Mother. Father God and the Great Cosmic Climax

Gaia-s-Voice's picture

Blessings Beloveds, I am, I Am, I AM ~ the energies of AM.

Some know me as a mother of Mother Gods. That I Am.!  The Moment is ripe, the 'time' is Now, and You Are THAT which I AM.

Let us speak as one ~in the first person, Together.

+ Breathe easily, deeply and happily throughout your next set of days and upcoming weeks my beloveds.

+ Remember your 'favorite' Affirmations / Decrees.  Use mantra as an armor  of Light, Love, Life, God. Realize that when you speak a thing it instantly resides in your close aura and lives or becomes a Thing that pulsates back to the physical one who sent it. As in "I Am the Truth of perfect Health, Eternal Youthfulness and well being. Or, I Am the Peace Commanding Presence. or I Am the Divine Plan Fulfilled, ...." 

You/you need this : you really "need free of fear 'need'" more tangible experiences in this—your world—outer appearance, acting.

+ In your cells of all your bodily systems you all have logged memories of former New Ages collapsing. Now you know that this one is not going to.... But undeniably, you have pulsating within you, cellularly, recorded memories that for most all of you reading this have not yet been fully silenced and transmuted. We mention this because, "We" want the same thing you want. And That is total moment to moment victorious Love, Harmony and sustained Peace in every-way possible.

+ Most have no idea what the last hand is, that will be allowed to be played-out by the pawns of the sinister group. It is the last ones, and they are all but silenced and whisked away. And they will be allowed because they are your beloved self 'over there' and you wish more Illumination ~which is one of the first Children of Love.

+ You 'need' all of the Power of Loves Illumination to feel that you KNOW That I Am the only Presence acting.

+ We are the Victorious Now Moment of Loves PERFECT Presence knowing what we 'need' to know. You have no needs. I am, I Am, I AM and I AM the One who has You as my Own. BeCause of Your Great Love to Life as it is.