Respect~ To Honor, to Feel and Show Honor, Willingness to show consideration or appreciation for. Example~ You can only Truly Respect Love and those serving Love Completely, all illusion is a lie, and you cannot respect a lie.
Competition~ A striving or vying with another or others for attention, a prize, a position, a contest or game. Example~In the old paradigm, the Illuminati taught you to be in competition with each other, this created the primitive mindset of survival, or survival of the fittest. They did this, so that you would stay isolate and separate from each other, in competition, as if in a game, of who is better than the other, and who got their first. Not any of these exist in True Reality, in True Reality Competition does not exist. In True Reality, the New Paradigm, it is all about Teamwork, Working Together, Equality, and Oneness. There is no finish line, because we are ALL walking Hand in Hand Together, back into the Light.