
2017 Divine Love and Galactic Codes of Light Pouring In

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Imagine with me, this image. Imagine yourself in the crystal center of the earth. And in this image you are now miniaturized to fit on a crystal, a crystal that represents your soul.It contains the Akashic Records of your lives and experiences on earth. The end of the soul crystal is a pyramid shape, the point for you to sit on and with this it is like you are seated upon a crystalline pyramid. It is the activation of all lifetimes as one lifetime representing wholeness with all that you are, and also connected to all that is. Within this place, you access your whole souls knowing and also the earth's knowing and the galaxy's knowing. The higher knowing comes in on crystalline codes of light, through your human self now and transfers to your inner earth self, all deriving from the Great Central Sun and beyond and traveling through the earth's sun, yourself on earth, and this you that is within the crystalline core of Mother Earth, as a part of here. Receive all that is being gifted to you on the etheric level for a place of openness and worthiness of the transforming and transcendence energy to take you to a higher place.

Attuning your Body the Healthy and Well

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How can we create perfect health from the inside out. First, see your body in perfection. See your body as a collective of cells, a collective of collectives called organs and systems. See you as the director of all, the totality of trillions of little cells all working together in harmony for you to experience the bliss of this reality along with the spectrum of emotions and experiences offered here. For healing, how about you speak to your cells, you communicate with them? See them as sentient beings, as miniature Buddhas. You can command the perfection of your cells and see only that. I AM perfection. I AM perfect in design. These are affirmations to use. Feel the assurance, the truth that underneath  whatever you are temporarily experience there is the memory of complete health and harmony. I AM divine perfection. I AM radiance. I AM well-being. I AM health. Your divine blueprint carries the memory of all of this and you can call in your divine blueprint to every cell. Then every organ, then your whole being. I AM whole. I AM perfection. 

Next Step, Bring in Alignment

Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

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Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.

For it is unprecedented and it is heralded here in the Higher Realms as such a great accomplishment. For if you could gauge the increase in light quotient in yourselves and in the overall environment, you would be astounded.

And for Now it is necessary to process this influx of energy and to be careful to not assess it too strictly according to your prior realm of perception. Allow it to be there and to grow within you, for you have entered a new period of unknown proportions and outcome.

Exercise your powers of letting go and surrendering to this new position of light, so to speak, for it has no precedent; it has no prior sense of understanding. It is new and it signifies your New Selves, ever-changing, ever-evolving.

Mother Mary: You Will Never Be The Same ~ As Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ August 26, 2013

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Mother Mary:

Your progress in this huge undertaking that you have shouldered for humanity is immense, dear ones. Do not let anything or anyone tell you differently. For you may be still processing all that has transpired over these recent days and much is settling into your cells and your hearts as we speak.

You will never be the same. You will never be the same as you were last week, or even yesterday. For you are evolving at breakneck speed, dear ones. Give yourselves time to assimilate and absorb all that has taken place. Spend as much time as you can quietly in your own stillness, in the stillness of your individual hearts, and feel the changes. Feel the subtle changes and feel the immense ones that are forming within you now.

No, you will never be the same, dear ones, my sweet travelers into the 5th Dimension. You are there so much more now; can you tell? Can you feel it in that softness, that sureness, that all-pervading Love that you are feeling more and more each day, not only for yourselves, but for your fellow man, woman and child, as well as everything in your environment?

Can you feel it in the increased gratitude you feel for everything, in every experience and notion you are having, no matter how uncomfortable? Yes, embrace it. Embrace all of it. For in that is built your Wholeness and your link to your Divinity.

My dear, sweet Light Beings of the Ascension Age, you are progressing most superbly, and no matter what you feel or experience, know that it is all part of the process. Take away the analysis and the judgment and just be within this slow but sure change in your psyche and in your Lightbodies.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Glow In Your Own Unique Divinity ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~July 12, 2013

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Yeshua.glowuniquedivinity.imagesCAF21XM9Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.

It is now your perception that brings us very close and we revel in the delight and opportunity to have this closeness, and opportunity to impart our wisdom and support for all of you hardworking Lightworkers; and yes, you are Celestial and Galactic Beings as well. You are beginning to accept this and realize it more and more, dear ones.

I beseech you to realize it more every day, to be in the cognizance of it, to be in the joy of it, to place yourselves in your rightful places, down deep within your divinity, with all the powers and clarity it provides for you. The more you acknowledge this quality and identity in you, the more revelations and beautiful opportunities and experiences you will have.

Yes, we have talked about this many, many times with you, but you see that we refine it more and more each time and bring you back more and more to this realization so you finally get it and live within it, dear ones.

Not so long ago, eons to you, but really only a blink of an eye away, you prospered and reveled in this milieu of divine identity; you played within it and you thrived within it. Please know you are approaching that same presence and reality again. The more you let go and surrender to the truth of it, the more you can enjoy it and realize it.

Mother Mary: You Are Such Precious Jewels of Eternity ~ as Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 7, 2013

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Mother Mary:

Hello my dear illustrious Beings. I come to you on yet another auspicious day. Energy is accumulating for ever more shifts within each of you and I am here to tell you to be as open as you can, be as expanded as you can and as fluid as you can be.

By now you are experiencing more of your gifts, more of your hearts that are opening to the divine within you. Grasp and behold the beauty within them as you embark on your continuing journey back to Oneness.

I and all the Ascended Masters of the Company of Heaven hold the space for you to enter further into your Wholeness, into your majesty, into your Beingness - your Divine Beingness.

There are so many pockets of energy opening within you now. Go easy with yourselves as you explore them and enjoy them and be in the wonder of them, dear ones.

Above and Beyond you is so much to encompass Into you and Of you. You are in the process of melding into this vast energy as you awaken the same within you. And it is glorious and magnificent and so full of possibilities. Expand dear ones; encompass, and enjoy.

Lady Nada: Surrender and Open to the Wisdom of your Soul and of Creator ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 21, 2013

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LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:



Hello dear ones, I greet you on this auspicious day and period of cosmic activity and opening up to your True Selves in a deeper way. It has been foretold and it is so, dear ones.


You are awakening to the deepest part of yourselves and you are magnificent in your clear opening, made manifest by your intent to open to the clear part of your heart, and assisted by the energies being graced upon you now. You are resplendent in this opening and expansion which will just continue on in a deeper way the more you surrender and open to the wisdom of your Soul and of Creator.


You are connected far more now and the lines of communication are becoming empowered as you clear away the dross of your experience and growth into this new period of empowerment and grace. I stand before you with assistance and love in this very auspicious time in your history.


This period will be looked back on as a pivotal and turning point in your development and so it is necessary to just move through it with the most open heart you can muster and with the intention to keep the lines of communication open to Creator and all the parts of your Soul and Higher Self.


Push beyond the boundaries of your experience with your Soul up until now, and explore the deep, still, place of power within you, my beloveds. Your connection with Source is now magnified and so it is time to adjust and revel in the deep and powerful feelings of connection.


Yeshua: We Are Creating a Heaven on Earth, One Glowing Step at a Time ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 26, 2013

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Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.

I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy.

For you are getting very good at utilizing it to expand your own energy and to fill the world with light and to support the higher vibration for yourselves and others – to fill the world with yet more light in the deepest corners there and in your own hearts. You are getting quite good at this, and as you look back at your energy over the last year, you will see such a gradation and elevation of frequency and purpose.


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