Now, Love WINS

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings! Love has WON!

Reported Tornadoes Leave Damage in Oklahoma - Jess Baker, 4/17/13

Daniel Dix/

Meteorologist Daniel Dix, part of the Tornado Hunt team, takes a photo of the tornado-warned storm from the window of the chase vehicle in Lawton, Okla.

Tornadoes reportedly touched down in Comanche County and Lawton in southwestern Oklahoma on Wednesday, causing minor damage to a Goodyear tire plant and trapping four people inside a mobile home that got knocked off its foundation, authorities said. The severe weather also created a dramatic chase for meteorologist Mike Bettes and his Tornado Hunt team.

No injuries were reported. Comanche County spokesman Jacob Russell said the mobile home was blown over at Elgin, about 20 miles northeast of Lawton.


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Winter Storm Yogi Brings Late-Season Snow - 4/17/13

Casper, Wyo.

Tulips struggle to be seen after a spring storm packing high winds and heavy snow left up to a foot of snow in its wake in Denver on Tuesday, April 16, 2013. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

The latest of late-season snowstorms, Winter Storm Yogi continued its slow trudge eastward on Wednesday morning, dumping more than two feet of snow in parts of Colorado and Wyoming.

"In terms of direct impact to travel, it looks like Wyoming will take the brunt of Winter Storm Yogi," said meteorologist Nick Wiltgen. "But aside from the typical travel woes, our other concern is the potential for Yogi to bring more snow to the Red River Basin, further escalating the flood risk later this spring when warmer weather arrives."



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Heavenletter #4528 - The Role You Will Play Tomorrow


Heaven Letters Published on: April 18, 2013

God said:

Even in the indelicacies of life that are handed to you, there is perfection. There is perfection of a moment. The scene, as it might be played in a stage play, is presented amazingly. The bad guys, the good guys, the in-between, all are played to a T. What delivery! What performance! What a script! The sun is in the right place, and the shades and shadows are perfect too. Lights! Camera! Action! This scene could not have been performed better. It is a one-time-only event.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 18, 2013


Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes
Map of the 5.7 quake near the east coast of Honshu, Japan


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 18




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Méline Lafont ~ The web of I AM Presences of Cosmic creation is detaching her beautiful grid of consciousness from the lower planes, bringing the grid of full consciousness back to the higher plane of BEING ~ From Self and through Self


pleiadedolphininfos Wednesday, April 17, 2013


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Growth


Angel Wisdom Thursday, April 18, 2013

You are on the right path


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Study: Natural causes, not human activity, behind Plains drought


CNN - 4/12/13, Michael Martinez

  • NEW: Climate scientist disputes study findings
  • "Every drought that's occurring isn't a result of climate change," author says
  • Study found a lack of moist air from Gulf of Mexico and "severe rainfall deficits"
  • The drought in six Great Plains states was the worst since records began in 1895

Rancher Gary Wollert pauses before heading out for work on August 23 near Eads, Colorado. The nation's severe drought has been especially hard on cattlemen. Much of eastern Colorado and virtually all of Nebraska and Kansas are still in extreme or exceptional drought, according to the University of Nebraska's Drought Monitor.


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.




heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Volcanic activity worldwide 17 Apr 2013: Etna


Volcano Discovery Wednesday Apr 17, 2013 19:03 PM

Current thermal webcam image of the New SE crater (INGV Catania)

Current thermal webcam image of the New SE crater (INGV Catania)


Etna (Sicily, Italy): New activity has started from the New SE crater last night, when incandescent degassing vents were visible at the crater. This activity has progressively increased during the night and produced strombolian bursts during the second half of the night. Tremor has been showing a slow increase.



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4MIN News April 18, 2013





By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 18, 2013


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The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The Oracle Report

Commentary - This report came out late yesterday


Méline Lafont ~ The web of I AM Presences of Cosmic creation is detaching her beautiful grid of consciousness from the lower pla




(As shared previously, my current messages under my own name will be labeled under Lady Portia, for we are One and the same with no separation.  Much Love, Méline ♥)
We see much turmoil going on, for we are seeing the reflections of our physical selves emerging out of duality.  These scenes are hard to grasp for the mind while the heart chooses to ascend, reflecting these inner heart choices into your outer world.  Now as Ascension is taking place, true desires and manifestations are grounding into the centre of the earth plane, demanding our full consciousness and the balance of Self, in order to be able to cope with this.
The importance of loyalty to Self and to the heart is now being reflected in the minds and understood as being a key factor in this all.  The true heart desire will shed the light in all situations for it is the desire that plays the will of manifestation.  It is the desire that reflects our heart knowledge as well, for it speaks of what we are, what we form, bring and know.


