~ We are Constantly Shifting Now~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, The Energy Movement now is incredible.. and Quite Amazing. The Light Energy in the feild continues building. We anticipate much movement this month for the Light. Its Show Time Lightworkers! Time to Step Into Your Missions! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Its Show Time, Light Has Stepped to the Forefront!


The Galactic Free Press Update: Light Energy has Moved to The Forefront of The Planet

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Greetings Love Beings and Welcome to February and The Chinese New Year of the Snake, which is Very Significant as this represents, the Kundalini Energy and Hearts Opening! A Blast of Energy was released to the Planet January 31st, 2013. This was to Really Kick Off February with a Bang of Light. We went Out with a BANG! This Month will defiantly be Exciting.The Energy of Light Has Arrived Completely at the forefront of The Planet. Light is Afoot, Truth is Afoot, and True Unconditional Love the Most Powerful Energy In Creation is Here On Planet Earth=Heart. We have many Events for February! We will See what Unfolds!


More: Update


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spirit orb






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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 5, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in Kuril Islands

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 5


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The Heart Song for February 4th 2013





The Heart Song for February 5th 2013 is

Retro-Boogie Blues
Copyright: Maurice Turmel PhD, 2000 - 2012




This Retro-Boogie Blues
That’s playing in my ear
This Retro-Boogie Blues
Says – Come on over here


Boogie Beat, Boogie Beat
You’ve got to let out all of that heat
Boogie Beat – Boogie Beat
Crazy Dancin Feet

All of that Techno and All of that Dance
There ain’t no sense to that
No Hip Hop either
And none of that Rap
Just Boogie Woogie music
Till you grow old

Boogie Beat, Boogie Beat
You’ve got to let out all of that heat
Boogie Beat – Boogie Beat
Crazy Dancin Feet


C’mon you Boomers
Wake up for a while
It’s time for you to Testify

This Retro-Boogie Blues
Takes you back a while
It’s the meat – It’s the motion
And this music has Style


Boogie Beat, Boogie Beat
You’ve got to let out all of that heat
Boogie Beat – Boogie Beat
Crazy Dancin Feet


C’mon you Boomers
Wake up for a while
It’s time for you to Testify



Love NaGeeTa


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energy orbs


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NASA will host media teleconference on February 7 on upcoming Asteroid 2012 DA14 flyby


Source: The Watchers - 2/05/13, By Chillymanjaro

00 UTC (11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST). For those of you interested in the closest ever predicted Earth approach for an object of this size, NASA will hold a media teleconference to discuss about upcoming asteroid flyby. The teleconference participants are: Lindley Johnson, program executive, Near-Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program, NASA Headquarters, Washington Timothy Spahr, director, Minor Planet Center, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass. Donald Yeomans, manager, NEO Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Amy Mainzer, principal investigator, NEOWISE observatory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Edward Beshore, deputy principal investigator, Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer Asteroid...

Mark the date – February 7, 2013 at 19:00 UTC (11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST). For those of you interested in the closest ever predicted Earth approach for an object of this size, NASA will hold a media teleconference to discuss about upcoming asteroid flyby.


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Italy volcano raising anxiety


News24.com - 2/05/13

(Bullit Marquez)

Naples – A restive "super volcano" west of Naples is raising nervousness in the local Italian population. The ground of the Campi Flegrei "burning fields", also known as the Phlegraean Fields, has risen more in recent weeks than it has in a long time.

This does not necessary indicate a heightened risk of an eruption, however, said Thomas Wiersberg, a scientific drilling expert for the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam.

To read the rest of this story, visit News24.com.


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Visionkeeper - We Are No Longer Treading Water…


One World Rising February 5, 2013



For so long it felt like we were treading water and making no movement at all. It felt almost hopeless for a while and yet I can see and feel a huge ground swell of change sweeping over the planet. There is a quickness in our steps now, we have found the new direction we need to be going in and we are finding our niches to fall into to help bring about the change. So many around us now are feeling this rush of energy and we are going with it, to wherever it takes us and drops us off. Each one of us has a gift we can offer the world and we are starting to do that, be it making changes in our own communities or going out into the world and doing something that is needed. We are sharing ideas and bringing them to fruition and this is beginning to change the world around us. We see each other doing things and it inspires us to do something as well. It is like a contagious bug that is gripping people only this bug is positive and good!


