natural remedies

Vitamin E helps protect against toxic effects of mercury

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Natural News, By: J.D. Heyes, 01/22/2014

vitamin E

(NaturalNews) A combination of vitamin E and selenium products may help reduce the toxicity of mercury from eating fish, according to a recent study involving lab rats. Scientists say that, if results can be replicated in human beings, the findings could mean that pregnant women may be able to consumer larger amounts of fish, and their children benefit more from omega-3s.


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‘Mushrooms of Immortality’: Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases

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By: Elizabeth Renter, 01/18/2014

mushroom reishi 263x164 Mushrooms of Immortality: Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases

In China, reishi mushrooms have earned the nickname, “The Mushrooms of Immortality,” and if their longstanding reputation is any indication, this nickname could be appropriate for a few different reasons. Some archaeological evidence points to reishi mushrooms having been used as far back as 7,000 years ago, and with good reason. The benefits of these mushrooms aren’t only applicable to diseases and conditions that existed thousands of years ago, but to those that plague mankind today as well.


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GETTING BACK TO WELLNESS ~ Seven Quick Fixes to Feel Better

Silver's picture, By: Madisyn Taylor, 01/18/2014

~*~ Anxiety and fear dissipate quickly when countered with conscious breathing.~*~


The signals our bodies use to tell us we need to cleanse ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally are multifaceted and often mirror symptoms we associate with illness. If we heed these signs, we not only feel better quickly but also stave off poor health before it can start. These quick fixes for common ailments can get you started.


1. Applying pressure to the acupressure point between the thumb and forefinger can release blockages causing pain, tension, and fatigue. You can relieve a headache naturally by squeezing for 20 seconds and releasing for 10 seconds, without letting go, four times.


2. To breathe freely, irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot and warm salt water. As you clear and soothe the sinuses, congestion associated with allergies or infection will gradually disappear.


Maximizing Nutrition and Elimination of Heavy Metals Comes From Blending, Not Juicing

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Prevent Disease, By: Dr. Marianna Pochelli, 01/17/2014

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Soluble dietary fibers promote metabolic benefits on body weight and glucose control. The benefits associated with an increased dietary intake of fermentable fibres are in part due to the way in which our bacteria use them to control levels of intestinal glucose. Foods with modest concentrations of dietary fiber have also demonstrated excellent binding capacity with with heavy metal ions which support evidence that blending fruits and vegetables will clearly exceed the capacity of any juice to assist in the elimination of these metals from the body.


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Apple Cider Vinegar for Health & Wellness

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By: Beth Quist, 01/12/2013

According to Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, CA, apple cider vinegar has lots of healing benefits. It has been used for hundreds of years by traditional healers.  It’s alkaline property assists your body in restoring proper pH levels and brings health and balance back to your digestive system.


Rich in potassium apple cider vinegar helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses. The pectin (from the apples) helps to regulate blood pressure and Malic Acid gives apple cider vinegar the healing properties of being anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal.


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3 Reasons To Stay Away From Any Kind of Palm Fruit Oil And Why Coconut Oil Will Always Be Superior

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By: Natasha Longo, 01/14/2014

WIKI - Palm Oil

Palm oil of any kind, whether it be from the fruit or kernel is not beneficial to the Earth or human health. The marketing gurus behind the largest palm oil manufacturers in the world will never give you the whole story. In fact, they are attempting to deceive international governments at every turn with false information and misrepresented data. Palm fruit oil or palm kernel oils are not healthy at all and most of the health risks are associated with the processing of which very few have been informed.


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Broccoli as a Medicine: Why You Should Be Growing Broccoli Sprouts

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 01/10/2014

broccolis1 263x164 Broccoli as a Medicine: Why You Should Be Growing Broccoli Sprouts

There may not be a single vegetable or fruit that is unhealthy for you. Though there are always some pros and cons (especially when considering specific situations), these nearly-perfect foods are natural whole solutions for better health. Among these plant-foods, there are some that stand out above the rest—being at the pinnacle of healthful foods. While most people recognize blueberries, garlic, and kale as a few of these “superfoods”, broccoli sprouts have earned their place at the top as well.


Numerous studies have linked a compound found within broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts to a wide variety of health benefits. The compound, sulforaphane, has been shown to fight cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. And while it’s found in these cruciferous vegetables, it’s most concentrated in broccoli sprouts.


Iodine Helps Prevent and even Treat Breast Cancers

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Natural Society, By: Paul Fassa, 01/07/2014

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It’s unfortunate how many women believe breast cancer can’t be prevented, especially due to predispositions, But the truth is that breast cancer can be negated with natural solutions. One of those methods is very safe and simple. Dr. Jeffrey Dach has grabbed several international clinical, lab, and case study reports that demonstrate the efficacy of iodine ingestion for breast cancer, which are linked below this article.


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Life-Saving, Mega-Dose IV Vitamin C can be Achieved Orally Now

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Natural Society, By: Paul Fassa, 12/31/2013

orange vitamin c 263x164 Life Saving, Mega Dose IV Vitamin C can be Achieved Orally Now

Until recently, miraculous-healing mega-dose vitamin C could only be delivered through IV, and not orally. Those levels either blow out the bowel tolerance level or get urinated out before they can do their work. But now, you can achieve the results of IV mega-dose vitamin C orally, successfully. It’s called Liposomal vitamin C.


Liposomal vitamin C is a lipid encapsulation of ascorbic acid granules that delivers more vitamin C to cells orally than even mega-dose IV vitamin C. At first, vitamin C expert Dr. Thomas Levy found this hard to believe, even as clinical results were being achieved. He investigated further and was impressed.


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Broccoli Sprouts Have 50 Times the Anti-Cancer Properties of Broccoli

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Natural Society, By: Paul Fassa, 12/31/2013

sprouts 263x164 Broccoli Sprouts Have 50 Times the Anti Cancer Properties of Broccoli

Sprouting seeds of various plant foods has demonstrated increased health benefits with increased nutrient capacity contained in less bulk with higher digestive absorption. In some cases, it’s been observed to transform the regular food substance of a plant and remove its negative qualities. Broccoli sprouts in particular make regular broccoli’s health benefits seem miniscule; sprouts offer nearly 1000% more nutrition than their full-grown conterparts.


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