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Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Sends 120 to Hospitals, Levels Homes, Businesses




 Emergency workers assist an elderly person at a staging area at a local school stadium Wednesday, April 17, 2013, in West, Texas.

A fiery explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant in a small town north of Waco sent about 120 people to hospitals, destroyed dozens of homes and businesses and prompted widespread evacuations.

Area hospitals reported treating slightly more than 120 people injured by the blast at the plant in West, Texas. Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gail Scarborough earlier put the number of injured near the plant even higher -- 200 people, 40 of them critically.

The blast also has caused fatalities, said State Trooper D.L. Wilson, another official with the Texas Department of Public Safety, though as of 1 a.m. ET he did not immediately know how many.


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Sirius The Movie


World Premiere April 22, 2013  Pre-Order Now 


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The Galactic Free Press Update: We are arriving at the Opening Gate for Making History



Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


Rainbows of Grace - Cynthia Rose -



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Good Omens


"The world will end on Saturday. Next Saturday. Just before dinner, according to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, the world's only completely accurate book of prophecies written in 1655. The armies of Good and Evil are amassing and everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan. Except that a somewhat fussy angel and a fast-living demon are not actually looking forward to the coming Rapture. And someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist.Put New York Times bestselling authors Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett together . . . and all Hell breaks loose."


Such a great book for people who still possess at least a bit of a sense of humor...








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Nancy Tate: Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn & Altros ~17 April 2013



hatonnI am here today to let you know of something that is taking place in your world. There is a great deal of energy being put into a deed that is being completed in the interest of the many aspects of earth society. As the financial, social and educational factors of your society come to a place in which the people are having more voice, there is a rising independence that is being reclaimed with the people. It may not seem that way to many of you, however if you look under the calibrations of so many media sources and exponential news reports, you will see the truth of what is actually taking place come forward.

I am Hatonn, and I come this day to tune you in to the power that you are regaining and taking to the utmost places that are in the works with us. Yes, as you all take your steps in whatever ways you are doing, whether it be physically, through the internet, and other sources of communication, or through your inner intentions it is working. We are being given the signals by all of you to do what we can on our part to see to it that your free will is allowed top priority.


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4-17-13 ~ Bill Ballard ~ Humanity is going through their ANGER Stage of Geopolitcal


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press! We Do not support the OPPT and In fact alot of information has been coming out which shares why The Earth Allies never supported this! Love The Earth Allies


This is a long winded video where I am explaining my spiritual perceptions of the energies and the field that has been going on this past week with humanity as they themselves go through their geopolitical awakening as individuals, which later leads to their true spiritual awakening and ascension process. It's a good thing!

Many of us felt negativity incoming the days before the Boston Marathon event, as that was a false flag event so many of us knew even before the evidence was out. Focusing on that just empowers that situation and the instigators of that even more. This is all going on at the same time many of us are consciously aware we are being called for further activations of Mother Earth raising her frequencies, as an opposite side of that coin and which accelerates us into New Earth...

It is an amazing time to be alive, awake and aware as we watch it all unfold. Sooner or later humanity will realize the gifts given them by OPPT, The One People's Public Trust, and begin to use that as a tool to bring down the controllers of the system and showing those who are continuing to perpetuate the old system that we don't have to play that anymore... There is no one to fight, and why would we anyway as we cannot continue doing the same things in New Earth that we did in the Old Paradigm... It is so cool to watch all this unfold and play out!

Be thankful you are here at this time to help change it all... Do what you are called to do from your own heart and step into your own mastery... and above all else...


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~ First Contact Ground Crew Team~ You can Join us Live! IGNITE and UNITE!





Greetings Love Beings, Exciting Events and Exciting Energies are Entering. You can Join us Live IN these 5d Frequencies this evening Beginning at 3:11pm pacific as We Ignite All Love is! Love Party Galactic Style! At this Link:


 The Oneness Energy is spreading Planetwide and 5d Frequency codes are Activating!