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The Morning Blessing 02.05.13


Mighty Heart of Fire

This accelerator is designed to activate new matrixes within your heart chakra, while clearing any current or past-life blockages in that area. In addition, as you meditate on the image, your etheric heart blueprint will open and begin to release more love and connection into the world around you....cont'd

It becomes clearer every day that we live in a world cut off from the healing depths of its soul. The soul gives us character, individuality, connection, and humanity. But the soul flourishes only when we bring to it daily care, when we take time to be with others, to connect with nature, and to work at what matters. Many years ago something inspired me to use the ancient phrase "Care of the Soul" in place of therapy, cure, growth, or improvement, and as time goes on I see ever clearer the value of those words.


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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - FEB 5TH. 2013.


Blossom Goodchild


Hello … and as White Cloud always begins … A very warm welcome to you my friends! Without question these new energies are playing havoc when mixing with the old! Yet I do clearly see now what is happening regarding removing the old that keeps hitting you in the face until you do. Within me there is a KNOWING that the Divine Plan is working out just fine as we prepare to burst forth through into the New Earth ... into the glorious sunshine.  Care to comment?

Welcome to all. Indeed this is very much what is taking place. As one is aligning the self with a Higher aspect of the self it is necessary to let go of that which no longer serves. Many times have we expressed this, yet when it is taking place ... it is not nearly so pleasant to experience as when simply reading the words.


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3MIN News February 5, 2013: Critical Frequency Update




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 5, 2013


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Golden Age Messages From The Masters


through the Founders of Ascended Masters Mystery School

These times are so filled with the Love and Light of Source that everything you are thinking and feeling is being amplified and put into motion much more easily than in the past. We invite you to ask your Presence to assist you in establishing such a powerful inner witness that it will allow you to see with your mind and feel with your heart whether or not your current choices and ways of living are truly supporting your living in Unity Consciousness, or are they simply expanding the old domains of your ego? Now is the time to pay close attention to how you want to live, create, love and live without the need to keep supporting anything in your daily life that is out of harmony with your Presence. For, in essence, beloveds, you are being given the opportunity to use the energies of these times to create what you would NOW like to see manifested in your lives on the Earth.


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Dylan Charles: Ten Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac February 4, 2013


Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

cutmypic(6)Note from Steve Beckow: Dylan Charles reviews the work facing lightworkers after 2012.  I personally don’t believe his fears about catastrophe are necessary. No disaster looms for the world. But the rest is very helpful.  What Dylan is addressing is building a world that works. Thanks to Roth.

10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013

Dylan Charles, Waking Times, January 17, 2013



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~Miracles start inside of you~


Published on Feb 3, 2013

Transition and change, harmony and understanding for 2013



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2-4-13 Bill Ballard ~ Electromagnetics of Our Solar System in Relation to Ascension


Since 12/21/12 there have been many scientific reports out stating very different concepts and understandings of what is going on with our Sun, the Planets, Mother Earth and Our Collective Ascension. I have my own "theories" as we watch this all happen. NASA recently states that Saturn is slowing in it's rotation. I have stated in a previous video I feel that Earth doing that and reversing direction is what the meaning of "The End Time" is all about. Even today there is a new report out saying our Sun is electric an not a hydrogen fusion generator and it is changing as we enter this new magnetic stream coming from the Galactic Center... And too, with no other obvious reasons for the increase in the LIGHT we have been feeling these past 2 days... That it is a different "frequency" and octave of frequency being beamed at us, well that begins to make sense when you look at all going on in a Bigger Picture... ha... Whats happening for sure? I certainly don't know, YET.. but we are witnessing something very wonderful and magical


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Lightening Perspectives, the Presence of Logos Energy and the Waning Influence of Darkness


The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes


125 through Wes Annac-

Humanity will find the refined perspectives that are being garnered as the energies of 2013 continue to test you all. You will soon be in awe of the wonderful energies that have been waiting to be accessed and felt, and we know that you can feel the imminence of the descent of the higher realms unto you dear souls as you attract them to yourselves increasingly.

