Cockpit Recordings Of Pilot UFO Sightings
- Saudi Shiite clerics condemn violence in restive Qatif
- Bank HSBC probed for money laundering: report
- AP Exclusive: Romney campaign uses secretive, high-tech data-mining to find wealthy donors
- Gold: The Republican Death Wish
- Al Khalifa regime doesn’t represent the Bahraini people: Analyst
- Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity Following Scandal
- RBS Nearing Libor Settlement: Report
- Scientists build squishy, camouflaging robots with DARPA
- U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market
- Military Terror Plot: Murder Case Uncovers Terror Plot By 'Militia' Within U.S. Military
- Bill Ballard ~ We’re Rockin Our World Today! There’s A Whole Lot Of Shakin Going On!
- He Mele No Lilo
- Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead: Bigger Picture Week
- AA Michael~ Thoughts and Intentions for the Paralympics London
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Joy Let joy be your inspiration
- Message From Archangel Zadkiel For September 2012 – You Divine Spark Within
- Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert September 2012
- The Council Of The Venus Ray. ~ “Breaking Away From The Herd.”
Vital Message
We, the Allies of Humanity, encourage you not to believe that the taking of human beings and their children and their families has any benefit for humanity at all. We must emphasize this. Your freedom is precious. Your individual freedom and your freedom as a race are precious. It has taken us so long to regain our freedom. We do not want to see you lose yours.
Do not think that the visitors are lacking something that they need from you other than your resources. Do not think that they need your humanity. They only want your humanity to assure themselves of their position in the world. Do not be flattered. Do not indulge yourself in such thoughts. They are unwarranted. If you can learn to see the situation clearly as it really is, you will see and you will know these things for yourself. You will understand why we are here and why humanity needs allies in a Greater Community of intelligent life. And you will see the importance of learning greater Knowledge and Wisdom and of learning Greater Community Spirituality.
With Knowledge, your deeper mind, all things can be know. And with this Knowledge, you will have greater power and insight. Knowledge is the greatest power in the universe.
POOF for August 26, 2012: Dialing for Dollars
Greetings and Salutations:
*Note: Music lyrics to “Mercedes Benz” below main post.
How many heard or saw the detonation? I know the folks that caught it were watching the money and business channels out here. The distractions in the media kept most from catching it. The whole system was technically, reset. Computers all around the world..banking computers. If you have a computer, you’ve most likely had to reboot..especially microsoft based. Curiously enough, all was finalized at that moment. International legalities handled. A big fire won’t make This go away. Precisely where things are, I won’t say, I want nothing disturbed. I need that warm sand and sea, Now. Time to flush this puppy and move on.
~ IMPORTANT~Thank You for Participating In your Part of the Divine Plan~
Surprise! Join US Live Today!
photo taken next to etna volcano on 15th august FOund Via FB
Greetings Love Beings, Due to the Increase In Energies We are Hosting a Surprise Love Party Beginning at 3pm Pacific time Zone to Assist in The Smooth Transition for the New Paradigm. Here is the Link to Join US and Play Your Role In The Divine Plan!
In the Last 48 Hours Huge Amounts of Energy have been grounded into Planet Earth=Heart. In this Powerful Energy, our Events for the Highest Outcome for Humanity to unfold become closer into Manifestation. The More of Us who Gather In the Light, Love and Truth, the closer we GET! This is Getting Very Exciting and Things are Defiantly Heating UP! We are Getting Reports from Across the Planet in which many can internally feel big changes are unfolding and experiencing the Soul Housing is being dissolved. This is Bringing In the Higher Self Into Physical Manifestation which is the God Self.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of Your Creator’
Swiftly sweeping you towards your new reality are your hopes and your dreams for a better world and a better life for you and those around you. It has been many long eons since many of you could call a world that you live in safe, secure, prosperous, even beautiful, as much of your planet has become scarred and marred in certain ways. We see for you many changes on your horizon, but all of these changes do not come for free without some kind of effort and some levels of responsibility for your roles as caretakers of your new world. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, propose is that each and every one of you take an active role in not only the shaping of your new world in its design, but in the implementation process where these changes will take place. What we mean by this is we would like to incorporate the efforts of every single person on your planet, although we realize this is very ambitious and would be quite a task and achievement. We also feel this is a goal at least setting for ourselves, to give us a marker to shoot for.