You can Join us at this Link:


FYI: This is a High Vibratinal Energy Room of Love and JOY! You will Be Affected!


Love The Earth Allies


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BRAVO, Risa's Esoteric Astrology, BRAVO! .....and HEAVEN HIGH, VEGA OF LYRA! ★


BRAVO, Risa's Esoteric Astrology, BRAVO!

“falling like rain”.....“tantalizing”.....“radiant”.....“points of icy light”


Lyrids/ Lyrids meteor party/ Vega Star / Lyra Constelation / Lir Takımyıldızı/ Alpha Lyra



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Endurance Brings Much Compassion

It gives us much hope to share this transmission for you. It has been hard for you since the last week to enjoy, in part, your life because of the seemingly difficult hardships uou've had in front of you. It's seems many have lost their hopes among you who have been emissaries of the light team whom imbue the subscriptions of the joy beheld in each one of you amongst  the beheld of the highest order of things. It may sound funny, saying this to you now. Though you've been disheartened lately having to do with mistrust that have been bestowing a lack of some faith that things will continue along the path of Love and light it brings us much hope in transmitting this message to you that you will be beneficial of this in little time. You see we have been following along with your plan of the heavens to assist those who are in greatest need and incumberence. The ones who followed before you on this have done much in the way of insistence of this light pattern of peace and oneness.  It is of the highest heavenly light that we see you dear, shining for our realms of light to behold in wonderment. We love you, are with you always and insure you that the process you are in is far more worthwhile than what previously had been imagined.  We know that the times have been rough, so to speak, with regards to stability. We insure you that, though, as  it may seem, at times, to be a waste to know this misery, it will subside and you will be of light vibration of mind, body and heart soon enough again my dear. You see you have been on this past throughout the immense time you have through the myriad of conduits and conditions that you have experienced superseded through various imbued  processes which have imbued you with the confidence you need to instill confidence and assurance along your path of light and love. You will see things pass which previously occurred, as beacons of light unto your conditions because of them.

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My Perspective on Post 12-21-12

In light of December 21st 2012 hype, world disasters and world peace.. I never thought the world would end on 12-21-13 although I'll admit I had hoped  some more of the drastic peaceful hype by many new agers would have manifested a little more apparently......I was somewhat disappointed more drastic changes for the better didn't take place, however, after some consideration and some studying of world issues as a whole I believe many including myself also believe the globe as a whole has and is beginning to become more unified and positive in many ways...if you consider, for instance, just decades ago women were once not even considered full citizens, blacks were not even treated as human beings and the Nazis were successful at exterminating approximately 2/3 of the Jews living in Europe, and much more..Then consider that a short time later we have a black President, a woman who ran for president, native Americans being handed out money from the very Government whos ancestors practically exterminated them hundreds of years ago..heroes uniting all over the world to benefit the sick and oppressed, laws prohibiting racism or sexism, medical phenomenon like St. jude going from terminating cancer in 4% of certain kinds of cancer in children to curing 94% of child cases in that very same cancer despite whether you have medical insurance to pay I'd say things are looking up :) :) call me an optimist, idealist or idiot but I like to look on the bright side of life.. Sometimes it may not  seem all that bright with things like the Boston bombing and Connecticut elementary school massacre (horrible to comprehend) but, believe it or not, many things have improved quite drastically in a relatively short amount of time.. We obviously still have a long way to go as far as world peace..but, relatively speaking , things have improved in many ways surprisingly drastically...

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It's Time to Gather Courage: Pleiadian Message Channeled by Caroline K.A.






Posted April 17, 2013


Dear hearts, with deep regret we speak with you today in regards to the most recent act of malice which occurred in the great city of Boston within the United States.

In the midst of unraveling the darkness which has lived within your societies for eons of time, and by this we refer to the Cabal and their minions who have maintained their iron grip over your people,and who have instilled fear, despair,and who have brought great harm, in all aspects of the word for much of your history, we ask you to understand the presence of these dark ones is so deeply engrained within your world, they are desperate and will do anything possible to maintain this, and re-establish their rapidly declining power over you, the collective.  This dear hearts, is done with their most potent weapon.  Fear.


