- Latest Earthquake Activity - January 29, 2013
- Volcanoes Today, 29 Jan 2013 - updates on world-wide volcanic activity
- Sakurajima Vulcano Japan 2013 + MANY UFOS AROUND !!! PT. 6
- ERUPTION + !!!WTF?!!! UFOs IN THE SEA AND IN THE AIR @ Sakurajima Vulcano Japan
- Light orb of energy
- Latest Message from Archangel Michael / Ronna Herman - "THE EIGHT STAGES OF SELF-AWARENESS"
- Unending rivers of lava now flowing from Kamchatka’s Plosky Tolbachik volcano
- Doubt over Jakarta cloud-seeding
- How Changes in the Sun Impact Earth's Climate
- 3MIN News January 29, 2013: Climate News
- The Heart Song for January 29th 2013
- Giant magnetized outflows from our Galactic Center
- Remnants of Tropical Cyclone Oswald caused raging floodwaters in northern Australia
- Brilliant~ PepsiCo replacing Gatorade ingredient after online petition
- Jennifer Hoffman – Indigo & Crystals – Unemployed Or Un-Managed? – 28 January 2013
- Infinite Waters – I Love You But I Fancy Someone Else – 28 January 2013
- ~ Stop The Press~ Weekly Meeting All Are Welcome~ Begins at 10:30am Pacific
- Iceland: Showing Us All the Possibilities of Nova Earth
- Barbara Marx Hubbard on Co-Creating the Newborn Planetary Culture Update
- WakingTimes – Konstantin Eriksen – Spiritual Tranformation – 28 January 2013
- Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal – 28 January 2013
- Wes Annac ~ Working Toward A New Paradigm : Coming Together, Demanding Truth And Making Contact (Part1/3)
- Grace Is Now Your Daily Bread
- February 14th 2013 We will Be Rising Join US for a Global Movement
- Laura Bruno – Healthy Skin : A Medical Intuitive Perspective – 28January2013
- Give Peas A Chance
- Sophia Love - A Gift from One ~ Music
- Seafoam takes over Aussie beach town
- The Morning Blessing 01.29.13
- Sarah-Jane Grace: Good Vibrations
- Australians Flee Deadly Floods
- The manuscript of survival – part 260
- Oracle Report Tuesday, January 29, 2013
- Arizona Flooding Strands Hikers
- Israel central bank chief to step down in June 9:53a.m. EST January 29, 2013
- South-west England and south Wales brace for further floods
- Lisa Gawlas~The Clearing, The Merging, The Fire Within!
- We always return to your heart~ Michael Through Ron Head
- Rectification of Front Line Light Beings Ongoing…
- Big Story Weather – January 29, 2013
- Iceland President: Let the Banks Go Bankrupt… “Why do we consider banks … holy churches?” (Video)
- Why Arctic Sea Ice Melts So Quickly
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ The Moon
- Winter Storm Luna Recap
- Severe flooding hits part of country with more expected
- Heavenletter #4449 - Wonder of Wonders
- Is it spring or is it winter? Wild roller coaster of temperatures for the U.S.
- Visionkeeper - Release the fear…
- First Genetically Engineered Flu Vaccine Now on the Market
- The Galactic Free Press Update: Anticipate Huge Energetic Movement In February
- Infinite Waters – Together We Can Change The World – 29 January 2013
- Drumbeats of change: Idle No More fires up Canada as movement spreads like wildfire
- Re~Hearter - Two Tiny Chat Sessions this Afternoon! Starting at 2 pm Eastern.
