Galactic Free Press Files

Creating a Harmonious Reality for Everyone; (Everyone Included)

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Creating a Harmonious Reality for Everyone; (Everyone Included)

by Love Reporter  on December 29, 2011


Instead of hurling the latest (and often, most frightening) conspiracy at you or proposing the idea of some super-nefarious anything, I find it more productive and progressive to emphasize the positive, and endorse unconditional love.

THE WAITING IS OVER! a message from Archangel Michael

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The waiting is over!
a message from Archangel Michael
Galactic Love Reporter Robert Theiss


Thursday, 29 December, 2011
“The waiting is over!

Conscious breathing offers a new freedom, a new love for self! Every four seconds, 1000 kisses from Spirit descend into your life. Every minute, another 15,000 kisses await you and yet standing boldly in front of you is your human pride. It believes you must do this alone. In the name of pride, you have attempted to tame the currents of life, control its impact and manage its love for you. Such folly will not be able to withstand the love you have invited in this now moment. Every hour, another 900,000 kisses! The floodgates are open, abundance becomes realized and a new passion for living stirs the heart of the awakened human being. A new day begins, another 21,600,000 kisses await you; cascading over your body, mind and soul. You thought this was going to be difficult? Now would be a very good time to let Spirit love you back!!” Michael

Wishing you the very best for 2012!

HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION ~ message for 28th December 2011

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By Love Reporter Karen Doonan 


High Council of Orion message for 28th december

 28 December 2011 - 5:23pm

We come to further support and guide as all are now beginning to turn their thoughts inwards, for many the dawning of a new calendar year is a time of deep thinking and we are here to help you detach from this teaching and show you how to illuminate the path that you are walking on. We guide all to detach from the physical calendar that you keep as a reference point, for many that calendar is already breaking down and many are now struggling to put into context what is unfolding across the planet. The frustration that many feel is the dissolving of the old energies. These are all around you, within you and before you. We guide not to judge for that is not our role, we guide to alert you to that which is so obvious many don’t look at it.

China and Japan Plan Direct Currency Exchange Agreement ~ 27.12.11

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China and Japan Plan Direct Currency Exchange Agreement

by Love Reporter Pat Donworth


Japan and China will promote direct trading of the yen and yuan without using US dollars.

China and Japan Plan Direct Currency Exchange Agreement

BBC, 12-25-2011

China and Japan have unveiled plans to promote direct exchange of their currencies in a bid to cut costs for companies and boost bilateral trade.

Message from Mother Mary and Yeshua: 12.26.11

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Message from Mother Mary and Yeshua: 12.26.11
Love Reporter Fran Zepeda



My dear ones, there is so much in your hearts. You are beginning to fathom the depths and essence of your being and it is a deep cavern of love. You are shedding the fear of many lifetimes. The cleansing that is taking place in the hearts of many is making room for vast amounts of love to harbor there. We wish for all of you to nurture that love in your hearts with every breath that you take. There is no limit to how much light and love you have the capacity to hold in your hearts!

Dear ones, we are by your sides and in your hearts. We Are your hearts, for we are One. Open your hearts more with each moment and with each encounter you have with others, for this is the path to Oneness. When you can really see and feel what the other is seeing and feeling and knowing, then you will truly know the meaning and essence of Compassion. We beseech you to make this a focus of your attention and to strive to put into practice the art of really listening to others’ hearts. With each day, you will grow in love and understanding of each other and the chasm of separation will no longer remain.


~The Galactic Free Press Answers Questions~ ~What does being Pure Mean To Your Body Hologram of Energy? ~

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~The Galactic Free Press Answers Questions~
~What does being Pure Mean To Your Body Hologram of Energy? ~
 We Understand that The ego~mind told you pure meant following all their rules and beliefs, and if not they said you "sinned", and then you were not pure..In Love there are no rules or beliefs, SO in Truth Being Pure means Being the Love you are In Every Moment, Being in the Present Moment of Now, out of the program. This is Being in Spirit, Love Being Creation.
Love=the REAL YOU, is Being the Unique God Spark Expression, that is Equal to the all, and is not the same as anyone or anything else. This is each Atoms Uniqueness. You are Atoms of Energy, ALL made of Love, Which means you are One with Everything, Uniquely So. Love is the Love Called God Everywhere Present, this means that this energy is vibrating through every Atom in your Body Hologram.

~I Serve Love~

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~I Serve Love~



"By Serving the Love I Am, I am Serving the One=The All= All of US. By Serving the Love I AM, I am Trusting Love in ALL Moments of My Experience. When I am Trusting Love, Love Serves Me. There is nothing for me to do and Everything to BE in All Moments.


As I Serve Love and Love Serves Me the More Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being I Feel and Experience in All My Present Moments of NOW.


~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member WILL HARADER~ ~Spiritual Ego~

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~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member WILL HARADER~



~Spiritual Ego~

~A reshare~


Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.


This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.



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