GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2014

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Listening to me THROUGH the mind is bound to create more problems for you rather than solving them, because whatsoever I say will be heard with so many prejudices that by the time it reaches to you it is no more the thing that was said.

A little boy and his father are in front of the lion’s cage at the zoo. Suddenly the little boy comes too close to the cage and the lion is almost on the boy.

A man standing by with a swift movement grabs the boy and saves him.

A journalist happens to be among the crowd, so he decides to write an article about it. Among other questions he asks the man, ”What party do you belong to?”

”I am a Nazi,” replies the man.

The next day the newspaper carries the following headline: ”A dirty Nazi snatches the lunch of a hungry African immigrant.”

That’s the way how prejudices function. Prejudices create immediate interpretations in you, and they are so quick, they don’t give you any time to ponder over. You understand only that which you CAN understand, but that is not understanding at all; you are moving in circles.


Are You Too Nice? How to Be True to Yourself Without Being Unkind - The Healers Journal


HJ: You’re a kind, loving, generous, caring, conscious person… but are you letting that get in the way of your true, authentic self?  It’s a problem many of us face — we don’t want to hurt or offend people so we don’t always say what we feel inside.  We are kind… to a fault, which serves no one.  You see, not saying what you feel compelled to say (as long as you are coming from a genuine, centered place) — being too nice — is actually hurting you and the other person.

You are covering up your true, authentic self and keeping the other person from something they may desperately need to hear.  It may not always be a comfortable thing to say or do, but that doesn’t mean it cannot have major benefits in the long (or even short) term for that person.  It’s the classic story of the emperor with no clothes.  Everyone was too afraid to tell him he was naked!  Often times you may be bringing something to the awareness of another person that they desperately need to hear, but are too confused or in denial to figure out themselves.

Personally, if I am way out of line (or someone feels strongly that I am), I welcome them to tell me.  I know that as long as they are not coming from a place of hurt or fear, that its genuinely meant to help me.  It’s a sign of caring.  Telling someone something you think may help them — even if they might get bent out of shape — is a gesture of kindness and compassion…  and it’s an expression of your true self.

On the other side of the coin, being too nice can lead other people to take advantage of or walk all over you, which is also not a healthy pattern to be engaged in.

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New Study Shows Turmeric Helps Prevent Fluoride Induced Brain Damage


A naturally occurring chemical in turmeric, curcumin, has recently been found to lessen the neurotoxic effects of fluoride. In a laboratory study using mice, it was found to have a significant effect in preventing fluoride-induced neurodegeneration (brain damage). A study a few years ago also found that curcumin is effective in stimulating the growth of new brain cells, so it looks like turmeric is something quite beneficial to your brain.

Links to the studies (highly technical):


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When you surrender to Love, peace envelops you. - John Smallman


Playing in the New World - Anna Lena Cilmi - ©

To awaken is to release your firm grip on the illusion and just watch it float away, as it most definitely will. You know that it is unreal, and yet it continues to captivate you. Most of you will not agree that it captivates you, but if it does not, then why do you continue to cling to it? I would suggest that you do so because it is familiar and therefore appears less threatening than the change that releasing it seems to demand of you. And yet, every day the illusion is becoming less and less real to you. You are going to let it go, and there is only the now moment in which to do so, so let go and jump! Only it is not a jump into a fearful void that awaits you, just a gentle surrender into the loving arms of Reality. It is far easier than you can possibly imagine, only your fear, your anxiety, and your doubts are holding you back, and of course those too are utterly unreal!

Here in the spiritual realms we are constantly showering you with courage, healing, and, of course, Love to assist you in making your final move into wakefulness, a move that you desperately want to make and which cannot be avoided. You know that you are going to make it, but many of you are procrastinating by telling yourselves that until your numerous anxieties, worries, and fears – about whether your pets, family members, and friends will also awaken and join you in the divine bliss that God has promised you – have been resolved you cannot release your hold on the illusion as you believe that you need to stabilize it until you are sure that they will all be taken care of. But you are sure, because you have been told over and over that no one gets left behind, that there will be no disappointments. Nevertheless, your doubts and fears remain, much encouraged by the fact that you spend so much time focused on them instead of on the Love that enfolds you in every moment; and indeed the illusion, by its very nature, offers very fertile ground in which those fears and doubts can proliferate.


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Your Light Is Shining - Heavenletters


God said:

What is the value of anything without love? Love is the value of everything.
In the world, there are different interpretations of love. In Truth, there is One Love, and it is indefinable. How do you compare love when love is Oneness? What can you compare it to? Yet, in the world, there is a love that encompasses taste. You love chocolate. You may love both chocolate and coffee, and someone else doesn’t love coffee. Yet love means much more than favoring or not favoring one thing or another.


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Surprise! - The Creator Writings



There may be times, my darling child, where you sit and wonder when the extraordinary will come into your life. I have a surprise for you; the very fact that you LIVE is extraordinary! The Universe celebrates and honors this every day. ~ Creator


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The Lies of Capitalism


Capitalism is something that you might think is totally separate from spirituality, and while that would be nice, it doesn't seem to be the case at all. Capitalist belief systems have become so embedded in people's psyches that it bleeds into all the other aspects of their lives. There's people who even delay and retard their own spiritual growth because of financial concerns. This is not something to ignore.


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Total Lunar Eclipse of April 15: Complete Coverage of the Blood Moon -


The first total lunar eclipse of 2014 will occur overnight on April 14-15, and mark the beginning of an eclipse tetrad - four back-to-back total lunar eclipses. is offering complete coverage of the total lunar eclipse, which will be visible from a wide region that includes most of North America and parts of South America. 


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