Gaia's Request

Gaia-s-Voice's picture


Beloved of my existence. You who know so much. You who have come back to Love. You must know now that I am also your Child.  You beloveds are my caregiver. You truly ARE Mother and Daddy. I ask even beseech you who Will, to use your Voice—which makes your thoughts and feeling physical—to speak out these commands of Love's Power to act on OUR behalf. Some of you are so "knowing" of your Light and the New Earth that you've forgotten that the other 7/8's of my planet need direct intervention from You Now.  You need not protest, lest you really want to. You can be so helpful to me by using your Voice as One with or for the others who are still seeking the Light.   ~ Please.

   "As God in Action:

... I Call upon the Greatest Beings in the Universe who are assisting Earth and Humanity, to project into all Humanity everywhere the most powerful, purifying fiery Light, from the Suns to sweep-out any and all obstructions and discord that is still acting in our Consciousness and Vehicles.   Fire the People Awake !  

... I Call upon the Greatest Angelic like Beings from all venues, all Starships, All Inner-Earth Masters of Love's Fire Power now, to Purify, Purify the Water Element everywhere; from every mountain spring, river, lake, sea and Ocean! And especially in the bodies of all Humanity, to ready the collective emotional body of the Hu-man Being to hold the Harmony and be the Open Heart of Loves Determined Power controlling.

... I pause now to See and Feel these requests made manifest.

... I Am equal to all those i have called upon. God is One.

... I Am Grateful, I Am so very Grateful."