- Jeff Foster – All That’s Left Is Laughter – 29 January 2013
- Hidden Comes to Light ~ Selacia
- Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Metatron: Real Love IsThe Great Catalyst – 29 January 2013
- Five mind-boggling images of freak Atlantic storm
- Chief Grey Eagle – Happiness Is Your Responsibility – 29 January 2013
- Irma Kaye ~ Sacred Wisdom In The Year Of The Snake ~
Geetings Love Beings, An ENergetic February awaits us. The energy is already building in the Feild and the Higher Grid Continues Lighting Up. This will be a continual Process all Year Long as Love Moves Into Humanity's Lives and Hearts. Enjoy Your Day! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
Latest Earthquake Activity - January 29, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the quake in EASTERN KAZAKHSTAN
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
January 29
Volcanoes Today, 29 Jan 2013 - updates on world-wide volcanic activity
Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/29/13
Sakurajima Vulcano Japan 2013 + MANY UFOS AROUND !!! PT. 6
Sakurajima Vulcano Japan 2013 + MANY UFOS AROUND !!! PT. 6
ERUPTION + !!!WTF?!!! UFOs IN THE SEA AND IN THE AIR @ Sakurajima Vulcano Japan
!!!WTF?!!! UFOs IN THE SEA AND IN THE AIR @ Sakurajima Vulcano Japan
Latest Message from Archangel Michael / Ronna Herman - "THE EIGHT STAGES OF SELF-AWARENESS"
Ronnastar Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-02-2013
Unending rivers of lava now flowing from Kamchatka’s Plosky Tolbachik volcano
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/29/13
January 28, 2013 – KAMCHATKA - A volcano erupting in Russia’s Far East has sent plumes of gas, ash and molten lava into the sky. Footage filmed on Friday shows rivers of molten lava flowing in the remote area of the Plosky Tolbachik volcano, in Kamchatka peninsula. “The hot materials have erupted to the height of up to one hundred meters,” said Yuri Demyanchuk, a volcanologist who has made several visits to the site. According to authorities, there is no immediate threat to residential areas, but officials have advised residents to ensure they have access to protective masks. The nearest town is around 60 kilometers away. The volcano started erupting in November, after lying dormant for almost 40 years. –Telegraph
Channeling from Lady of Fatima - "The Great Transformation"
Doubt over Jakarta cloud-seeding
Radio Australia - 1/29/13
Doubt has been cast over Indonesian efforts to "seed" clouds to make rain before downpours reach flooded Jakarta.
Dr Thomas Chubb, of Australia's Monash University, said an international weather modification association had found "there is very little evidence for the type of seeding that the Indonesians are proposing."
To listen to the audio and read the rest of this story, visit Radio Australia.
How Changes in the Sun Impact Earth's Climate
Astrobiology Magazine - 1/29/13
Summary: A new report describes some surprisingly complex ways in which the Sun affects Earth's climate. Radiation from the Sun impacts everything from the Earth's upper atmosphere down to our planet's surface, and plays in important role in shpaing the future of life on Earth.
The Heart Song for January 29th 2013
The Heart Song for January 29th 2013 is
Freedom NOW by Doctor Moe of The Galactic Free Press
(Dr. Moe) I put this together today in support of Canada's First Nations Peoples "Idle No More" Peace and Protest Movement.
Freedom Now
Copyright: Maurice Turmel, 1999, 2011
(This song is presented from the perspective of God or Great Spirit singing to us and inviting us to join with Him/Her in our Hearts so we can be truly Free as we were designed to be)
Spread your wings and fly with Me
Up toward the Heavens
Spread your wings and come along
I’ll try to be gentle
Fly with Me, my darling
Fly along your path
We’ll keep pace together
And help release your past
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom,
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom Now
Fly to your heart’s content
Wherever Spirits soar
We are waiting for you there
The Guardians of Heaven’s door
Come on now friend, you know it
You’ve seen Us in your dreams
Giant magnetized outflows from our Galactic Center
Source: The Watchers - 1/28/13, By Adonai
Two years ago, CfA astronomers reported the discovery of giant, twin lobes of gamma-ray emission protruding about 50,000 light-years above and below the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, and centered on the supermassive black hole at our galaxy’s core.
The scientists argued then that the bubbles were produced either by an eruption from the black hole sometime in the past, or else by a burst of star formation in that vicinity.
Remnants of Tropical Cyclone Oswald caused raging floodwaters in northern Australia
The Watchers - 1/28/13, By Chillymanjaro
The remnants of Tropical Cyclone Oswald impacted Australia. Two people were missing and the body of a third person was recovered from raging floodwaters as severe storms pounded northeastern Australia on January 27, 2013 , forcing more than 1,000 to flee their homes. The Insurance Council of Australia declared a statewide catastrophe in several towns and cities and that major flood warnings had been issued. About 1-1.5 metres of rain was estimated to have fallen since the storms began. The rain depression is expected to finally mobilise southward overnight to begin tormenting the southeast.