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 27, 2012
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.
A Whole New World—Opening Your Mind to A World of Infinite Possibilities...Free Your Mind! (Fly)
Pubblicato in data 27/ago/2012 da Kemetprince1
Letting Go Off Society's Expectations!
Spirit Science 14 - Insights of Ascension
Pubblicato in data 09/apr/2012 da TheSpiritScience
9 insights, 2 man/boys, one video and a a great amount of learning that we believe will bring you closer to vibrating at the level of the divine. Its almost like were rubbing an ascension salve on your cultural wounds. So Enjoy! the people! Kisses! ~The Atlantis King
This weeks lesson goes into the insights of ascension from the book The Celestine Prophecy, we highly recommend reading this book for those of you beginning your path or wanting new information, however in the mean time, here is the abridged version of strictly insights on the process of waking up, clearing your negative habits, and releasing them to the universe to vibrate higher and changing frequencies of time, space, and matter itself! See you guys next week! New videos every week!
Disclosure in Mexico NEW MAYAN TABLETS REVEALED! Amazing!
Pubblicato in data 26/ago/2012 da IzabelaBienek
Short Educational Film by Jason Kirby.
A beautiful array of newly released to the public artifacts.
See more vids like this on my channel. I have some rare stuff.
FB Anastasia Beavenhouser
Thanks Lucas
The Indigo Victim Cycle
Jennifer Hoffman – The Indigo Victim Cycle – 27 August 2012
[GFP: this actually applies to all, not only indigo children, as it is true that one becomes what one believes one is. Also true is that we can help by keeping all into the Highest Energy so that they can See bejond what they have thought about themselves. Noone can do the job for someone else, but we can hold "the space" for others to let go their believe systems and remember who they are.]
My Indigo children were often bullied by other children and victimized by their life circumstances. My oldest son had ADD at a time when it was thought to be a mental disability. I fought hard to keep him out of special needs classes where he would not get the education he needed. He was bullied by his classmates because he was ‘different’. I worked hard to keep him safe and spent a lot of time and energy protecting my children from those who wanted to hurt them. And with all of these experiences, my son went headfirst into a victim cycle.
Heavenletter #4294 The True Meaning of Namaste, August 27, 2012
Heavenletter #4294 The True Meaning of Namaste, August 27, 2012
God said:
True gratitude is love. If love is dependent upon a gift or a particular act, then it isn't love. True love is true gratitude. When you are grateful that someone exists, then that is love. We are cutting to the chase.
You haven't quite known what love is. Yes, of course, there can be mad passion. Yes, of course, you can objectify your love onto another, thinking for a while that that is love.
Love is when you are simply grateful that the person before you is before you. And when the person is not before you, you are grateful that he or she exists. Most likely they have been generous to you. Most likely they help you believe in yourself. That is something to be grateful for, that someone does see you as you truly are.
Blue Star UFO Report - August 26, 2012
GFP Note: This is a special historical edition of the Blue Star UFO Report. For more information on the clips below, visit Best UFO Resources.
UK police’s plans to arrest Assange revealed
Press TV
August 25, 2012
A British police officer’s handwritten document marked “restricted” and “decision - supporting rationale” was photographed outside Ecuador’s embassy in London.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.
SANAT KUMARA wishes to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energy
SANAT KUMARA wishes to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energies, Meditating with God-Self, Creating Light, and Envisioning Goodness
two channelings: divine guidance and meditation below
We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our family with OPEN WINGS! We lovingly invite you to become a part of our global, galactic, universal Missions by participating in Project: Eagle Triad. (specific Mission details below channelings) Please write to janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com to begin your Ground Crew Mission NOW.