Our perspective has long been an energetic one and based on where the energies are leading humanity at present, it seems that the lightening vibrations are making their way to you all and beginning to be accepted by much more of your Earth public than you would perhaps expect.


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BravoNewWorld – Amardeep Kaleka Interview – Sirius Rising Filmmaker –


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted February 4, 2013


Episode 1 of Bravo New World!  An interview with filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka, known in Ufology circles for the upcoming UFO documentary SIRIUS, and perhaps more widely known following the Sikh Temple shooting in which his father was murdered.  Get an update on SIRIUS and learn some of his out-of-this-world experiences during filming.  Plus, Kaleka’s take on what happened the day his father was killed, and a look at his next project Nursery Crimes.

www.bravonewworld.blogspot.nl / link to original article


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The Way of Love Blog Posted on February 4, 2013 by Nancy B. Detweiler





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



QUESTIONS sent in by a reader:


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Sophia Love - Invisible Enslavement


Sophia Love 02/04/13




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The Presence of Higher Beings


The Golden Age  by Stuart Wilde Daily February 4, 2013

New Age folk talk of spirit guides. Their belief comes from the fact they believe they are guided from other worlds. Sometimes they believe there is a kindly relative in the sprit world helping, akin to the Native American belief in a dead grandfather or grandmother as a spirit guide.

In my view the celestial guidance people think is there is very real, they are not inventing it. We see those celestial beings all the time. Strangely they seem to rotate in shifts, the same ones are not always there all of the time.

Then sometimes the ghouls pose as celestial helpers so one does have to be a bit cautious. There is an English shaman I know who is very corrupt and predatory, he believes the UFOs are guiding him and I am sure they are. But we know from fights in the Aluna Mirror-Worlds that the UFOs and the Grays are part of the Empire of the Snake.


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Transformation of the Grid to Sectors of Light




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Heavenletter #4456 - A Forest of Thoughts


Heaven Letters Published on: February 5, 2013


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Méline Lafont ~Lady Portia: The meaning of difficulties in relationships


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 February 2013
My precious hearts, beloved and marvellous souls … We have arrived at a most blessed moment, a most enrichening time, wouldn’t you agree? Is it not tangible for your hearts, how big and full of compassion this has grown? How beautiful and heartwarming everything unfolds in your inner core is very palpable for everybody and also for all of us. 




Despite this enrichment there still are some tears flowing, some hearts begging and some souls departing. Difficult times are still somewhat present to a certain degree in the hearts and in the world of humanity. This is not what you want and certainly not what you are manifesting and creating. And yet, up to a certain level there still remains a certain degree of poverty, of pain and of disturbances.



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UFOs Over Cape Coral, Fla. Are Still Looking For An Explanation


Huffington Post - 2/05/13, Lee Speigel 


These are some of the unexplained objects seen in the sky over Cape Coral, Fla. on Jan. 27.

Odd, lights glowing and flickering in the early morning sky above Cape Coral on Jan. 27 had many Florida residents reporting possible UFOs to their local NBC affiliate.



"They were small lights that hovered over the water...and then they disappeared," Pete Maccio told the TV station.


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Red Tide found off Pinellas, Manatee coastlines


TampaBay.com - 2/05/13, By Times Staff

Signs of Red Tide are being found along Florida's southwest coast from southern Pinellas County to the Florida Keys.

Patchy concentrations of the toxin, scientifically known as Karenia brevis, are possible within Tampa Bay for the next week.

To read the rest of this story, visit TampaBay.com.


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Re~Hearter - Two Tiny Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Join us. ALL are welcome!


Please join us this afternoon
for two chat sessions!

ALL are welcome in LOVE!





heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Deborah Taylor ~ The Flight Within ~ 5 February 2013


ImageIt was the twinkle in his eye that I noticed first, that undeniable spark that flowed through his being and into the world to shine light upon this earth.  He walked with clarity and power.  Did I imagine him cutting through the ethers and walking toward me or was he an apparition that I created for my own reasons? The line between illusion and “reality” can sometimes become a bit blurry.  I was leaving LA and sat at the airport with all the other travelers waiting for my chariot to arrive.  I am not a big fan of traveling by air but how else was I to get back to the east coast?  It was going to be a long six-hour flight, so I decided to just hunker down and go mindless for a while.


