natural remedies

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

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Greenmedinfo, By: Sayer Ji, 10/02/2013


A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis. Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles, the treatment both reduced the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve) and reduced the proportion of coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques.


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Goji Berries – Health Benefits of a Protein-Packed Superfruit

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/28/2013

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Most fruit, like apples, pears, bananas, oranges, etc. are wonderfully healthy foods, but we would never turn to them as a source of protein. All fruits have trace amounts of protein – a cup of apples will provide 1 gram and a cup of raisins will provide 5 grams (according to the USDA). Vegetables are similar – a cup of carrots, onions, or tomatoes will yield about 1 gram of protein as well. But one fruit, grown high in the Himalayan foothills, contains numerous trace minerals, vitamins, and is considered a great source of vegetarian protein – Goji berries. Just one cup of Goji berries, also called wolfberries, or Lycium barbarum, contain up to 12 grams of protein!


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Government Report Offers More Evidence Cannabis is a Wonder Drug for Cancer and Good Health

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Waking Times, By: Alex Pietrowski, 09/26/2013

WIKI - Cannabis Bud

As the world’s most beloved herb, Cannabis, continues to be liberated from the persecution of the government and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, research continues to validate the many health benefits of Cannabis. This time, The National Cancer Institute, a government-funded organization has released a report indicating that cannabis and cannabinoids are indeed powerful agents of good health and wonderful supplements in the fight against cancer.


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4 Healthy Secrets of Avocados

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By: Elizabeth Renter, 09/27/2013

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Avocados have been called the perfect food by some, and this title doesn’t come simply from its role as the primary ingredient in guacamole. They are one of the sexiest vegetables out there. Correction, they are one of the sexiest fruits. Actually, avocados are a bit of everything; they are actually berries in disguise. But no matter how you label the…food, avocados still offer a wealth of benefits.


The health benefits of avocados are many. One recent study published in Nutrition Journal found that people who eat avocados are more likely to have lower body weight, lower waist circumference, and lower BMI than their avocado-abstaining counterparts. Researchers also found that those who eat avocados have higher good cholesterol levels, a lower intake of sugars, and a better diet overall.


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The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/27/2013

spinach greens 263x164 The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

Leafy greens are some of the most important super foods we can put into our bodies. The nutritional content of leafy greens are like adding the power of Iron Man, Super Man and Wonder Woman all into one. When we fortify our bodies with the power-packed nutrition in greens, we can enjoy elevated energy levels (just like a super hero), a quicker mind, and most importantly, protection against disease. Greens do everything from mitigate cancer cells to keep us from dying of a heart attack. In fact, ‘the optimal Primal plate is overflowing with mineral-and-antioxidant-rich plant matter.’


Leafy greens can be eaten from so many different types of vegetables and plants. When you make sure they are organic and not GMO, they will sustain your body and mind in incredibly surprising ways.


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Cinnamon Reduces Blood Pressure while Balancing Blood Glucose

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Naturopath, By: Case Adams, 08/20/2013

Cinnamon Reduces Blood Pressure while Balancing Blood Glucose

Recent research from the University of Toronto has confirmed that even short-term use of cinnamon can significantly reduce blood pressure – especially among those who are prediabetic or type-2 diabetic. The researchers conducted a systematic review study of clinical trials using cinnamon between 2000 and 2012. The researchers found three clinical trials that met their quality requirements. The researchers then meta-analyzed the results of the studies, and determined that the short-term use of cinnamon results in an average drop in systolic blood pressure of over 5 mmHg, while diastolic blood pressure is reduced by an average of 2.6 mmHg.


The most recent clinical study on blood pressure and cinnamon involved 59 subjects who had type-2 diabetes. They were randomized and either given 1,200 milligrams of cinnamon per day or a placebo. After twelve weeks, the cinnamon group's systolic blood pressure reduced by 3.4 mmHg on average.


The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts

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Prevent Disease, By: Dave Mihalovic, 02/12/2013

We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we certainly choose to. The crux of the matter is that we refuse to proactively think about prevention because we reactively commit to treating the symptoms of underlying health problems. This is the allopathic model. We want the quick fix so we can continue our poor lifestyle and dietary habits. It doesn’t have to have to be this way, but it is. We can blame doctors, the medical institutions and healthcare systems all we want, but self-responsibility is our only recourse if we are ever to surface from this mess. There are no excuses–if you’re taking one of these drugs, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner this week about phasing out your medication and phasing in these powerful natural foods and remedies.


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11 Reasons to Grow & Eat Sunflower Greens

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 09/19/2013

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In just seven days after planting sunflower seeds, you can munch on some of the most beneficial micro-greens around. Sunflowers offer incredible health benefits, and you can eat many parts of the plant. Finding fresh sunflower sprouts is very difficult, but it is so simple to grow your own. You can also allow a few of the plants to grow into mature sunflowers which will then yield thousands of new seeds for you to grow again – an entirely sustainable way to feed your body and mind.


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Study: Raw Garlic Consumption can Cut Lung Cancer Risk in (Nearly) Half

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Naturalsociety, Elizabeth Renter, 09/17/2013

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A new study out of China has remarkable findings in regards to lung cancer prevention. Lung cancer was responsible for the deaths of 158,081 people in the U.S. in 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention, above treatment, is crucial as more people die from this type of cancer in the U.S. than any other type. The latest research indicates something as simple and readily available as garlic could play a big role in reducing our risk for developing the deadly disease.


According to the study published in Cancer Prevention Research, people who consume raw garlic as a regular part of their diet were 44% less likely to suffer from lung cancer.


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How to Optimize Turmeric Absorption for Super-Boosted Benefits

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Naturalsociety, Elizabeth Renter, 09/17/2013

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When we talk about eating foods for their specific health benefits, many people think simply eating the food is enough. For instance, if you struggle with inflammatory bowel disease and have read that turmeric is effective in healing many digestive issues, you may simply get a turmeric (curcumin) supplement to start taking. But you would be overlooking one crucial fact about turmeric that could mean the difference between simple consumption and full-absorption. That fact: turmeric is fat-soluble, and you want to be able to absorb is magnificent food to experience all of the health benefits it has to offer.


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