Greetings from Galactic Heart
Holy Smokes! How is everyone coping with the influx of the energies of 11-11, 11-22, new moons, full moons, solar eclipse, etc? The planet is accelerating so quickly into higher frequency patterns it can bring on many "ascension symptoms".
In my daily activities, I am in contact with many Starseeds. We always share our body's aches and pains. When we share our experiences, we tend to feel better knowing that what we are experiencing is a result from the integration of our higher Light-energy bodies.
During this phase of our Ascension cycle, we may experience a variety of physical symptoms as we shift our cells into higher frequency patterns. Here's a few of the symptoms I have been experiencing in the past couple months:
Headaches in the back of my head (activating well-0f-dreams chakra)
Extreme fatigue (I thought I was tired before....oy vey!)
Sleep well for two nights, up all night for two nights
Fuzzy toes.....constant tingling
Occasionally when walking, feeling off-balance; walking into walls
Lack of ability to focus, concentrate
Recently for 48 hours I experienced a rash then it disappeared
Loss of interest in food~~especially preparing it :-)
Heart arrhythmia ~ irregular heart beat ~ I experienced this mostly 2 years ago. However, about a week ago I experienced an irregular and hard heartbeat for 3 hours on and off. It was very scary. I called in Supa, a member of my Arcturian/galactic medical team. I could feel her presence but nothing was changing. I received a telepathic message telling me that my heart was re-calibrating so there wasn't anything she could do but make sure I went through it without incident. I thanked her for the message. I proceeded to let go of all fear and simply Love myself. The next day was brutal. I felt like I had been run over by a mack truck. Recovery time was one day.
Remember to be kind and gentle with your selves and others. I hope this helps. Of course, I am not giving any medical advice. It may be beneficial for some to seek out medical or psychological treatment during our process. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration.
Selamat Ja!
FYI~~ Sheldan's book, Your First Contact, has a whole chapeter dedicated to "The New You".
Thanks Colleen
I could write a book on all my symtoms too!
Love your Sirian updates and read them all.
Love and light.
thank you.. it really makes me feel better hearing others also having the same aches or discomfort.. just kind a proof of what is really going on.
I had these same heart
I had these same heart symptoms earlier in the year. Tonight someone with very strong energy from my soul family walked behind me. I felt an intense flush of heat like when you stand up too quickly. I made it about halfway back to the chair before I passed out and came to as soon as I hit the ground. It was not something that has happened to me before. I had hot rushes all night cuddling with him on the couch. No puking this time. I think the portal energy has moved up to higher chakras.
Nice to know that I'm not alone or crazy!
I've been challenged by these physical symptoms since 2006. Please note that I'm only sharing my observations & experiences. Please don't hesitate to seek medical help if you feel the need.
One day in spring 2006 while working, I felt like I'd been hit by lightning, after that I discovered this strange ability to "tune" into people's I guess I can call it "energy". By looking at almost anyone (works much better with perfect strangers) I can get a general sense of their well being. Also by hearing someones voice I can ascertain their state of well being too. I can also spot liars a mile away.
However it came with a price, I also get to pick up the "nasties" that is the negative energies associated with a persons state. <---- VERY NASTY. The best way I can put it is like if you ate something that tasted really bad and the taste lingers in your mouth for a couple of days and taints anything else you eat after.
It took me about a year of so to learn how to tune peoples energy out and not dive into it where it "sticks" to me. My method of doing that is to look at everyone as a child of one creator. As odd as it sounds not judging others really helps shaking of the nasty vibes.
The same goes for certain physical locations, example: certain stores, airports, places where people congregate can either feel AWESOME or just downright AWEFUL in terms of what I call energy or vibes.
I went through a phase where I "regressed" and I gradually lost my ability to walk. Not that something was physically "wrong" with me, I just had trouble walking, the physical sensation was similar to being very drunk but yet quite sober and having very poor muscle control. It got progressively worse, hit a low point then in about 6 months reversed, I was SO happy when I could run again :) I had to re-learn how to walk and run again.
Other symptoms:
1. Raging "tingling" or vibration of my legs and feet. I found that for me this corresponds well with our Suns solar flares aka CME's coronal mass ejections activity. I can now literally sense incoming large CME's before they are even announced or before they reach earth based on how strongly my feet are vibrating, it's the strangest thing.
Some of the tingling/vibrations sensations can be quite powerful, so powerful that it feels like I'm walking in invisible water up to my thighs.
2. Sudden insane almost unstoppable urge to go to sleep no matter how much I've slept, thankfully this occurs mostly at night. A heavy sensation suddenly overtakes me and I feel like I haven't slept in several days, then it's light out.
3. Sudden uncontrollable weight gain <-- typically my body tends to hoard food in my abdomen area as we approach powerful solar flares. I get constipated during the CME's (yes I've done some incredibly stupid unscientific tests like once I took enough laxatives to service an elephant, absolutely NOTHING happened , my simply body refused to change it's regularly scheduled program. I've stopped fighting and now just trust my body to do what's best.)
4. What I call the screen saver. I sometimes see colorful visuals that look like a very fancy screen saver. I see particles dancing intelligently. Typically after or during solar flared, for about 15 to 30 mins after I wake up I see these awesome looking geometric shapes that overlays what my eyes see, kinda like the heads up display in fighter jet pilot helmets.
5. Sudden and very intense sadness of great magnitude where for almost a week I cried for the planet and the people that suffered on it. As odd as that sounds it was an awful experience to feel so much deep sadness. Thankfully this only happened once for about a week.
6. Shortly after the sadness incident, I switched jobs so that I only work for companies that contribute positively to the well being of the planet, like hospitals etc. I no longer take jobs from say shady financial institutions even though the pay is typically way more, I'm very content.
7. Feeling of tipping over to one side when walking, interestingly there are days when it feels like I have to over compensate to stop from tipping over to the left, some other days it's to the right. Very strange indeed. I still experience this sensation often. This sensation typically occurs shortly before, during and shortly after solar flares.
I could go on an on and write a book about this stuff, what a weird 6 years. WOW!
My understanding is to expect wonderful things regarding ascension, however at this time I'm very VERY ready for it to be over, lol.