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GoldenLight: Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and St. Germain via Goldenlight: The In Between Times, 2/4/13


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, February 5, 2013



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You Want to Change the World? Two Simple Idea




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Have trust in your multidimensional informations


Multidimensional inputs are all inputs above our 3D senses. Running in 100% ego mode (3D operating system)  these inputs will be dismissed by ego. Here in the vid the seeker will not trust in these informations. But the only way to work with them and have exercise is trusting in them. Is the key to unlock the multidimensional operating system, with capatibilities to combine all inputs and informations. This heighten your perspective, you got the 'big picture'.





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Love Party Photo's~




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The Ancient of Days Sanat Kumara - Jesus is here.


God has asked me to confirm that I have finally embodied fully here on EArth.


I am female in this life. It was always thought it was impossible for me, Sanat Kumara to walk among you since this planet was so very dark, and I hold such light and love from my beloved Venus.


Much light increased last year and now most of the time I am able to keep my light, in this body.  My body does hurt most of the time since it is so dense here, and if I venture outside I become very sick due to the dis-ease here. 


As you know, this means I AM the Word of God.



So for now, know that I AM here.



Sanat Kumara.




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Love Life


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Fall in love with your life


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Strange Snowfalls


Wunderground.com - 2/04/13, Christopher C. Burt

Although there were no spectacular snowstorms in the contiguous U.S. this past January there were a couple of interesting snow events. On January 20th the residents of Vermont were amazed to find their yards and fields covered with large snow rollers. A week later, on January 27th, giant snowflakes “the size of cotton balls” were observed near Moline, Illinois. Here is a summary of some strange snow events.

A Vermont TV station, WCAX, reports on the snow roller event that occurred in Vermont on January 20, 2013.Video still from WCAX and rebroadcast on CNN and The Weather Channel.

Snow Rollers

This rare and interesting phenomenon occurs when surface conditions are just right following a fresh snowfall. The surface snow must be light and sticky but not too wet. Strong, gusty winds in excess of 30 mph must then ‘scoop’ the fluffy snow into small balls on the surface and then blow the balls along forming small barrels. The stronger the winds and deeper the snow, the larger the barrels or ‘rollers’ become. Of course, the process is the same as making a snowman. Reports of snow rollers up to five or six feet in diameter (the “size of rolled hay bays”) have been reported in the Great Plains but cannot be substantiated.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com.


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Big Story Weather – February 5, 2013


RedOrbit.com - 2/05/13, Joshua Kelly

Big Story Weather from February 4: The clipper systems continued moving through the Northern Plains and Great Lakes bringing more snow to the region. A new area of low pressure also brought some moderate rain to the Southern Plains and Gulf Coast through the day yesterday, while the West Coast enjoyed nice weather.

Weather Outlook for February 5: Another clipper system will move through the Great Lakes today bringing more snow showers to the region. A weak area of low pressure will move into Northern Florida today creating an area of showers through the region. High pressure over the West will bring partly cloudy skies to the Rockies. An offshore flow will bring some showers to the Pacific Northwest ahead of the next warm front. Below is the weather for a few select cities.

To read the rest of this story, visit RedOrbit.com.


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Extreme Winds, Snow Lash UK


Accuweather.com - 2/05/13, Meghan Evans

Image from Photos.com.

A potent storm across the northern Atlantic is the culprit behind high winds blasting the United Kingdom. Windy and stormy weather will persist into Tuesday, causing treacherous travel.

The highest winds have been targeting the northwestern coast of Scotland as well as the higher elevations. A 120-mph gust (193 kph) and sustained winds of 77 mph (123 kph) were recorded on top of Cairngorm Summit at an elevation of around 4,085 feet early Monday morning, according to Mark Vogan.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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Scientist reports above-normal seismic activity at sinkhole


WAFB.com - 2/05/13, By WAFB Staff

 Assumption Parish

Source: Assumption Parish

BAYOU CORNE, LA (WAFB) - Experts are looking into the cause of recent rumbling in the ground near the massive sinkhole in Assumption Parish.

A scientist with the Center for Earthquake Research and Information reported there has been above-normal seismic activity around the site for several days.

To read the rest of this story, visit WAFB.com.


