Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

UK, Scotland sign deal to hold referendum on Scottish independence

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Press TV - 10/15/12

An agreement has been sealed by British Prime Minister David Cameron and Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond to hold a referendum in 2014 on Scottish independence, which would result in breaking up of the UK after 300 years.

British PM David Cameron (R) and, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond sign an agreement to hold a referendum in 2014 on the question of Scotland’s independence from the UK.

British PM David Cameron (R) and, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond sign an agreement to hold a referendum in 2014 on the question of Scotland’s independence from the UK.

Salmond, who leads the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP), and Scotland’s administration would now be able to hold a vote in the final quarter of 2014 on the straight question of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on leaving the United Kingdom.

The Coming Change in Global Consciousness

Rain's picture - 10/15/12

World global consciousness


In 1974, American professor of psychology Dr Clare W Graves wrote an article for The Futurist magazine titled Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap. Graves described an impending change in human consciousness that would be, in his words:

‘…the most difficult, but at the same time the most exciting transition the human race has faced to date. It is not merely a transition to a new level of existence but the start of a new “movement” in the symphony of human history.’

The Israel-Loves-Iran campaign started online and is now "physical" on public buses in Tel Aviv !

glr_Andrea's picture


The Israel-Loves-Iran campaign started online and is now "physical" on public buses in Tel Aviv ! 

after these last few month of work we finally got the posters out on the street. today we had for the first time ...ever...Iranians and Israelis together sharing the same message of peace on a mass media.
thanks to all of you for your support and donation and help us make this happen

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Neanderthals ... They're Just Like Us?

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National Geographic - Sarah Zielinski, 10/12/12

The Neanderthals are both the most familiar and the least understood of all our fossil kin.

A reconstruction of a Neanderthal female.

Like some other Neanderthals, "Wilma," a DNA-based reconstruction, was red-headed, freckled, and fair. Photograph by Joe McNally, National Geographic

For decades after the initial discovery of their bones in a cave in Germany in 1856 Homo neanderthalensis was viewed as a hairy brute who stumbled around Ice Age Eurasia on bent knees, eventually to be replaced by elegant, upright Cro-Magnon, the true ancestor of modern Europeans.

Spain Austerity Protests: Thousands March In Madrid

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Huff Post - Harold Heckle, 10/13/12

MADRID -- Several thousand anti-austerity protesters in Spain marched down a major street in the capital banging pots and pans Saturday.

Many protesters also blew whistles as they blocked part of the Castellana boulevard Saturday carrying placards saying "We don't owe, we won't pay."

To read the rest of this story, visit

Pranksters present Barclays with award for 'innovation in interest rate manipulation'

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The Telegraph - Matthew Sparkes, 10/9/12

A group of pranksters gatecrashed an investment banking event at a Mayfair hotel to present Barclays with an award for "Innovation in Interest Rate Manipulation."

A group of pranksters calling themselves The Intruders crashed the Investment Banking Awards

Footage has emerged of the activists striking at the Investment Banking Awards at the Sheraton Hotel in Mayfair, which they describe as the "Oscars of the financial world".

"Some of the world's richest bankers have gathered to congratulate each other on devising ever more creative ways to make themselves obscene sums of money," reads the narrator in the video of the stunt released this morning.

British Queen described as ‘mad woman’

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PressTV - 10/9/12

A political analyst and former U.S. marine has described Queen Elizabeth II of Britain as a “mad woman” after her intervention in the case of Abu Hamza’s extradition.

A former United States marine has described Queen Elizabeth II as a “mad woman”.

A former United States marine has described Queen Elizabeth II as a “mad woman."

Ken O’Keefe, said in an interview on a Press TV evening program, the British Queen holds a very powerful position in the world and is not just “a little old grandma”.
O’Keefe said, “I think any person with any kind of sanity and any kind of intuitive skills can simply take a look at the queen. There are plenty of pictures of her where you can see her for what she is, she is a mad woman. This is not a sane and healthy human being, this is a mad woman”.



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