Brilliant~ PepsiCo replacing Gatorade ingredient after online petition
(Reuters) - PepsiCo Inc is removing a controversial chemical from its Gatorade drinks following concerns from consumers and an online petition by a Mississippi teenager.
Gatorade said the change was not a response to the petition, although the 15-year-old girl claimed victory.
The ingredient, brominated vegetable oil (BVO), is a chemical containing bromine, which is found in fire retardants. Small quantities of BVO are used legally in some citrus-flavored drinks in the United States to keep the flavor evenly distributed.
It was present in Gatorade Orange and Lemonade and other smaller flavors.
Thank You to Belinda
As we go through this process of transition and ascension, we are switching on our light bodies and ascending into new ways of living and being. We are becoming multi-dimensional, and capable of functioning at higher frequencies of conscious awareness. But as we break through to these new levels, many of us are finding ourselves without the tools for managing the very real physical and emotional efffects that are a daily part of the break-through into multi-dimensional living.
In this article, I want to offer some tools for managing the energy. Archangel Michael has asked me to share this information with you , but I also want to say a special thank-you to my friend, David, master shaman and teacher, who showed me how to use these tools.
Jennifer Hoffman – Indigo & Crystals – Unemployed Or Un-Managed? – 28 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 28, 2013
At the moment, everyone in my immediate family is unemployed, by society’s standards. This means that no one has an official j-o-b, in which they work for someone. I couldn’t be more thrilled, especially for my children who, as Indigos, have tried really hard to fit into the regular, ‘normal’ job world and it just didn’t work for them. It never worked for me either and after six layoffs in eight years I decided to pursue another path. But while ‘unemployed’ is what this is called, everyone is working, although their gifts, talents, time and energy resources are not being managed by someone else.
Infinite Waters – I Love You But I Fancy Someone Else – 28 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted January 28, 2013
Uploaded on 27 January 2013 by Kemetprince1 Merging With The Greater Part of Ourselves!
~ Stop The Press~ Weekly Meeting All Are Welcome~ Begins at 10:30am Pacific
Greetings Love Beings, The Grid Continues to Light Up as The New Earth energies continue Pouring Into The Planet. AS a result much clearing is underway, as we begin the first stages of the Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart. Only those who have moved into Unity Consciousness will Be Experiencing this. Join us Live today beginning at 10:30am Pacific. We will be discussing recent events and messages from Sheldan Nidle, Bill Ballard, Barbra Marx Hubbard, and many more. We will also be discussing what is happening with these current energies, The Co~ Creation of The New Earth, and the wild weather and events over the past couple of Days. Upon Joining us be prepared to enter High Vibrational Energy as this Room represents the Higher Grid. We are Here to Love YOU!
All Who Enter are Affected one way or the other!!! You can Join us At This Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Love The Earth Allies
Iceland: Showing Us All the Possibilities of Nova Earth
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac January 28, 2013
Thanks to Stephen Cook and Golden Age of Gaia.
Note from Stephen Cook: Last year, we posted some of the wonderfully uplifting stories about what appeared to be going on in Iceland, as the country and her people defiantly took on the ‘might’ of the big banks, big business and the European Union.
As you may recall, the mainstream media wasn’t giving us the full picture of what was happening in this country of just 320,000 people and I even wrote to the Icelandic government seeking confirmation of some of the stories that were making their way to alternative media sites. Without much luck, I should add.
Barbara Marx Hubbard on Co-Creating the Newborn Planetary Culture Update
Barbara Marx Hubbard describes people joining together to express their desire to co-create the newborn planetary culture on Dec. 22, 2012, as Day One of the New Era. Thanks to Natalie.
2013 Catalyst says: “If you haven’t already done so, consider making 2013 the year that you become an Agent of Conscious Evolution.” This video is for those who “feel a burning desire to help cocreate a new world during this early post-Birth phase.” (http://theshiftnetwork.com/newsletter/catalyst/2013-01-26/2013-catalyst-issue-2.)
