Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Peregrine Financial Group CEO pleads guilty to cheating investors

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Los Angeles Times - AP,  9/17/12

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Peregrine Financial Group Chief Executive Russ Wasendorf Sr. has pleaded guilty to carrying out a 20-year fraud that duped investors and transformed his image from a highly regarded businessman to one of Iowa's most notorious corporate criminals.

During a court hearing in Cedar Rapids on Monday, Wasendorf, 64, admitted to the $200-million fraud that he first confessed in a note found on him after he made an unsuccessful suicide attempt in July. He pleaded guilty to charges of mail fraud, embezzling customer funds and making false statements to two regulatory agencies.

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Agartha ~ Inner Earth Entrance~ Requested Repost~

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This is the First Movie ever to be seen of the Polar entrance & the powerful Aurora Borealis like energy field that is occurring at the entrance. This is litterally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking.( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a couragous russian Wistle Blower).

Proof of the Existence of Inner Earth Kingdom:
This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Innner Earth. The Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensionnal inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth. They are the descendants of Lumeria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light.

As many as 100 arrested at Occupy protest on one-year anniversary

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NBC News - By Miranda Leitsinger, 9/17/12

John Makely / NBC News

An arrest on Wall Street as Occupy protesters circulate through the financial district trying to disrupt business on Sept. 17.

Looking to reignite their movement on its one-year anniversary, several hundred Occupy Wall Street activists protested in lower Manhattan Monday, staging a sit-in near the iconic New York Stock Exchange and swarming through the streets in costumes and toting American flags and signs.

Roughly 100 protesters were believed to have been arrested, including some rabbis and pastors who had sat down in the street and sidewalk, blocking them, said protester Michael Aaron, who helped organize the demonstrations and was keeping an arrest tally. A police source said multiple arrests occurred at multiple locations.

Occupy Your Victories

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Huff Post - Rebecca Solnit, 9/17/12

Occupy Wall Street’s First Anniversary

Cross-posted with

Occupy is now a year old. A year is an almost ridiculous measure of time for much of what matters: at one year old, Georgia O’Keeffe was not a great painter, and Bessie Smith wasn’t much of a singer. One year into the Civil Rights Movement, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was still in progress, catalyzed by the unknown secretary of the local NAACP chapter and a preacher from Atlanta -- by, that is, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. Occupy, our bouncing baby, was born with such struggle and joy a year ago, and here we are, 12 long months later.

Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice

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Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice

Posted on September 17, 2012 


 Hello again and welcome. This is September 17, 2012, and I’m Kevin Annett with the International Common Law Court of Justice.

Today, the Prosecutor’s Office of our Court is issuing Public Summonses to thirty two officials of church and state around the world, charging them with criminal offenses and summoning them to appear in our court. This Summons and the names and positions of these officials will be read today so that the world is able to follow these historic proceedings.

Is North Korea experimenting with change?

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Daily Herald - AP, 9/13/12

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is accompanied by his wife Ri Sol Ju during a visit to the Rungna People's Pleasure Ground in Pyongyang Photo: AFP/Getty Images

PYONGYANG, North Korea -- Deep in the North Korean countryside, in remote villages that outsiders seldom reach, farmers are now said to be given nearly one-third of their harvests to sell at market prices. Collective farms are reportedly being reorganized into something closer to family farms. State propagandists are expounding the glories of change under the country's new young leader.

In the rigidly planned economy of this Stalinist state, could this be the first flicker of reform? A string of long-doubtful observers have become increasingly convinced that economic change is afoot, akin to China's first flirtations with market reforms 30 years ago. But, they also warn, exactly what is happening remains a mystery.

Chicago teachers strike enters 2nd week

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The Seattle Times - By SOPHIA TAREEN and TAMMY WEBBER, Associated Press, 9/16/12

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is turning to the courts to try to put an end to a teachers strike that's entering its second week and has left parents scrambling to make alternative child care arrangements for at least two more days.

CHICAGO — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is turning to the courts to try to put an end to a teachers strike that's entering its second week and has left parents scrambling to make alternative child care arrangements for at least two more days.

The union and school leaders seemed headed toward a resolution at the end of last week, saying they were optimistic students in the nation's third-largest school district would be back in class by Monday. But teachers uncomfortable with a tentative contract offer decided Sunday to remain on strike, saying they needed more time to review a complicated proposal.


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Law of Mother Earth sees Bolivia pilot new social and economic model based on protection of and respect for nature.

Bolivia is to become the first country in the world to give nature comprehensive legal rights in an effort to halt climate change and the exploitation of the natural world, and to improve quality of life for the Bolivian people.

Developed by grassroots social groups and agreed by politicians, the Law of Mother Earth recognises the rights of all living things, giving the natural world equal status to human beings.

Once fully approved, the legislation will provide the Earth with rights to: life and regeneration; biodiversity and freedom from genetic modification; pure water; clean air; naturally balanced systems; restoration from the effects of human activity; and freedom from contamination.

N Korea’s Kim Jong-un gets new bodyguards

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FirstPost.World - PTI,  9/13/12

Seoul: North Korea has replaced the bodyguards of leader Kim Jong Un with ruling party officials, raising speculation that power in the North is shifting to the party away from the military, a Seoul daily reported on Thursday.

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. Agencies

The South Korean government “assumes that the replacements were made before (former leader) Kim Jong Il’s death (in December),” the JoongAng Daily quoted a South Korean government official as saying.

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