The Organic Industry's Ties to Factory Farms
We're often given this image of organic food as being all that is right with the food industry, while factory farms are all that is wrong with the food industry, but are the two really so separate? Our research has uncovered an intimate connection between the two.
Organic farms are prohibited from using synthetic fertilizers, and instead must rely on natural sources. While there's a variety of options, one of the cheapest and most abundant sources of organic fertilizer is animal manure. Organic food is big business now, and there's little concern for where the fertilizer comes from, so long as it's cheap. While it's not true for every single organic product, many, if not most, use manure from factory farms to fertilize their crops.
Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence ~ Our World's Anthem
Thank You to Shurlene B. Wallace and twin sister, Earlene Carr
~ Emissaries of Love ~
by Steve Beckow
I’m trying to get a sense of what has changed in the world. If you go to the leading international newspapers, you’ll see … well, Prince Harry partying in the buff, one company suing another for patent infringements, Romney stirring the birther fight again, a tropical storm hitting Haiti.
Noticeably the press continues to look for the negative and bizzarre and comes up with little or nothing. All seems quiet in the world.
On TV the other day, so extensive are the crime dramas, that several are concerned with the love lives of law-enforcement agents, having explored almost every other aspect of crime and punishment one could think of. The “war on terror” became institutionalized, determined what played on TV, and is now trailing off into oblivion.
Massive Typhoon Bolaven slams Okinawa, Japan and heads for Koreas
Massive Typhoon Bolaven slams Okinawa, Japan and heads for Koreas
August 26, 2012 – JAPAN - A massive typhoon began to make landfall Sunday over Okinawa, bringing winds more ferocious than even the typhoon-weary Japanese island has seen in decades. It will likely be the strongest since 1956, said CNN International meteorologist Tom Sater. With a cloud field of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles), Typhoon Bolaven is 20 times larger than Okinawa’s length. “It’s been very, very severe,” said storm chaser James Reynolds, on the northwestern coast of the island. Tree branches were flying through the air amid torrential rain, he said. The infrastructure on Okinawa is designed to withstand violent storms. “Everything’s made of solid concrete,” said Reynolds. “Utility poles are so wide you couldn’t even put your arms around them,” Reynolds said. “All the houses are built with concrete. There’s no such thing as a beach house in Okinawa because it would just get destroyed by a typhoon.” Still, the power was out where he was Sunday. On Sunday evening, Bolaven was carrying sustained winds of 213 kilometers (132 miles) per hour, with gusts reaching 259 kilometers per hour (161 mph) — the highest since Typhoon Naha in 1956. Bolaven was traveling northwest at 15 kilometers per hour (9 mph). The storm is on course to hit China and the Korean peninsula. “It’s roughly the size of France to Poland in land mass,” said Sater. “The typhoon is producing wave heights of 16 meters high, so the possibility is there for a storm surge of 8 to 10 meters high on the coastline. Wind gusts will be strong enough to not only uproot or down trees and power lines, but could flip automobiles. Okinawa is 100 kilometers (62 miles) long. The size of Bolaven’s eye is roughly 30 kilometers (19 miles) in width. This means many residents could experience the eye passing over them; unfortunately, that means putting up with the strongest winds the storm can produce, followed by a calm period with a brief clearing of the skies overhead, then another chaotic period of damaging winds that will be blowing in the opposite direction of the previous winds. Rainfall totals could top 500 mm (20 inches) in 24 hours,” said Sater. -CNN
Strong and deep M 6.4 earthquake hit Molucca Sea, Indonesia
Strong and deep M 6.4 earthquake hit Molucca Sea, Indonesia

- The Watchers
Very strong and deep earthquake with recorded magnitude of 6.4 struck Molucca Sea, Indonesia onAugust 26, 2012 at 15:05 UTC, 11:05 pm local time, according to USGS. Both USGS and EMSC recorded preliminary magnitude of 6.8. Epicenter was located 169 km (105 miles) NNW (340°) from Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia at coordinates 2.231°N, 126.865°E. Recorded depth was 69.7 km (43.3 miles). EMSC later reported magnitude 6.6 and depth of 80 km.
