
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/15/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


The number 144 has been spoken of on many occasions, and we at this time would like to clarify the properties of this energy. The number 144 denotes energy properties of a higher structural frequency. This number is the building block for higher dimensional structure and form, and based upon this number, your new home will be designed and constructed.


Much of this universe has been created through mathematical systems, and your world today is no different. Your world today is a product of a lower dimensional mathematical formula, and your experiences here are a direct result of this equation. The mathematical structure of your world is now changing, breaking down and being reconstructed through the use of a greater mathematical formula. The result will be that you will begin to experience higher dimensional states and experiences, and these will be based on the number and its accompanying energies of 144. This is why you are seeing this number often at this time, and seeing and recognizing this number will assist in your restructuring process.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/13/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Fear is not our only task that we must overcome together. There are many other important tasks that must be accomplished, and overcoming fear will allow us to begin working together in order to accomplish what needs to be done. Your planet and your society are set to begin many changes that will uproot much of what you have come to understand as your reality. These changes will be very difficult for many of your world to assimilate, and one of the most important projects that must be accomplished is for us to assist these individuals in making this transition as smooth as possible.


You, our Lightworkers, are in a far greater position to accomplish this task then we are from our positions within the higher realms. As we have said, there are many tasks that we are better suited for, but it is important for you to understand that there are also tasks that you are much better suited than we. It is you that could reach these souls and communicate with them clearly. They will also far greater relate to you than to us, and it is upon you at this time to give this area of your lives your greatest attention and focus as the time for the implementation of some of these great changes is at hand.


We ask for all hands on deck at this time to do what it is that you can do, to do what it is that you have trained long and hard for, to be of service to humanity at this, their time of need.  You have the tools at your disposal, and these tools have been created and purposely seeded into your reality to be used at this time. You are asked to now utilize them to their fullest potential and reach out and connect to as many of your brothers and sisters as is possible and explain to them what is transpiring, and will continue to transpire, all around them.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/12/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


You have the strength to persevere and it is faith that you must seek to maintain now. Hold fast to your convictions, do not allow yourself to be moved from your current course as it will take you beyond the limitations that bind you today. Your journey has been a long one and many times you veered from the path, but you always found your way back to center and to the path that would bring you up and out into the light. Continue to strive for this path and it will take you where it is you want to go. There are many obstacles and many people who have placed them before you. It is your job to see these obstacles and find a way to move over them without being knocked too far off course.


Today, many obstacles still stand in your path on your way to ascension, and even though your path is now a short one, there are still many challenges that will present themselves in this short period of time. Some of these challenges will be your greatest challenges throughout this and even all of your previous incarnations. We know you can make it through these challenges, and together we will do just that as we will be here to assist you in every way we can. That is why we are here, and not for any other reason. One of the challenges for many of you at this time is to find a way to understand this, and find a way to overcome the fear that you are experiencing about us and our reasons for being here. Much depends on our working relationship together, and it is dependent upon you to move past fear, to move past doubt and distrust and see us not as an invading force, but as your family, for indeed that is who we are.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/9/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Power will be had by the people when everyone begins to come together under the new system. Rallying from the brink of financial disaster, humanity will rise to heights not seen on this planet since before your known recorded history. Everyone will be free from the shackles of financial hardship and be able to finally focus their attention on other areas of their lives. Continuing into the months ahead, humanity's newly accrued wealth will permit a blossoming of new projects and programs designed to restore your planet to her natural pristine beauty and perfect functioning. Under these new conditions, the collective vibration of humanity will soar, and this will forge your wings necessary for your ascension into the higher realms. This is the plan.


Some of you have voiced your confusion about why so much emphasis has been put on your new financial system if you are only months away from ascension into the higher realms anyway. You now understand this, as it is hoped that your collective vibration will spike when so much of your worries and hardships are lifted from your shoulders.


Your new system is now very close at hand. Many have dedicated much of themselves to the design of this new system, and many walls had to come down that were preventing its implementation. We ask you to show a little more patience as your new system is being rolled out, and we also ask you to demonstrate confidence in your new system to allow others who are not informed to follow your lead and support it. Your new system will be based on fairness and equality with each person throughout your world possessing an equal share in the collective wealth of your society. No one will be worth more than any other, and no one will face lack as a daily burden of their lives.


