Prevent Disease, By: Eldon Dahl, 11/29/2013
First we have to start making changes in the basics, like our selection of food. Has it been processed, refined, and filled with negative-producing properties, such as saturated fats? A better choice would be to limit salt intake and non-GMO food, as well as refined sugars, which are the drug of choice. Why else would we consume an average of 72 kilos per person per year of sugar?
Prevention has always been the key when dealing with health, and especially mental illness. From the position of power, avoid diseases as much as possible before they begin to take a grip: diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s–all three have a connection. If we delay, it may be too late to reverse the damage; damage already done can be helped, but not by conventional means. There is a disease connection linked to diet, lifestyle and a positive mental approach. Like stepping stones, failure in these areas escalates from high blood pressure to high glucose, to increased need for insulin, to insulin resistance, to diabetes and mental illness.