Dear Ones, your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep you small and has no interest whatsoever in your enlightenment process, resists growth and change. It works with the energy of contraction. Your higher self, the part of you that wishes to grow and expand, embraces growth and creation. This explains why you cannot create the life you wish to lead from the energies of doubt or fear – they are simply not creation energies.
In order to create the empowered change you seek, you must shift yourself into the energies that support the action. It is much like sitting in your car. You simply cannot get where you wish to go until you put your vehicle in drive. So if you wish to experience empowered change, you must put yourself into the energies that support your desired creation. Meditation, prayer, art, music, dance, writing, doing things that make you feel joyful and supported (basically anything that gets you into a good feeling flow of energy), are all wonderful ways to shift yourself into the energies that allow you to start creating in earnest.
You will save yourself a lot of frustration and angst, if you learn how to shift into that empowered space before you attempt to create the life you wish to experience. There are no special skills required, Dear Ones, because those energies have been available to you all along. It is simply up to you to choose them. ~Archangel Gabriel