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Timeline Shifts and the New Time on Planet Earth



Energy upgrades in recent months are making it much easier to manifest new realities. Do not be discouraged if it takes a while to make the most of these new potentials. Accessing and working with these new energies may take a bit of practice.

Long-held beliefs about the nature of reality are now being challenged. Previously it seemed that we must fight against "what is" to bring about meaningful change. Now we can see past this old belief and acknowledge the multifaceted nature of our existence. As we learn to observe and follow the flow of energy in all directions, we see that all realities exist side by side and are energetically already in existence.


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Holding On for The Ride

Wow! Energies are pretty darn intense for this girl right about NOW!! I haven't slept a wink ;) Just when you think everything's almost cleared up..(and it certainly feels that it should be) and things are smooth sailing...BAM!! Here it comes... more "old stuff" that MUST go. Things came up for my twin and me that demanded immediate attention. After going through a roller coaster ride of emotions, ego came out in all her glory. She' going down kickin' and screamin'. After what seemed to be "days" of seemingly being "stuck" in my head, I finally simmered my thoughts and emotions long enough to ask for help from the higher realms. Yes! The persistant last remnants of my stubborn ego was trying a last attempt to make me "forget" who I AM yet again! Just DIE already! :) In an instant, a mere "thought", those beautiful radiant beings came to my rescue immediately! I was engulfed in stillness. Serenity. Where ALL answers(and questions) reside. And there it was... There I was. Yeah... I re-member. :) I spent some time there where my team assured me all is as it should be and not to fight it, just FEEL it, and LET IT GO! These are fear based emotions that I had always managed to escape the pain from over the years. My ego always found a "way around it." It was necessary for me to experience them to clear our karma. (Havent we done enough of that already? :) Without a doubt this wouldn't be possible without my twin, who mirrors me and me him in perfect divine harmony. My reflection, my light in the darkness of the world-ME. Through his eyes I see when my own are weary. We certainly wouldn't know this much about ourselves(self) without the other. How grateful I AM for this wondrous journey. Ahhhhhhh..... Smooth sailing from here on?? Who knows. It's definitely a ride. Shew!! I am fully prepared and childishly excited for what's to come. I AM grateful for every beautiful moment of it. All clear. Rest now?

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Blossom Goodchild ~ 5 February 2013


blossom-blog-new shortHello … and as White Cloud always begins … A very warm welcome to you my friends! Without question these new energies are playing havoc when mixing with the old! Yet I do clearly see now what is happening regarding removing the old that keeps hitting you in the face until you do. Within me there is a KNOWING that the Divine Plan is working out just fine as we prepare to burst forth through into the New Earth … into the glorious sunshine.  Care to comment?

Welcome to all. Indeed this is very much what is taking place. As one is aligning the self with a Higher aspect of the self it is necessary to let go of that which no longer serves. Many times have we expressed this, yet when it is taking place … it is not nearly so pleasant to experience as when simply reading the words.

On the other hand … let us say that when this HAS taken place … the words in which we have expressed NEW LIFE and a NEW AGE … will be so much more pleasant to experience than when just reading the words! This you have to look forward to.

Yet at the same time … if you so choose YOU CAN HAVE IT NOW!


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Amuna Ra: Message from the Star Councils of Light



Message  from the Star Councils of Light


Dearest ones, we greet you from the stars! We call upon you to heed our words as you undergo the transformations currently taking place within each and every one of you. You will have noticed that this period of time when you are slowly waking from the sleep of winter in the Northern Hemisphere of your world is bringing a gradual increase in the available light, not only in the lengthening days but in your inner worlds also. For many it is as if you are awakening from a dream which had captivated you, and ensnared you on a level of your feeling life, your emotional life, or your life of thoughts. Suddenly it is as if a new day has dawned and you see more clearly: ‘No, that is not what I want, that is not what I intended!’ And you begin to pick up the threads of your own life path without it being mixed in with the tapestry of another who has chosen to go a different way. And this is all to the good, dear ones. As the threads which make up the life paths of each one of you gradually disentangle, you are each left in the glory of your own light.