WakingTimes – Konstantin Eriksen – Spiritual Tranformation – 28 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 28, 2013
You are asleep and you don’t even know it. You need a spiritual transformation. Deep down, you know it. Something doesn’t feel right. It’s like you’ve been living the same day, over and over again. Life doesn’t seem to have any meaning.
Like in the movie The Matrix, we live in a simulated reality – a false “reality” that is separate from nature. What is this “reality?” It is the sum-total of our beliefs, opinions and cause & effect connections in our minds. Some come from external sources and some come from within ourselves. Religions, nationalist ideals, political theories, interpretations of history, etc… All of these are examples of externally created ideas that we adopted. The beliefs we created ourselves are much more difficult to spot.
Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal – 28 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted January 28, 2013
Highlighted Aspects this Week
IT IS INCREDIBLE that we are already saying good-bye to January and beginning February this week. It feels like we’ve been catapulted into the new year — and things don’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.
Wes Annac ~ Working Toward A New Paradigm : Coming Together, Demanding Truth And Making Contact (Part1/3)
28 January 2013
As a human race, we feed methods of running this world that simply do not work for us. It is clear to the majority of people on this world that the ways we’ve been treating it and each other have been doing us no good and will not help us achieve a prosperous and peaceful future as we rightly should be, as a sentient collective. Separation, hatred and injustice are rife on this world and the continued denial of humanity’s oneness will only keep leading us down the same broken path that is clearly not working for us.
There are and have been for generations and even centuries, plenty of people on this world who recognized and understood that humanity’s methods of collectively running the world have held us back.
Grace Is Now Your Daily Bread
Oracles and Healers January 28, 2013
Reblogged from Channeling Grace: Guidance for the Shift:
Preface to Mother Mary: Grace is Now Your Daily Bread, channeled by Rev. Jennifer Donaldson
I read a lot on other new age blogs about how many lightworkers are feeling “disappointed” in the promised ascension, that things don’t appear different, and while I too hoped for a more dramatic increase in palpable light, i have come to trust that our collective pathway (which has been created already from our higher levels of wisdom in collaboration with our Teachers and Guides and Divine Parents) has been designed to be as gentle as we would allow, and timed perfectly for our individual wills, to choose the most sustainable pace. What fun would it be to be catapulted through our remaining resistance, and then feel ourselves being sucked back down to the level we can sustain??
February 14th 2013 We will Be Rising Join US for a Global Movement
This is Just One Video which Represents The Largest Global Meditation this Planet has Ever Seen which will Occur On Thursday V Day!!!! The Galactic Free Press will Be Participating in this event and we would Like to see as Many Possible With US. On December 21st we had 22 Million People On the Panet Particiapte In a Meditation. On this day we may have Over 1 Billion People On the Planet which will break this record. Many Famous Actors are also joining in this Movement. This is a Huge Victory for the Light. This event in the 3d realm is about Women's Rights and the end of the Abuse. The Feminine Energy will Be Rising in a Big Way On this Date which is exactly what this Planet needs! More Love. Lets All Rise together The Moment has Come.
More From Jane Fonda and
Robert Redford
You can Join us Live On February 14th 2013 at this Link for the Global Mediation: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
We will be dancing, being in Joy and Love together this day to facilitate this energy
To Find out the details of this Event You can Go this Site
Laura Bruno – Healthy Skin : A Medical Intuitive Perspective – 28January2013
The Golden Age Daily January 28, 2013
Laura Bruno
This old article from 2009 just popped up for me … quite synchronously, indeed. Sometimes old “Laura Bruno posts” give me exactly the insight I had begun to seek elsewhere. LOL, but true. I decided to repost this piece because four years later than the original article, I’m again hearing from many, many clients experiencing outbreaks of acne, rosacea, strange rashes, shingles and other skin ailments — especially people for whom long awaited goals have suddenly begun to manifest. If I’m getting that many calls for sessions about this, as well as experiencing some skin issues myself and hearing the same from friends and family members who normally have “perfect skin,” then I figure there are many more silent people out there who would benefit from this information. Blessings to all in these unusually intense and expansive times!
from 2009:
Seafoam takes over Aussie beach town
KVUE.com - 1/28/13
GOLD COAST, Australia -- A stretch of Queensland's Sunshine Coast has been blanketed in sea foam, swept ashore by the remnants of a tropical cyclone that struck Australia last week.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit KVUE.com.