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beats lebron jamesr



With the push conference way instruction online Surpasses By means of Dre female gaga Headphones, mentioned the true reason for the theory of an triangle was for you to exemplify this about three stuff your lover would likely die devoid of: love, vogue, and Beats By Dr Dre Tour Black also publishing. Hence the earbud can be formed as being a triangle and the style and design inset indoors this triangle can be numerous more compact triangles. You may as well ensure simply no aspect was spared possibly with packaging style and design as well. It comes with an quick permanent magnet take tabs for you to wide open this offer, similar to the Surpassesjustin bieber just beats By means of Dr Dre packaging.


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Ex-congressmen form panel to investigate UFOs


The Telegraph - 4/12/13, Raf Sanchez

A group of former members of Congress is planning to hold an exhaustive 30 hours of hearings seeking the truth about UFOs.

UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all

The panel will investigate what the US government knows about UFOs Photo: ALAMY

The five former congressmen - three Democrats and two Republicans - said they were frustrated with Congress's failure to explore the issue of extraterrestrial life and were taking manners into their own hands.

"The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time," the group said in a statement.


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Grant Cameron's Research On UFOs and U.S. Presidents Gets Recognized By International UFO Congress


Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 3/09/13


Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron specializes on the connections between U.S. presidents and UFOs.

After almost 40 years of investigating the shrouded history of UFOs throughout North America, Grant Cameron is getting some recognition.

Ever since his own reported UFO sightings in Manitoba, Canada, in 1975, Cameron has doggedly researched the subject. Using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain documents and information, and traveling to many presidential libraries, Cameron became focused on the relationship of American presidents and UFOs.

Video and more: Huffington Post.



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Cool and gusty blast for Sydney


Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 04/18/2013


Sydneysiders should enjoy today's pleasant weather as a spell of cold, wet and windy weather is due to set in tomorrow. The coldest pair of days since October are forecast to hit Sydney, with temperatures set to reach 19 and 20 degrees. However the mercury is likely to sit around 17 for the majority of each day.


Strong winds and showers are expected in eastern parts of Sydney. Winds will gust above 60 km/h and could even reach 80km/h on late Friday or early Saturday. Western parts of Sydney will be fresh and gusty at times with just a few showers.


For more on this story visit


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Volunteers continue flood fencing fix



Weatherzone, By William Rollo, 04/18/2013


Farm volunteer group BlazeAid says there is still about a month's fencing work to be completed in the Banana Shire, in central Queensland, after the summer floods.


The group has been operating out Dululu, west of Gladstone, for the past month. Coordinator Col Vardy says volunteers have so far repaired about 45 kilometres of fencing. He says there is still plenty to be done and anyone can help.


For more on this story visit


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The Oracle Report Thursday, April 18, 2013


The Oracle Report


First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Leo


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4-13-13 TRUTH IN LIGHT – From the Heart of God and Company of Heaven to all in this NOW moment


I am remember

In this hours and moments of "battle" with Dark and Light, KNOW the LIGHT OF GOD prevails at all times.  No matter how the outside is shifting, it is within that we must connect to Source, to our Heart, to our Creator and KNOW the LOVE we are.  Despite man to misuse the energy given to them, we must rise to a higher space of vision, truth and consciousness.  Not condemn, hate or move into fear or anger...difficult, challenging, yet possible and imperative.  

As we hold LOVE FOR ALL we raise the potential to move into the realms of love together.  LOVE HEALS EVERYTHING.  LOVE IS GOD.  LOVE BALANCES EVERYTHING.  To evidence this truth, hold the love without wavering.  See all awakening to the Truth of Love all over this beloved planet.  Humanity is on the verge of massive positive change as the final aspects of darkness exhaust their final energies.  We say to ALL beloved beings.  Find your sacred space of most high within your HeartSpace and Be love.  Stand in Light and Truth that Freedom truly is within.  Soon this will be the way on your planet.  Fear is NOT the ruler, only that of the illusion.  The Grand Source and Director of ALL is Love and the foundation is returning to such.  

Hold on to Faith of greatness yet not seen by the eyes yet known by the heart and soul of every being everywhere.  We are ONE.  WE are LOVE conjoining.  
The time is NOW to choose Love over all else. Exhibit the silent power of love from within and radiate to all places, spaces and humanity.  We will walk this walk together now into the new realms of higher living, of living from the heart.