The earthquake was felt in a wide area in Indonesia and the Philippines, mainly because of the deep origin of the hypocenter.
NOAA/NWS – Pacific Tsunami Warning Center evaluated that this earthquake had no destructive widespread tsunami threat based on historical earthquake and tsunami data.
GDACS reported that this earthquake can have a low humanitarian impact based on the Magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability. About 6000 people live within 100km.
The Universal Laws: The Law of Currency Exchange
We are not somewhere else, and we are not too busy. ~
~ Michael through Ron Head~
Today let us congratulate you on your single-minded pursuit of your goal. Much has been placed in your path in attempts to distract you. While you have known the relative importance of knowing the current state of your world, you have not allowed your focus to weaken.
You have made every effort to utilize each tool which has been offered to you. Allow us to point out that not all of these will be a perfect fit for you. Try them on and keep those which seem to be the best for yourselves. You will find that, at a later time, you may wish to go back and dust some of them off as they apply to your later states of consciousness and attention. There will always be enough to keep you from lapsing into inattention. This is something that your conscious minds have often to deal with. As you notice more and more change happening within, your excitement will make all of that a non-issue.
Many are finding it difficult already to pull their attention back to their day-to-days. In the world as it is for the moment, do your best to keep a balance.
Sophia Love – Our GPS
Sophia Love – Our GPS – 26 August 2012
This is a different sort of Quest. You are not heading out into unknown territory. You know exactly where this love is located. It was there when you started and it’s still there right now. You are searching for that which you are. You are love.
How can it be that you’ve forgotten? How is it that we’ve lost the map? What has happened to our GPS (Global Positioning System)?
It’s been tampered with, we’ve been distracted, and as a result most of us today distrust the internal sense we arrived with.
~Hurricane Isaac Coming to Shore~ WOW
HURRICANE ISAAC, WOW!!! This pic was just posted by y100 out of Miami. Taken from a cell phone 1 HOUR AGO!
~ A Special Love Letter To Humanity, as Humanity ends this cycle of duality forever~
Pubblicato in data 26/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral
WE Father and Mother God Are Here On Planet Earth=Heart to Deliver the Message of Truth, Personally and Directly for the end of the dinosaur[duality] reign. We wish for you to experience who We are, which is ONENESS. You and Us Are ALL ONE= Equally=We=ALL.
to read the whole updatehttp://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/special-love-letter-humanit...
Confidential Documents Expose Romney On Taxes
Published on Aug 25, 2012 by TheYoungTurks
"Hundreds of pages of confidential internal documents from the private equity firm Bain Capital published online Thursday provided new details on investments held by the Romney family's trusts, as well as aggressive strategies that Bain appears to have used to minimize its investors' and partners' tax liabilities...".* Cenk Uygur and comedian Jimmy Dore discuss on The Young Turks.
*Read more from NICHOLAS CONFESSORE, FLOYD NORRIS and JULIE CRESWELL in The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/24/us/politics/documents-show-details-on-romne...
Source: YouTube.com
Montague Keen ~ August 26, 2012 We are all a Part of the Oneness Team
Veronica, my dear, the results of our efforts to prevent World War III are becoming more obvious every day. The Cabal has become quite desperate. People are speaking out and revealing what the Cabal has done to destroy and control humanity. Some can no longer cope with the guilt of what they were forced to do, when under the control of the Cabal. Many were put into situations where satanic abuse was made acceptable. They foolishly indulged, not knowing that it was all being recorded, and would be used against them to force these so-called ‘respectable’ people to obey the Cabal or be ruined by exposure. This formula has worked for generations and it continues to this day. They are made to believe that they belong to an “exclusive club”. They make the sign of Lucifer to show that they are happy to belong to it. They see themselves as superior to the lesser, expendable, mortals.
