Galactic Free Press Files

Djwhal Khul here ~ by Rev. Terri Newlon

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by Love Reporter Terri Newlon

January 12, 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.


This is a very important milestone in terms of the Mayan calendar as we have Venus entering Pisces on Friday the 13th, a very interesting timing and very interesting effects.

The Venus energy of the feminine power is very significant here. We have also then Pisces which is also very watery and also very psychic opening. So I am going to say women's intuition will be pretty on target. Men with strong intuitive powers, also very on target.

Setting a STRONG Foundation ~ from Ascended Master Djwal Khul ~ by: Julie Miller ~ January 12, 2012

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Setting a STRONG Foundation
Message from Ascended Master Djwal Khul
 by Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 12, 2012



It has been a long time beloved ones since I spoke though our vessel. I already proclaim it to be a wonderful experience for both me and for all of you. How deeply you are loved by so many that are with you as we speak.

Already Free, Right Now 2012 January 12 ~ Commentary by Pat Donworth

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Already Free, Right Now

by Love Reporter Andrew Cohen
2012 January 12
Commentary by Love Reporter Pat Donworth


Some much is going on in the world, on the grand, societal levels, as well as in each of our personal lives. We may feel caught up in that swirl, at times.

One thing we do have control of is our peace and centeredness — though we may not often think we do.

This post by Andrew Cohen is as timely today as it was when he posted it way back when: ‘there is a part of you that is already free, right now’. 

Try pausing a few times during the day to remember this truth. It may not quell the merry-go-round of life, but it might help you better enjoy the ride.
Already Free, Right Now

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 12 January 2012 Posted on January 12, 2012

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by Love Reporters Marlene Swetlishoff and  Archangel Gabriel

12 January 2012


Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called silence. When One goes into silence, it is an act of Love for Self for it is within One’s inner workings, within One’s heart, that the true authentic Self is found. By practicing silence periodically, a connection to the Divine within you is established and a greater flow of guidance and direction flows to you. In silence then, away from worldly distractions, is found the truths that sustain and nourish and feed One’s Soul and Spirit.


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