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The manuscript of survival – part 300 - April 18, 2013





The manuscript of survival – part 301. April 18, 2013

As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you. But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before. For such is the nature of these waves. They are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time. And what is this goal, we may ask, and we think you have all started to find your true answer to just that. For what on the outset started out for many as a quest for that perfect world, has now turned inwards. For you have all started to see the truth that paradise is not something that comes from the outside, it is indeed something that comes from within. And as soon as you discover this, much will start to fall into place. For then, you can finally start to build your future on the most solid base of them all, namely the one that you always carry with you.


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Scientists Convert Cellulose into Amylose Starch


Natureworldnews, By: Staff Reporter, 04/17/2013


Percvial Zhang led the team that found a way to convert cellulose to starch


Scientists have now found a way to convert cellulose to starch, a process that can be used to obtain food from all kinds of plants and not just food crops. Cellulose is found in all plant cells and is the most common carbohydrate in the world. However, humans can't use cellulose as a food source as they lack the enzymes to break it down. In fact, no vertebrate can digest cellulose directly due to the lack of necessary enzymes. However, animals like cows, sheep and goats have symbiotic bacteria in their intestinal tract that help them digest the carbohydrate.


The study, led by Y.H. Percival Zhang, an associate professor from Virginia Tech, has found a way to obtain food from plants that could reduce the burden on agriculture. The study team produced a kind of starch from cellulose called amylase, which is a good source of dietary fiber.



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Coldest days since spring for Tasmania


Weatherzone, By: Ben McBurney, 04/18/2013



The seasons have well and truly changed in Tasmania, with some places likely to see their coldest days since October over the next couple of days. A cold front swept across the state overnight, bringing showers and the coldest air mass the state has seen since spring.


Hobart managed to reach 13 degrees at 11am this morning, and is unlikely to get any higher today as the air mass continues to cool. This is the city's coldest day since October when it hit just 11 degrees, and is a cool reminder that winter is on its way. Strahan on the west coast also only managed to creep up to 13.4 degrees today, its coldest day since November.


For more on this story visit


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Colorado River Is America's Most Endangered River, According To American Rivers Group



Natureworldnews, By James A. Foley, 04/17/2013


The Colorado River was named America Most Endangered River in 2013 by the American River group. The nine other rivers on the list are all different from the 2012 list of most endangered rivers.


The Colorado River has been identified as America's most endangered river in an annual survey of the health of the nation's rivers. Demand for water from the Colorado River is outpacing the supply and a recent study by the Colorado's Bureau of Reclamation says in addition to there not being enough water in the river to meet current demands, up to a 30 percent decrease in flow by 2050 will ensure that the river will not meet future demand either.


According to the American Rivers group the Colorado River is so over-tapped that it dries up to a trickle before reaching the sea. The group says a century of water management policies and practices that have promoted wasteful water use have put the river at a critical crossroads.


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Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Discerning


Weekly LightBlast April 18, 2013


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Let’s Close Those Old Contracts! Mini-Reading For April 18, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on April 18, 2013 by bella7xoxo


You’re feeling it, aren’t you?  That inner push to do something different, to go someplace new, to stop dragging your feet and just get on with it…  You’re starting to remember that there’s a reason that you came to Earth-a much bigger reason than you ever thought-and the drive is getting stronger and stronger within you to go out into the world and truly make a difference.   Of course, what you’ve been doing up until now has been really important and you chose to do every bit of it, but it’s time to wrap up all of those “smaller projects” and focus your attention on the bigger picture.


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Visionkeeper - Kindness….


One World Rising Posted on April 18, 2013


Music to read by below:


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The manuscript of survival – part 301


aisha north April 18, 2013

As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you. But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before. For such is the nature of these waves. They are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time. And what is this goal, we may ask, and we think you have all started to find your true answer to just that. For what on the outset started out for many as a quest for that perfect world, has now turned inwards. For you have all started to see the truth that paradise is not something that comes from the outside, it is indeed something that comes from within. And as soon as you discover this, much will start to fall into place. For then, you can finally start to build your future on the most solid base of them all, namely the one that you always carry with you.