Sheldan Nidle says " Our Planet's Truth is Emerging"
Bain Documents: Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes
ABC News
The private equity firm founded by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made use of arcane techniques in several of its Cayman Islands-based funds to avoid U.S. taxes, according to a trove of Bain Capital's private audit and finance records made public on the website Gawker today.
NIBIRU ? - UFO ? or WTF is that? VERY HUGE Unknown Object passed the Sun - August 2012
Master Jesus – Knowingness Of The Heart
Natalie Glasson – Master Jesus – Knowingness Of The Heart – 27 August 2012
There is a great wonderment within the minds of many at this stage of ascension, a feeling of infinite possibilities coupled with the process of change and development. This is a most beautiful existence that breeds experiences that are free from limitations. For many the mind is wondering in a positive and also negative frame of thoughts about the possibilities of humanity’s future, but it doesn’t matter whether these thoughts are negative or positive because they are assisting the mind in opening to a new reality and perspective.
If you believe in the existence of change, equality among all and the manifestation of love then you are already creating it. If you doubt the existence of such energies then your doubts are creating a process of positive creation and understanding to co-exist within your being. The wisdom that I wish to share with you today is focused upon your thoughts and perspectives. I wish for you to accept that there is no right or wrong thoughts. Breathe this perspective into your being; let it flow through your mind like a wave of light.
Chi Nei Tsang - Cleaning energy blockages - Very very very deep and effective technique
Chi Nei Tsang
We all the time read in the messages coming from our galactic, angel and spirit families, that we have to cleanse our self from the old negative energies to open up space in us for more unconditional love energy-ascension light .
Those old negative energies made home our organs. They came in with stressful, fearful, hateful, angry feelings, all kind of negative experiences and traumas. They are called energy blockages. They have to be removed and turned into light.
There are many methods of opening (cleansing) energy blockages.
Some of them:
- Chi Nei Tsang (I will talk on that….)
. Vipassana meditation (very affective, very powerful meditation-teaching of Gautama Buddha)
. Intending to be cleansed and meditating with this intention
-Asking from Archangel Michael to send his blue ray for opening our blockages and cleansing us and meditating in this blue light
-Asking from your higher self to open the blockages and meditate in your own essence energy
Brinkley: Citizen protests making an impact in China
August 25, 2012,By JOEL BRINKLEY

The way the Chinese government is behaving right now, you’d almost think it had converted to democracy. Half a dozen times in recent weeks, government officials have backed down in the face of angry citizen protests — canceling unpopular industrial projects, freeing wrongly imprisoned citizens or arresting one of its own for his reprehensible behavior.
That’s not how a communist dictatorship is supposed to behave.
To read the rest of this story, visit St.Augustine.com.
New crop circle inspires shock and awe: Who or what is making them and why is the media ignoring this incredible phenomena?
The 2012 crop circle season has been no less than mind boggling, with 26 new crop circles appearing in July alone. Now, as the last of the crops are soon to be harvested, crop circle enthusiasts scour the horizon and the landscape in the hopes for one or two more.
This Sunday they were not disappointed. The stunning and intricate crop circle that was spotted on the morning of Sunday, August 26th on Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, exceeded the wildest dreams of all. So exquisite is the intricate weaving and so precisely drawn the detail of this newest circle that it has caused people to question whether or not the images were photoshopped.
First hand accounts from those on the ground and in the air today over this breathtaking circle have attested to the fact that it does appear to be genuine.
This circle is striking in it's amazingly intricate 'weaving' method that has been found in several earlier crops, which appear to be a new technique that the 'artists' are introducing.
Some crops do resemble others in their style and form, and individual personalities are coming through in several of these mysterious masterpieces.