The Morning Blessing 01.29.13
Some days it is all too easy to lose sight of this, given the dense accumulation of atoms and other physical material indicative of a third-dimensional world. You are not a third-dimensional being, but you have altered your formlessness into a being equipped with unique and specific qualities, one of which is to understand and therefore transcend that which is limiting into that which is limitless.
Sarah-Jane Grace: Good Vibrations
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac January 29, 2013
A message from Sarah-Jane Grace
Tuesday, 29 January, 2013
In many ways it seems that we are still resting in the lull after the storm of 2012, for there is a stillness and a ‘quiet’ within, and without; the air feels fresh and clear, and there is a sense of peace that is hard to deny. Yet, on closer exploration, it seems that within the quiet, a great deal of activity is occurring, for nothing ever remains the same for long. As a result, there is an underlying exuberance and buoyancy that is gently dancing on the waves that continue to lap the shorelines of our souls. It is hard to put into words, but this exuberance is both tangible and palpable.
Australians Flee Deadly Floods
Wunderground.com - 1/29/13
A man comforts his daughter on their roof as they inspect damage to their neighborhood as parts of southern Queensland experiences record flooding in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Oswald on Jan. 29, 2013 in Bundaberg, Australia. Getty Images
BRISBANE, Australia -- Rescuers helped drivers escape swift floodwaters and used helicopters to pluck stranded people from rooftops in northeast Australia on Tuesday after torrential rains flooded thousands of homes and businesses, killed four and forced thousands to huddle in shelters.
Floodwaters peaked in most of the worst-hit areas by evening. Some communities that were initially expected to be inundated appeared to have escaped major damage, with levees holding back the muddy water in one city that was in the high danger zone. But officials were still urging caution, as fast-moving floodwaters in New South Wales prompted 50 rescues, most involving drivers stuck in cars swept away by the current.
Oracle Report Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Full Moon Phase - Moon in Leo/Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi
The Oracle Report will return tomorrow, Wednesday, January 30, 2013.
Arizona Flooding Strands Hikers
Accuweather.com - 1/29/13, Molly Cochran
Heavy rainfall and resultant flooding on Saturday left 40 to 50 hikers stranded in Bear Canyon near the Catalina Mountains.
The hikers that were rescued said the river swelled within minutes, according to Associated Press.
To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.
Israel central bank chief to step down in June 9:53a.m. EST January 29, 2013
USA Today 9:53a.m. EST January 29, 2013
The Governor of the Central Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer(Photo: Eric Piermont, AFP/Getty)
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's central bank governor, Stanley Fischer, has submitted his resignation.
The Bank of Israel said Tuesday that Fischer told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would step down on June 30. It gave no reason for his departure, which comes two years before his term is set to end.
South-west England and south Wales brace for further floods
The Guardian - 1/29/13, Stephen Morris
• Amber warnings in place and 'significant disruption' possible
• Man dies in Scotland after apparent lightning strike
The Environment Agency is warning that "significant disruption" could be possible from flooding in the south-west of England and south Wales as heavy rain and strong winds batter parts of the UK.
Lisa Gawlas~The Clearing, The Merging, The Fire Within!
It’s a good thing I live and thrive in the “weird and strange” zone, because yesterday was every bit of that, from the moment I got out of bed. When I sat down at my computer yesterday morning to share my mornings understandings, suddenly my lungs decided they needed to purge some (a lot) of phlegm. Granted I am a smoker, but I never ever hack like I did yesterday and constantly spewing up lung content (phlegm.) But for close to a full half hour, I couldn’t even type for the hacking. However, in-between the coughing I did manage to drink yesterdays coffee (I always leave a cup of coffee from the day before so I don’t have to wait in the morning for my first cup) well… seems my body decided to kick in the gag reflex too at the end of my first coffee and what went in, came straight out, over and over again until there was nothing left in my stomach to bring up.