Message from the Ashtar Command 3/7/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


There are those of you who live on with but a portion of what others do. This will change. It is because of this change that those who control a vast percentage of your wealth have done all they can to block the implementation of your new financial system. They see these changes as a threat to the enormous amounts of wealth they have accrued over the years by bilking the people out of what is rightfully theirs. The amounts of this wealth, stolen from you, are staggering when one sees how little the people have been forced to live on.


Even in developed countries such as the United States, the working-class lives on a fraction of what they are entitled under a system based on fairness. Many other countries have a very large percentage of their citizens living in poverty, as they have not been allowed to share in the natural wealth created by society. This will also change.


There are many other means to running a fair economic system. The system chosen today, again by a few, was designed by those few individuals themselves in order to allow them to hoard untold fortunes while this pilfering continued unnoticed by as many of the population as was possible. Those with a voice who did speak up were silenced, as your media outlets were bought up by these racketeers as an important commodity of their many assets. Without the media informing the people that something was wrong, many naïvely believed everything was right. This is also changing, and it is changing because you, the people, have taken it upon yourselves to be your own voices and begin sharing this information between yourselves, with little help from mainstream media.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/6/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Your planet is going to be cleansed of much residue left over from your 3rd dimensional experiences. Your planet is to be reborn, from the grasses to the skies, from the ocean bottoms to the mountain peaks. Nothing of the old will remain, as they possess the frequency of a lower dimensional aspect of your past. You will also be born anew, and nothing will remain of the lower dimensional aspects of yourselves as well. All and everything that will exist in your new world will be of a higher dimensional vibration. You will be experiencing a fresh start, and everything in your world will be new. You will receive new playgrounds as well as new workplaces. You will have a different set of parameters that govern your physical world, and you will have a different set of rules that govern your civilization. All will be improvements, and all that you will receive will be upgrades from your current experience.  


This is your new home. You are encouraged to respect it, and you are encouraged to take part in community efforts to maintain your new world in the pristine condition you will find her. It is your world and you may do with it what you like, although as we have said, the damage done to her throughout your 3rd dimensional experiences will not be permitted to occur again.


You will have new modes of travel available to all of you throughout your world, and you will be able to travel easily to anywhere you would like, freely and without restrictions placed on you by governments and borders.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/4/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


The quest for 5D for those who wish to make this transition: Your world is currently experiencing a rising of your vibrational levels. These levels will increase for some time until you as a society begin to pierce the veil of the dimensional layers. The goal at this time is for your planet and her people to reach a vibrational level which will seat her within the 5th dimensional frequency range. Currently, your world rests within the 3rd dimensional frequency band, and we are here to assist you to raise her frequency accordingly. We are not here, as some of you erroneously believe, to carry out your ascension for you. We are only here to assist in your transition; that is all we are permitted to do. Ascension is a process that must be achieved by those who are ascending, and this is reasonable to understand. However, in this universe we of the light have many friends and allies and as such we come to the aid of all others of the light, and even of the dark, in their time of need.


What we are here in great numbers doing is clearing certain obstacles from your path that you, as a citizenry of a planet, may not be suitably equipped for. These tasks are quite involved and number greatly, but let us touch upon a few today to give you some idea of what we mean when we speak of tasks you are not properly equipped for.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/3/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.


The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/2/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


A very restricted plan is unfolding whereby our ships of the Galactic Commands will rendezvous with certain members of your societies as well as certain members of your media. You may construe this as ‘landings’, and you may not. The term ‘mass landings’ has been used from time to time by some of you, but what does a ‘mass landing’ signify precisely? We of the Galactic Federation of Light have a great deal of ships orbiting your world at this time and we also have many ships stationed and on patrol throughout this solar system. If we were to land all of our ships or even a large percentage of our ships at one time, this could be perceived as an invasion by those who are yet uninformed of our peaceful intent and by those of you who are allowing the emotion of fear to consume you.


Our plans in the near future are to work personally with many selected individuals of your world to perform the necessary tasks to prepare your planet for ascension into the higher realms. We would not describe this part of the overall operation as ‘mass landings’, but it will be necessary to direct a number of our ships to ground-level. We do need to rendezvous with those that will be working with us, and we will also be required to navigate some of our ships close to ground-level in order to perform some of the tasks essential for the advancement of your world. Do you see the difference dear ones? Know that when we say to you that we will be working with many of you personally that we mean just that, and nothing or no one will interfere with this plan as it is a necessary step on your way to ascension.



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