Galactic Free Press Files

Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012

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Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012



Benjamin Fulford is a journalist living in Japan is interviewed by WorkersRadioSydney 88.9fm in Australia by Host Jack Frost and ChrispyT (love the names!). Found this at RMN. The videos links are below (each opens in a new tab or window; and each has some neat cartoon and other pictures), followed by list of the mp3s created from them. I found this, as usual with Ben, a fascinating listen. He speaks of many things, in particular, the role of Prince Harry in the new financial scheme of things.


Videos Links



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~Our Mother and our Father God who are in Heaven, we most highly honor Your Names. We call forth Your Divinity to be manifest now on Earth as it
is in Heaven. Give us this day our nourishment, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Support us in our path and in our growth
and lead us away from judgment and fear. Help us to remember that we are One in our thoughts, words and deeds and that whatever we do to
others, we also do to ourselves. Lead us always toward the Higher
Light, for we, as One, are the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for
ever and ever. So shall it be. Amen.~





Humanity is Coming Home With US Into The Light~

Heavenletter #4101 To Stay Afloat in the Ocean

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To Stay Afloat in the Ocean


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Heavenletter #4101 

Published on February 16, 2012

God said:

Everyone does not see eye to eye. Everyone sees through his or her own eyes. And very different things may be seen.

At the same time, everyone carries responsibility for what he sees and how he is seen.

There are understandings and misunderstandings. Everyone intends well. Everyone thinks what he is doing is right or called-for. And no one wants to be interfered with.

The Creator of Your Life Plan ~ by Love Reporter Veronica

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 ~ The Creator of Your Life Plan ~
foto by ANdReA
by Galactic Love Reporter Veronica
“In each life there is a plan that all wish to complete. It may be a carry over from another lifetime or a new endeavor. Each soul has a direction it feels is important to its evolution. Upon entering physical reality, the element of free will enters into the mix.

Back To The Light - Aramda

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Back To The Light - Aramda
image by dawn christine
by Glactic Love Reporter James McConnell
I am one you have known as Aramda of the Galactic Federation of Light and I am pleased and honored to be able to speak with you, the Light Workers at this time, to help you understand how deeply we appreciate all you have done and the great sacrifices you have made.
For it seems to you, that we are the higher ones and we are not. We look to you, for the changes you have brought to this planet are unfathomable in many ways. Many of those things you have been listening to and reading from many different sources about the coming changes to the world are certainly true and there will be many changes, but what I wish to speak with you about is not so much what is in the future, but what has been in the past and the connection we have had previously.

Greg Giles – Message From The Ashtar Command – 15 February 2012

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 Message From The Ashtar Command



by Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles 

 15 February 2012

Posted on February 16, 2012 by lucas2012infos 




East contact. We wish you to know that we of your Star Family speak to you now and wish to share some thoughts with those who read your words. There have been some feelings expressed as of late by those who are beginning to question certain channels of information and we would like to make it clear to our channel that he has a solid and clear communication today.



Hara Energy and The Child Within

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Hara Energy and The Child Within
Greetings of Joy to you all.
Recall. Bring to your conscious memory a person you may know who holds himself or herself very rigidly, tight. In the physical structure you can see the tension of holding himself or herself rigid. Now bring to mind a person you may know who constantly slumps, walks as though bent over. Neither live within the hara. When you live within the hara, your posture is straight but not rigid. The centre of gravity naturally moves to the hara, and the body functions physically, emotionally and mentally from the hara. Naturally, effortlessly.


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