After all that ruckus inside, I was perfectly fine, well, mostly. The sinuses stepped in for the next few hours, but so mild compared to my mornings eruption within!!
We always return to your heart~ Michael Through Ron Head
Our purpose today will be to point out to many of you the tools which you have on your personal workshops, and which you do not recognize, understand, or give credence to due to the conditioning of your environments and societies. It is important now for you to find and begin to utilize these to the fullest extent possible for you.
Of course your workshop, if you remember, is located in the heart space you find with intent when you close your eyes and move your focus into your heart. There is more to this which you may find and which we may discuss in a later message.
Rectification of Front Line Light Beings Ongoing…
Gaia Portal January 29, 2013
Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing. Such beings will note a heightened sense of purpose; others will note a heightened desire for change in local circumstances.
Inner Recognition of the “Higher Calling” is paramount. Continuous release of paradigms as recent as the prior moment is required.
Rapid upgrades occur for those who recognize their Higher Self as an evolving Light Being. “Evolving” is the key word at this point.
Many of humanity are refusing assistance to higher levels. Such beings will remain in the standard 3D environment throughout this next cosmic cycle. Assistance will be granted at the appropriate time, with the appropriate method.
Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship.
Big Story Weather – January 29, 2013
RedOrbit.com - 1/29/13, Joshua Kelly
Big Story Weather from January 28: The snow and ice that impacted the Northeast and Great Lakes region yesterday created large impacts for the region. The second big story was the heavy snow that started moving out of the Rockies through the Northern Plains with some places getting over 6 inches in South Dakota and North Dakota. The third story was the heat as some places along the Gulf Coast where back into the mid 70’s.
Weather Outlook for January 29: Low pressure moving through the Great Lakes will bring heavy rain and snow to the region. A second low pressure developing over the Southern Plains will be the focus for some severe weather today with the chance of seeing damaging winds and hail along with tornadoes from Eastern Texas into the Lower Mississippi River Valley. High pressure will build in over the Northern Rockies which will bring some very cold air to the East over the next few days. A warm front still along the West Coast will bring showers to the Pacific Northwest. Below is the weather for a few select cities.
Iceland President: Let the Banks Go Bankrupt… “Why do we consider banks … holy churches?” (Video)
Conscious Life News Sunday, January 27th, 2013
“Why do we consider banks to be like holy churches?” is the rhetorical question that Iceland’s President Olafur Ragnar Grimson asks (and answers) in this truly epic three minutes of truthiness from the farce that is the World Economic Forum in Davos. Amid a week of back-slapping and self-congratulatory party-outdoing, as John Aziz notes, the Icelandic President explains why his nation is growing strongly, why unemployment is negligible, and how they moved from the world’s poster-child for banking crisis 5 years ago to a thriving nation once again. Simply put, he says, “we didn’t follow the prevailing orthodoxies of the last 30 years in the Western world.” There are lessons here for everyone – as Grimson explains the process of creative destruction that remains much needed in Western economies – though we suspect his holographic pass for next year’s Swiss fun will be reneged…
Why Arctic Sea Ice Melts So Quickly
Weather.com - 1/28/13, Becky Oskin, Our Amazing Planet
Antarctic Ice Waves. From our partners.Though they appear to be frozen ocean waves, these blue ice towers in Antarctica are created when ice compresses, forcing trapped air bubbles out. When sunlight passes through this thick frozen ice, blue light waves are visible but the red light is absorbed. (Photo credit: Tony Travouillon)
During the Arctic spring and summer, ponds of freshwater appear on the melting ice, dotting the landscape with a dazzling range of blues.
Despite their beauty, these melt ponds are a harbinger of climate change in the Arctic, according to a new study by researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. The pools form more easily on young ice, and young ice now accounts for more than 50 percent of the Arctic sea ice cover. The ponds also absorb more of the sun's heat, helping ice melt faster, the study finds.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ The Moon
Angel Wisdom Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Full Moon's Glow
Winter Storm Luna Recap
Weather.com - 1/29/13, Chris Dolce
iWitness Weather. Valjean Walton, dressed up as the Statue of Liberty, stands on the Journal Square Plaza in Jersey City, N.J., as snow falls, handing out leaflets for a tax company, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/The Jersey Journal, Reena Rose Sibayan)
Our clickable map above shows all icing reports in the Upper Midwest and East through late Monday afternoon. Click on each icon to see the ice report.
