Ask not what your President can do for you

David Porter's picture




Ask not what a political leader can do for you, but rather what this one has done for his family - all inclusive Earth Family. Ask within what the truth of intent is with the one in question. Whomever gets this appointment to run "our" affairs is no more important than one single individual, you. This one depends on us just as much as we do on this one.


Vote not for a person because this one has your bloodline, DNA characteristics, is your similar creed, gender or nationality, has your religious beliefs or came from your neck of the woods.


But rather place your intent in the pool of you and me and the ALL of us leading and guiding our appointed care-takers into the direction of our own “Guidance Systems” that of the “Spark" that takes residence inside your very Heart. The small, subtle, still voice that has always offered Her guidance to you. When you are still, and surrender to Him, you will know. Let This Wisdom be your Guide.


Follow your Bliss the Heart is where Bliss resides for your use when applied.


Ask what you can do for your Planet and Her Beings of all the other many shades of Love and Light.


To ask, seek and knock has not been hidden from you, but it is an option if you care to apply it.


May The Force flow through you into all whom you encounter.  



For further reference and enlightenment, read book one of the series:

 “Remember Who You Are” The Awakening, by David Porter
