earth changes

What's Killing the Honey Bees?

Rain's picture - 4/08/13, AP

LOGAN, Utah – A Utah man is trying to use his recognition as this year's national beekeeper of the year to focus attention on a major threat to the industry: colony collapse disorder.

Darren Cox of Cache County, who has 5,000 hives in Utah, California and Wyoming, received the award from the American Honey Producers Association earlier this year.

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Amtrak Train Derails in Wash. State, No Injuries

Rain's picture - 4/07/13, AP


SEATTLE -- Mud, trees and rocks hit an Amtrak passenger train traveling through Washington state Sunday morning, causing several cars to derail, according to a railway spokesman.

There were no injuries reported in the mudslide that knocked off the dining car and two coach cars, the last three railcars on the train, said Gus Melonas, a spokesman for Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which owns the tracks.

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Record April Snowstorms

Desert Gypsy's picture - 4/5/13, Christopher C. Burt



Earlier this week Syracuse, New York reported a 10.5” snow accumulation on Tuesday April 2nd. This was said to be its greatest calendar-day accumulation on record for the month of April (although this was based on a POR that began in just 1950). The previous record was 7.1” on April 4, 1971. I thought I’d take a look at other record April snow events that have occurred in the past.

The fact is that the greatest snowfalls ever experienced on earth have occurred during the month of April. For portions of the High Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Sierra Nevada April often produces the heaviest accumulating snowstorms. Here are some examples.

World Record 24-hour Snowfall at Silver Lake, Colorado

The greatest 24-hour snowfall officially measured in the world was the 75.8” that fell at Silver Lake, Colorado (in the mountains just west of Boulder) on April 14-15, 1921. The storm total was an amazing 95.0” over a 32½-hour period.


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Report: Asian Carp May Have Reached Great Lakes

Rain's picture - John Flesher, 4/05/13

In this June 22, 2010 file photo provided by the Illinois Department of Natural resources, a 20-pound Asian carp is held after being caught in Lake Calumet, about six miles downstream from Lake Michigan. (AP Photo/Illinois Department of Natural Resources, File)

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. -- At least some Asian carp probably have found their way into the Great Lakes, but there's still time to stop the dreaded invaders from becoming established and unraveling food chains that support a $7 billion fishing industry and sensitive ecosystems, according to a scientific report released Thursday.

Written by experts who pioneered use of genetic data to search for the aggressive fish, the paper disagrees with government scientists who say many of the positive Asian carp DNA hits recorded in or near the lakes in recent years could have come from other sources, such as excrement from birds that fed on carp in distant rivers.

Flooding Rainfall in Buenos Aires results in at least 54 deaths

Desert Gypsy's picture 4/3/13, Christopher Burt


Torrential rainfall associated with heavy thunderstorms resulted in flash floods that have killed at least 54 in the Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. Press reports claim that up to 400 mm (16”) of rain deluged the town of La Plata in the space of just two to three hours early on Wednesday morning (April 3rd).



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