GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2014

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There was once an old farmer whose horse had run away. When the people of his village heard, they came to his house to show their sympathy. The villagers said, "What bad news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The old man's son went out to look for the horse the next day, and found it playing with two wild horses. He managed to capture all three and bring them back home. The villagers came again saying, "What good news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The next day the old man's son was trying to tame one of the wild horses, and he fell off the horse and broken his leg. Again, the villagers came saying, "What bad news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The following day, the military came and conscripted all the young men of the village except for the old man's son because of his injury. The villagers came again saying, "What good news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

Ditch the Toxic Sunscreen; Use Coconut Oil Instead


Summer time is beach time, or at least poolside time. But if you want some protection form the sun’s UV rays, don’t always reach for toxic sunscreens. Instead, pack some extra virgin coconut oil along with your beach towel and umbrella.

That’s right, the same extra virgin coconut oil in your kitchen pantry will do the trick to protect your skin – minus the toxicity from health-compromising ingredients. Coconut oil has been used as an effective sunscreen for thousands of years by indigenous, pacific islanders. Why slather toxic chemicals on your body when you can use non toxic coconut oil instead?

There are two types of UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVA rays are primarily responsible for skin damage from excessive sun exposure that can lead to cancer and skin aging. However, although UVB rays can also cause damage and sunburn, they are necessary for your body to produce its own cancer protective vitamin D via the skin.

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How to Live Your Passion and Start Doing What You Love - The Healer's Journal


HJ: A life lived without passion is hardly a life at all and yet so many people get trapped in this kind of existence, almost always out of fear… fear of going for it and living their passion, fear of what other people might think, fear of failure, fear of the lack of security…  But the truth is that not doing what you love is no safer or more secure than going for it.  Security is an illusion… your fears are an illusion…

You are totally capable of living and achieving your dreams as soon as you start believing in yourself.  That’s it!  Then it’s about going for it strategically and letting a healthy dose of intuition guide you towards your highest fulfillment.


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Wholeness - The Creator Writings



Too often, you will look to another to fill in the gaps within yourself as a means of feeling whole.  The expectation that another has this power can be all-consuming and, when it does not happen, very disappointing.  Remember, only you can give yourself the wholeness you seek.  Allow The Universe to assist in finding and filling the gaps.  This very simple act of self-love opens you up and allows The Universe to send people to you that are, in and of themselves, whole. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 5, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Dear Ones, your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep you small and has no interest whatsoever in your enlightenment process, resists growth and change. It works with the energy of contraction. Your higher self, the part of you that wishes to grow and expand, embraces growth and creation. This explains why you cannot create the life you wish to lead from the energies of doubt or fear – they are simply not creation energies.


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Experience Truth - Knowing Whispers


The Mind Distorts Truth Through the Imagination.

The mind conjures up images and ideas about what others say is truth. Direct experience is not a function of the mind, because the mind is only an outside observer. Neither mind nor ego can exist without the other.

Awareness is feeling our own truth and it is our link with existence. It is experiencing the knower in consciousness and the revelation of our inner core, which is life. 


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What is the ego?


Our society shuns real individuality and encourages conformity. What you're supposed to wear, how you express yourself, what you do, the way you behave, all of this is supposed to conform to certain norms. If you don't, chances are you'll be cast out, rejected, shunned, and in some places you can even be locked up for being "mentally unfit". Since we're social beings, this doesn't feel very good, and it's understandable that people attempt to change who they are to fit in. We learn to put on masks to hide the socially unacceptable parts of ourselves, and most in our society have worn that mask for so long they have trouble telling between the mask and what's underneath. This mask is what we call ego.


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UFO Captured Multiple Times On Deer Cam in Mississippi -WLOX

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