Learning lessons
Learning lessons…
I saw this picture and fell in love with its being. It captured my dream of a home with wide-ranging fields and serenity. I saved the picture and came across it this morning and for the first time I heard its message loud and clear. I have a way of wanting it all. I see pictures with rooms that I love and I think about how I could create that, but then I’ll find another a few days later and repeat the process. Obviously I can’t have them all. The message I got today was “Be happy with what you have”. I have this driving need to experience everything. It is not envy that makes me want that field in my front yard, I want to experience having that field in my front yard. Once I do I will move on to the next thing. I have never understood this need to experience everything, I wish I did as it gets exhausting at times. I guess I have to try harder to be happy with what I already have, but I don’t really think that is the issue. I truly like where I live. It is like I have to experience everything I possibly can, almost as if I am to report back about my experiences. To whom? Why? I think I need to spend this day contemplating this all.
~ Hilarion: Weekly Message ~ August 26, 2012
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – August 26, 2012
Beloved Ones,
The energies of Love are all around you and those of you who have been preparing for these times are beginning to experience many moments of clarity and insight about your purpose for being on this Planet. These insights come to you as flashes that come and go, sometimes so quickly that you wonder if you were imagining them.
Trust in the knowledge of your own destiny that is coming through for you and have faith that all is unfolding just as it should in perfect, divine timing. Many assistants both on Earth and in the higher dimensions are preparing you for the greatest experience of many lifetimes and many galactic cycles, the experience of Ascension.
Oracle Report - Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Greek town protests against migrant holding centre
The Express Tribune
AFP/August 25, 2012

Plans by Greece's government to house undocumented migrants in disused army camps have sparked outrage in one town.
CORINTH: Plans by Greece’s government to house undocumented migrants in disused army camps have sparked outrage in one town, as immigrants in Athens protested Friday what they say is rising xenophobia.
The mayor of the town of Corinth, west of Athens, pledged Friday to resist the move – which would see thousands of migrants temporarily lodged in camps around the country.
To read the rest of this story, visit Tribune.com.pk.
Even in recession the rich get richer: Savers have been hit for £70bn as printing money 'helps rich' admits Bank of England
Mail Online
Hugo Duncan, August 23, 2012
The Bank of England has admitted that low interest rates have robbed savers of £70billion
Record low interest rates have robbed savers of more than £70billion while printing money to revive the economy has mainly benefited the rich, the Bank of England admitted yesterday.
Interest rates have been pegged at 0.5 per cent since March 2009 – the lowest level in the Bank’s 318-year history – in an attempt to prop up the economy.
To read the rest of this story, visit dailymail.co.uk.
How Are Tampa Police Spending Your $50 Million?
ABC News
Julie Percha, August 21, 2012
Armored trucks. Digital Sandbox software upgrades. EOD X-ray machines.
If it sounds like a techie's dream come true, think again: These gadgets are all part of a slew of new gear for police in Tampa, Fla., and Charlotte, N.C. -- courtesy of Congress -- as they ramp up security detail ahead of their political conventions.
Tropical Storm Isaac heads for Gulf Coast; hurricane warning issued
Chicago Tribune
Tribune News Services, August 27, 2012
The National Hurricane Center predicted Isaac would grow to a hurricane over the warm Gulf of Mexico and possibly hit late Tuesday somewhere along a stretch that starts west of New Orleans and runs to the edge of the Florida Panhandle. That would be one day shy of seven years after Hurricane Katrina struck catastrophically in 2005.
To read the rest of this story, visit chicagotribune.com.
Official FAA Cockpit Recordings Of Pilot UFO Sightings
Uploaded by greggdurham on May 2, 2011
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.
Official FAA air traffic control recordings of commercial pilot's during UFO contact in mid air. Of course Unidentified Flying Objects are real. The question is who is piloting them... us? or them? Enjoy.
Source: YouTube.com
Saudi Shiite clerics condemn violence in restive Qatif
Al Arabiya News
August 21. 2012
“We ask the people of this town to stand firmly against violence in all shapes and forms, and to condemn transgressions against lives and property,” the clerics said in a statement released Sunday.