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Meline Lafont: Lady Portia ~ The Meaning of Difficulties in Relationships


5 February 2013


My precious hearts, beloved and marvellous souls … We have arrived at a most blessed moment, a most enrichening time, wouldn’t you agree? Is it not tangible for your hearts, how big and full of compassion this has grown? How beautiful and heartwarming everything unfolds in your inner core is very palpable for everybody and also for all of us.




Despite this enrichment there still are some tears flowing, some hearts begging and some souls departing. Difficult times are still somewhat present to a certain degree in the hearts and in the world of humanity. This is not what you want and certainly not what you are manifesting and creating. And yet, up to a certain level there still remains a certain degree of poverty, of pain and of disturbances.





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Lauren C. Gorgo: Transference Completion ~ The Final Breath




From the perspective of the Pleiadians, the next several weeks and leading into the equinox are set primarily for our emergence…the emergence of our physical self into our physical world. They are saying quite plainly that even tho we are still between worlds, at the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning, that the equinox period finalizes the completion so we can start to immerse ourselves fully in our new beginnings. They are calling this a time to say goodbye to much of what we’ve known upon the earth plane.

So if I am getting this right, the transference process is the finalization of our journey to 5D, the pinnacle, the switch from mortal to immortal template, the release from the 3D (false) grid and the full reconnection to our divinity ,and apparently the unwinding process (the unwinding or reversal of 3D human genetics) leads to this transference completion for the first group on or around the equinox.


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Kate A. Spreckley: Energy Report for February 2013


Tuesday, 5 February, 2013


Know that you are most decidedly on track, despite the sense that life, as you know it, often seems to be derailed. For radical change is the order of the day in these times. This level of change is experienced by everyone and everything in your physical world.” — Oneness through



In the final days of 2012 a new energetic structure took shape within the planet profoundly changing everything and greatly advancing our evolutionary growth and development.  All of humanity moved through energetic gateways that indicated the final thrust needed to fully disengage from previously established patterns, structures and beliefs.  Our solar system is now pulsing with new light, which is supporting this new planetary structure and creating a new configuration of energies.  This new configuration is bursting with potential and its formation ensures our collective, individual and planetary transformation.


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Emmanuel Dagher: Completion of Old Agreements



Peace and blessings,

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with you once again as we navigate through the next adventures taking place in our personal lives and around the world.

The theme emerging for many of us right now has a lot to do with finding our footing in this very new energetic space we’ve called forth. This space is feeling quite foreign to many, because in our third dimensional experience we haven’t been in this vibration for a very long time. Although everything around us still looks the same on the surface, by going within ourselves to that still and inner quiet place, we can definitely notice a change has occurred. 

On a physical level, here are just some of the manifestations of change we may be noticing:


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Multidimensional Merging And The Melting Of Our Reality Construct!!


melting-realityYa know, I so often feel like there is always a major wind storm blowing around in my consciousness, debris of information blowing around and around and around.  Sometimes the debris finds other like debris to start building something that makes sense in my mind, mostly tho, there’s a lot just chucking around in there.  (smile)  There are two things I do know about the way spirit releases information, first, there is ALL-WAYS a reason for it, even if it never seems to make any sense to you when presented.  And two, sometimes they throw in a piece of information that seems so random and out-of-place with the ongoing story and may take years before they ever get back around to adding to that.  It is this part, that I say makes up the debris field in my (very crowded) mind.  I know there is a method to their (spirits) madness, but I have never been able to figure it out!  I mention this today, simply because I can all these dangling pieces  rolling about the forefront of my mind this morning and I still don’t know where to fit them.  I wonder if there is a “defrag” button for the mind!! lol


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The Pleiadians ~ Living as Clairvoyant, Clairsentient Beings ~ 5 February 2013



Many of you are very sensitive, able to feel and know things in ways that may sometimes feel like a blessing, and sometimes may feel like a curse.  You see, as you merge with Source and All That Is more and more, you are connected to all things in this oneness.  In this oneness comes the hearing of other’s feelings, thoughts, emotions. You feel when someone is thinking about you; you feel when it is charged with love, and you will feel when it is charged with other, less pleasant vibrations.  This serves you so that you may sit in the knowingness at times on what actions to take in your life.  You can feel and read the energy of a person or situation and this has sometimes protected you.  However, we want to speak today to you about the part of this experience that may at times cause you confusion or suffering.



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