Ice accumulations from 1/4 to 1/2 inch were observed in northeast Iowa, northwest Illinois and southeast Minnesota on Sunday, as well as a few locations in western Pennsylvania and western Maryland on Monday morning.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Severe flooding hits part of country with more expected
Irish Examiner - 1/28/13, By Noel Baker and Patsy McArdle
More bad weather hammered parts of the country last night, with Cavan and Monaghan suffering severe flooding.
And more bad weather is expected today.
To read the rest of this story, visit www.irishexaminer.com.
Heavenletter #4449 - Wonder of Wonders
Heaven Letters Published on: January 29, 2013
I have assigned My heart to you. I have assigned My Will to you. What else is left for Me to assign to you?
I assigned Heaven to you, and I assigned Earth. Do you struggle against your God-given assignments? Truly, would you refuse Me? Truly, would you say to Me: “Well, God, perhaps another time.” Would you say, “God, I’m not quite ready. This isn’t the most convenient time for me.” Would you say to Me: “God, it’s too hard to be alive on Earth. There are things like difficulties, and I would prefer to be in pure bliss.”
I would smile at you and laugh. I would say: “Beloved, you are in mid-stream. Would you quit in the middle? Look at how far you have come. Look at all the people you know. Look at how you have grown. Look at how much you have learned and how much you have accomplished.”
Is it spring or is it winter? Wild roller coaster of temperatures for the U.S.
Wunderground.com - 1/28/13, Dr. Jeff Masters
Figure 1. Five-day predicted precipitation amounts for the period ending 7 am Saturday, February 2, 2013. Image credit: NOAA/HPC.
Visionkeeper - Release the fear…
One World Rising Posted on January 29, 2013
Fear is such a powerful emotion and it has been used against us forever now. We are well-trained to feel fear whenever our switch is flipped. We need to watch ourselves closely and catch ourselves in the act and finally realize how easily we can be taken in without our even knowing it. So where does fear come from? It is bred out of a sense of helplessness, our inability to save ourselves, victimization and a lack of feeling we are in charge of our lives. Suddenly when fear strikes we are at the mercy of others and because of this we have no protection from it. We are subjected to it on a daily basis in ways so subtle we are unaware of it. It need not be big if we are subjected to it daily in small amounts. Fear is very dis-empowering and has many detrimental effects on our physical health. We need to be aware of when we are feeling fear and take back our power and overcome it. There is no need for most fears we take on, it has become a normal reaction on so many levels.
The Galactic Free Press Update: Anticipate Huge Energetic Movement In February
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, We have just gone through an Incredible Full Moon in Leo which rules the Heart. As a result, Many Heart activations have taken Place intensely over the past 72 hours. This has Definitely Lit UP the Higher Grid and is Quickly moving us forward into an Exciting Energetic February in the Oneness Energies. Lots of cleansing is also underway collectively as the old paradigm continues to die and this includes all ego. The Higher Selves Are Now Going to Arrive IN Physical Manifestation. The Human Angels Are Truly Awake, Prepared and Ready at the Front Lines. The Light's Victory Is Arriving Fully.
Royalty~ We are The Ones We Have Been Waiting for
Quoted from Gaia Portal Update "
Infinite Waters – Together We Can Change The World – 29 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 29, 2013
Published on 28 jan 2013 Kemetprince1Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations..Be The Change!
Drumbeats of change: Idle No More fires up Canada as movement spreads like wildfire
Canadians from coast to coast have donned their battle toques, grabbed their drumsticks and taken to the streets to stand beside their First Nations brethren in what is becoming a sweeping social movement that has started a fire in the hearts (and under the butts) of this normally passive and easygoing nation.
As the populace of Canada has slowly begun to awaken in horror to the bizarre, irresponsible and dangerous policies of creepily narcissistic Prime Minister Stephen Harper, most Canadians looked askance to each other in terms of how to fight this avalanche of bad news.