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Lyrid meteor shower peaks on April 22, 2013


The Watchers - 18 April 2013 - by Chiffre

Earth is approaching the debris field of ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. Every year in late April Earth passes through the dusty tail of Comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1), and the encounter causes a meteor shower – the Lyrids.Flakes of comet dust, most no bigger than grains of sand, strike Earth’s atmosphere traveling 49 km/s (110,000 mph) and disintegrate as streaks of light. This year the shower peaks early morning on April 22, 2013. Forecasters expect 10 to 20 meteors per hour, although outbursts as high as 100 meteors per hour are possible. The annual meteor shower should give...Earth is approaching the debris field of ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. Every year in late April Earth passes through the dusty tail of Comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1), and the encounter causes a meteor shower – the Lyrids.Flakes of comet dust, most no bigger than grains of sand, strike Earth’s atmosphere traveling 49 km/s (110,000 mph) and disintegrate as streaks of light. This year the shower peaks early morning on April 22, 2013. Forecasters expect 10 to 20 meteors per hour, although outbursts as high as 100 meteors per hour are possible.


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Big Story Weather – April 18, 2013


RedOrbit - 18 April 2013 - Joshua Kelly 

Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.


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Saint Germain through Valerie Donner: Use the Violet Flame


pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, April 18, 2013


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.




heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Energetics of Gaia are Staged for Stepping to Next Level


Gaia Portal Apr 18

gaia_energy1Monitors of Gaia report that energetics of the Gaia planetary body are staged for stepping to the next level… Energetically, on Individual and Collective basis, as well as “Galactic-ally”.

Hue-manity has embraced that which resonates with this process. “humanity” (small h) has consented to the possibility of a “next level”, and thus procedures for “up steps” of “humanity” (small h) have been analyzed, approved, and set in motion.

As these are Higher-than-3-4D, many have sensed the results of the up steps already, and have secured the “humanity to Hue-manity” transformation in the current time line.

Those walking “alternative to the “up step” time lines will find themselves directed back onto the “up step” time line. All currently residing upon (and within) Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group.



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April 18, 2013

The Primer Fields



Published on 17 Dec 2012

In this video series the currently accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core by a radical new theory of the fundamental forces in all matter.

You will be amazed as a magnetic model of the dome at CERN is used to create a 100 mm diameter plasma Sun with a 300 mm diameter equatorial disc of plasma around it!

All the plasma videos are actual footage with no enhancement or manipulation other than speed. In other words, this is real thing. Hard to believe, but it is all true.


The world just changed.



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JOEL'S JOURNAL: St. Germaine, North Korea, Higher Self 4/17/13




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Flash flood emergency in Chicago; dangerous severe weather outbreak possible today - 4/18/13, Dr. Jeff Masters


Figure 1. Heavy rains in Chicago this morning caused a sinkhole to open up near 96th and Houston streets. The sinkhole was due to a water main break from a pipe constructed in 1915. Image credit: WGN Morning News



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‘Like a nuclear bomb’ – Deadly fertilizer plant blast devastates Texas town; at least 15 dead (video)


The Extinction Protocol, 4/18/13




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Scientists find Yellowstone’s volcano is bigger than previously thought


The Extinction Protocol, 4/18/13




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NORTHERN CORONAL HOLE: A dark coronal hole has opened up in the sun's northern hemisphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this multiwavelength UV photo of the gap on April 18th


Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. In the image, arrows denote roughly where the solar wind is going. Solar wind from this particular coronal hole should reach Earth's orbit on April 21-22. A direct hit is unlikely, though. Because of the coronal hole's high northern latitude, the solar wind stream is likely to brush only the northern half of Earth's magnetic field. Nevertheless, polar sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives.




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1 Person Hospitalized After Chicago Sinkhole Swallows 3 Cars -->



Natureworldnews, By: James A. Foley, 04/18/2013


Chicago Sinkhole


Drivers in Chicago had a rough start Thursday morning after a sinkhole opened up in a residential neighborhood, injuring one and claiming three cars. The Chicago Tribune reports one person was taken from the sinkhole and rushed to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The person is reported as in serious-to-critical condition.


The sinkhole opened up at 5:20 a.m. after a night of strong storms, the Chicago Sun Times reported. According to the Tribune, the fire department responded within 10 minutes of the sinkhole being reported and arrived to find two vehicles in the sinkhole. A third slid in after crews arrived.


For more on this story visit


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