To read the rest of this story, visit alarabiya.net.
AP Exclusive: Romney campaign uses secretive, high-tech data-mining to find wealthy donors
By JACK GILLUM | Associated Press | Aug 24, 2012
AP Exclusive: Romney uses secretive data-mining
Mitt Romney's success in raising hundreds of millions of dollars in the costliest presidential race ever can be traced in part to a secretive data-mining project that sifts through Americans' personal information _ including their purchasing history and church attendance _ to identify new and likely, wealthy donors, The Associated Press has learned.
Gold: The Republican Death Wish
GFP Note: This is an interesting 3D perspective on building an economy on the gold standard. Although we do not have to worry about the economy anymore, I believe that there is a reason that central banks have been buying up tons of gold and have raised the value of gold from 50% to 100% - because they're the ones who rig the gold market!
Project Syndicate
Christopher T. Mahoney, August 26, 2012
The libertarian (Ron Paul) wing of the Republican party desires a complete rethink of US monetary policy, and has succeeded in having a monetary commission added to the GOP platform. Let's take a look at the Paulist ideas.
Among the libertarian desiderata are:
1. Abolition of the central bank.
2. An end to fiat money and a return to a metallic or bimetallic monetary standard.
3. Privatization of currency issuance.
Al Khalifa regime doesn’t represent the Bahraini people: Analyst
August 25, 2012
The anti-regime protests were held in several villages, including Diraz, Sadad and Bu Quwwah, on Friday.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.com.
Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity Following Scandal
By Liam Vaughan - Aug 21, 2012
Martin Wheatley, managing director of the Financial Services Authority. (Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)
Every two months, representatives from the world’s largest banks meet at an undisclosed location to review the London interbank offered rate.
Who sits on the British Bankers’ Association’s Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Committee, the body that governs the benchmark for more than $300 trillion of securities worldwide, is a secret. No minutes are published. The BBA won’t identify any members, saying it wants to protect them from being lobbied, and declined to make the chairman available for interview.
RBS Nearing Libor Settlement: Report
Huff Post
Reuters | Posted: 08/24/2012 11:30 am
Updated: 08/24/2012 12:52 pm
By Matt Scuffham and Sarah White
* Settlement seen in early fourth quarter - sources
* RBS likely to be next bank to settle - sources
* RBS fine could be higher than Barclays - lawmaker
LONDON, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland is expected to agree a settlement in the next two months with U.S. and UK authorities investigating its role in an interest-rate rigging scandal, according to industry sources, regulatory officials and lawyers familiar with the case.
The part-nationalised bank, which is 82 percent-owned by the government, is working towards a settlement early in the fourth quarter, two of the sources said.
Scientists build squishy, camouflaging robots with DARPA
Computer World
By Sharon Gaudin, August 20, 2012
Robots that glow in the dark could be used for search and rescue
Computerworld - Harvard University researchers have developed a squishy robot that can disguise itself or change its color to stand out from its background.
Those features, scientists say, could help surgeons plan complicated operations or aid search and rescue crews after disasters.
U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market
Published: August 26, 2012
WASHINGTON — Weapons sales by the United States tripled in 2011 to a record high, driven by major arms sales to Persian Gulf allies concerned about Iran’s regional ambitions, according to a new study for Congress.
Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion last year, or more than three-quarters of the global arms market, valued at $85.3 billion in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with $4.8 billion in deals.
Military Terror Plot: Murder Case Uncovers Terror Plot By 'Militia' Within U.S. Military
August 27, 2012
LUDOWICI, Ga. -- Prosecutors say a murder case against four soldiers in Georgia has revealed they formed an anarchist militia within the U.S. military with plans to overthrow the federal government.
One of the accused troops, Pfc. Michael Burnett, pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter and gang charges in the December slayings of former soldier Michael Roark and his girlfriend, 17-year-old Tiffany York.