From omnibus bills of gargantuan length and size aimed at sweeping in massive, undisputed reforms that serve only the greed of oil companies, to the dismantling of Canada's once internationally acclaimed scientific outposts and firing of its world-class scientists, the people of Canada have stood and watched with their mouths literally hanging open in shock for long enough.
Re~Hearter - Two Tiny Chat Sessions this Afternoon! Starting at 2 pm Eastern.
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.
~ Love, Rain
Jeff Foster – All That’s Left Is Laughter – 29 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 29, 2013
Uploaded on 20 July 2011 by Jeff Foster http://www.lifewithoutacentre.com “Nothing is left to you at this moment but to have a good laugh!” – Zen saying. A ‘serious’ interview about the nature of reality dissolves into cosmic laughter…… With thanks to Marcos for the interview, and also everyone at satsang.es for the wonderful retreat. ( Lucas : Have A Great Laugh!)
Hidden Comes to Light ~ Selacia
Thursday, 24 January, 2013 (posted 29 January, 2013)
These are times when the hidden is coming into full view. This is external with the massive overhaul of society and new understandings of corruption, inequality, and unspeakable meanness perpetuated out of fear.
More importantly, the hidden is coming to light within people as they awaken from a long slumber of forgetfulness. During that process, people of all walks of life across this world are coming to terms with who they really are and how their conditioning has prevented them from shining their light fully.
Seeing What Was Hidden
As you witness this and receive your own insights previously hidden from view, keep in mind that this is a natural evolutionary process. The things you are becoming aware of are not worse now than before. People are not meaner than before, either. For thousands of years, humanity has lived with a fear-based mentality. Without fear, there would be no war and no meanness.
Only in the most current cycle has society begun waking up to its dysfunction, the potential of a radically different way of existence, and the urgent need to change.
Primordial Roots of Unhappiness
Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Metatron: Real Love IsThe Great Catalyst – 29 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 29, 2013
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Five mind-boggling images of freak Atlantic storm
The Washington Post - 1/29/13, Jason Samenow
Satellite view of storm Saturday (UK Met Office)
What began as a weak, moisture-deprived disturbance over the U.S. late last week, transformed into a storm of incredible size and strength over the North Atlantic this weekend.
Satellite view of storm Friday night/Saturday morning (National Ocean Service)
Its minimum pressure, an indicator of intensity (lower=stronger), crashed to levels lower than Superstorm Sandy, tanking an astonishing 54 millibars in 24 hours. It blew away the definition of a meteorological bomb which is a pressure fall of 24 millibars in 24 hours.
Chief Grey Eagle – Happiness Is Your Responsibility – 29 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos January 29, 2013
Uploaded on 27 January 2013 by GreenGuerrillas/ http://www.StarKnowledgeConference.com
To order passes or Livestream to Summer 2013 Star Knowledge Conference: http://www.starknowledgeconference.com/sk-store/phoenix-passes/ Chief Golden Light Eagle will host many Chiefs, medicine people, and wisdom keepers at the next Star Knowledge Conference.
Irma Kaye ~ Sacred Wisdom In The Year Of The Snake ~
How To Be Your Own Guru~ 29 January 2013
Be your own Guru; your own Teacher. You have the lamp within you. Light it and march on without fear. – Sai Baba
Hello friends. Well in just a short time and the Year of the Water Snake will commence. Snake wisdom teaches us many powerful things: to drop illusions, to metamorphose and “shed skins” where necessary, and also to find and listen to our own deep, inner wisdom and truth.
So what is a Guru anyway? It is a man or woman to shows us how to make the journey from darkness (ignorance) to Light (illumination and wisdom.) A true Guru (Sat Guru) will always lead you back to your own Inner Self as the source of your own highest wisdom. As a person that had a physical spiritual teacher for many years, I do have a bit of experience in this area. Human teachers are not infallible, and often through their so-called “mistakes” we may also gain deeper insight into our own limitations and foibles. We are entering into a time (Aquarian Age,) where human beings are being called to act from greater personal sovereignty than before, and this also means not handing over our spiritual power and authority to others. This is not to say that teachers are not useful, we are graced with many wonderful teachers in our midst currently including but not limited to: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle and Pema Chodron, just to name a few.