To read the rest of this article visit:http://www.huffingtonpost.com
Bill Ballard ~ We’re Rockin Our World Today! There’s A Whole Lot Of Shakin Going On!
27 August 2012
LISS – Live Internet Seismic Server
GSN Stations
These data update automatically every 30 minutes. Last update: August 27, 2012 14:49:27 UTC
Seismograms may take several moments to load. Click on a plot to see larger image.
He Mele No Lilo
As an old soul, I often am in touch with my past lives. For example, I have been a Jewish slave in Egypt. I have total recall of this, and I have met a handful of people who were key persons in that slave girl's life. (They didn't know who I was, but I knew who they were and what they did to me back then.)
Sometimes food will trigger a recollection. Sometimes travel. When I went to The Place of Refuge on Big Island, there was a festival of sorts for us tourists. All of the ancient arts were there with volunteers to share them. I made a bracelet out of straw woven plant material that I still have to this day, sixteen years later. The plant lady with the medicines intrigued me. In my heart I knew the indigenous peoples were a lot smarter than the rest of us in little white coats today.
But although the place seemed vaguely familiar, it was when I got my turn to ride in the outrigger canoe in the bay there, that my soul flipped out in the time department. In my joy I was neither 'here' nor 'there' in some unforeseen place in time. I wanted to stay in that boat forever. When I at last came to shore, I sat on rock at the point for a very long time, dipping my feet in the water. It was then that I found my two stones. They just 'popped up' in my sight, and I noticed them. They were there for me, a gift from the Island, the Menehune said. (I see fairies and menehune too) One was the size of my palm, smooth, round, flat and red lava. The other was a matching size but white coral that had been shaped and worn smooth by the water.
Those stones helped me through residency so much! When I held them, one in each hand, white on the right, it would balance my energy. I used them a lot as I worked through my training. They are at my bedside today.
I have been back and forth to Hawaii many times since. My favorite is the chorus of little frogs at night that lull you to sleep.
Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead: Bigger Picture Week

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff
“In this moment, what is transpiring in your own personal life? How does that feel? Is it working for you? What would you change? What would you enjoy expanding? We are not asking you to change anything. We are just asking you to bring your awareness to what is taking place right now in this moment. We are not passing any judgment. Once you shed light onto something you can’t go back. You must be aware and face what is. You always have choices about what to do from this place. Know that nothing is stuck. You may help change anything that is in this current moment and experience. You may also just enjoy whatever you have.” – a meditative thought from my guides.
Living during this time in Earth’s planetary history comes with a unique set of challenges. Learning how to increase your life force by returning to inner balance, while being exposed to the many external influences we interact with on a daily basis has the potential to rattle the best of us. It is crucial, however, during the amplified energetic cycles of 2012 not only to maintain, but to increase your “inner awareness” attention.
AA Michael~ Thoughts and Intentions for the Paralympics London
Natalie Glasson- 26-08-12
I am Archangel Michael, I simply wished to come forward with a few words and some inspiration for the beginning of the Paralympics in London on the 29th August 2012. With the support and love of many lightworkers many shifts have been made during the period of the Olympics, the presence of
love will always have a positive effect upon the reality that you experience and exist within.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Joy Let joy be your inspiration
Monday, August 27, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Joy
Message From Archangel Zadkiel For September 2012 – You Divine Spark Within
Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel For September 2012 – You Divine Spark Within – 27 August 2012

Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert September 2012
Mahala Astrology Blog | August 27 2012
Have you noticed how chaotic the energy has become? There is lots of drama out there and I can’t say that I have missed out on the drama because a good friend of our family died of a heart attack on Sunday, August 12th. He was only 61 years old. I know what it is like on the other side because of my death experience. That experience took all fear of death away from me. What I experienced was beauty beyond belief which I believe was on a very high level of heaven. Hopefully our friend moved through the astral level into the higher realms. It is such a hard lesson for the ones who will experience his loss and miss him. There have been others who have left my life this past year and I miss them.