Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Several Arrests at Occupy Wall Street March

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The New York Times - Colin Moynihan, 9/15/12

Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

Several police officers accompanied the protesters as they marched toward Zuccotti Park on Saturday, arresting some.

On the first of three days of events planned for the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, about 250 people marched down Broadway from Washington Square toward Zuccotti Park, accompanied by a large number of police officers on foot, in marked and unmarked cars, and riding scooters.

Disgruntled Iowans form own governments

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The Gazette - 8/3/12

Say original U.S. government usurped by corporation

Rodney Lange, owner of Wheatland Grocery & Meats, has a "Don't Tread on Me" flag as well as the U.S. and the Iowa state flags hanging on the wall over his meat counter. Langle is the newly elected governor of the Republic for Iowa. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette-)

A gallon of milk costs just 20 cents at Wheatland Grocery & Meats — but only if you pay with coins minted before 1965.

“If we still had real money, that’s what milk would be costing,” store owner Rodney Lange said.

Turkey, Greece to cooperate in returning stolen artifacts

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Hurriyet Daily News - Serkan Demirtaş, 9/12/12

According to Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay, 3,327 pieces of artifacts were returned to Turkey since 2008 as the result of intense governmental efforts. He is now set to sign an agreement with Bulgarian minister for the return of stolen artifacts between two countries

Ertuğrul Günay says 3,327 pieces of artifacts were returned to Turkey since 2008. Among them were Troy artifacts.

Tony Blair could face war crime trial

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PressTV - 9/8/12

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair could face trial in Scotland for his war crimes in Iraq after the proposal was backed by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs).


Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair could face trial for war crimes in Scotland.

Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair could face trial for war crimes in Scotland.

Margo MacDonald, an independent MSP, called for the alteration of the International Criminal Court (Scotland) Act 2001, asking the law to consider an aggressive war with the intention of changing a regime as illegal.

The suggestion to try Blair gained support from backbenchers of the Scottish National Party (SNP), Annabelle Ewing, Gordon MacDonald, John Finnie, Chic Brodie and Jim Eadie.

To read the rest of this story, visit

UFO panel a blast from the past

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Herald-Tribune - Billy Cox, 9/11/12

Not surprisingly, National Atomic Testing Museum executive director Allan Palmer has triggered a whinefest for having the gall to sponsor an upcoming lecture billed as “Military UFO Files: Secrets Revealed.” Mainly it’s coming from the How can you sully the Smithsonian brand with little green men? crowd. Palmer doesn’t care. Although the Atomic Testing Museum is affiliated with the Smithsonian, it isn’t a subsidiary. And when it comes to UFOs, like most reasonably intelligent people, the retired Navy commander would prefer an independent inquiry to a laughably outdated government fact sheet.

“Well it is a little risky, because we’ve got something of a reputation to uphold,” says Palmer, whose remarkable Museum in Las Vegas routinely displays loaner material from the Smithsonian. “But I feel strongly that the (UFO) story has not been covered properly, and that not a lot of true science or analytical thought has gone into it.”

Legal News - C Suisse, Deutsche, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Raj Rajaratnam

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HITC - 9/10/12


Christos Bagios, the former banker at UBS and Credit Suisse who was arrested in January 2011 amid a crackdown on offshore tax evasion, may not leave Florida to visit Switzerland and Greece, a U.S. judge ruled.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Occupy Wall Street: Events Planned Nationally For Anniversary

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Huff Post - Mark Taylor-Canfield, 9/14/12

As the anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement approaches on September 17th, occupy groups across the country are planning solidarity events.

To commemorate the birth of OWS in New York City, activists in Seattle plan to stage a march and vigil at the original site of their encampment at Westlake Park. Occupy Seattle participants say they will cover their mouths with dollars bills and carry signs saying, "Money is not free speech!", referring to the US Supreme Court decision allowing corporations unlimited contributions to political candidates.

To read the rest of this story, visit Huffington

To read more about upcoming Occupy events, visit Occupy Wall Street.

Keshe Free Energy Technology Replications Galore

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Keshe Free Energy Technology Replications Galore

M.T. Keshe said that several entities, individuals, groups, and governments, have been able to replicate the energy technology phenomenon by referring to the books and patents available from the website. One scientist allegedly could power three towns pounds with his device.

Mehran Keshe, as shown in their intro video.

by Sterling D. Allan 
Pure Energy Systems News 

Yesterday, when preparing the story, Keshe Foundation Promotional Video Posted, I phoned Mehran Keshe of theKeshe Foundation to ask a couple of questions, and ended up talking to him for about half an hour.

I asked him if I could post a recording of our conversation, but he declined. However, he did suggest that we could do a live interview this next Sunday at 8 pm Belgium time (GMT+2) [noon, Mountain time], allowing for questions from the audience. Gary Hendershot has agreed to host that interview at his SmartScarecrow show. There you will be able to get a live video feed, and post questions and comments. Gary will post the interview to his SmartScarecrow YouTube channel afterward. He usually gets those up within hours of the live presentation.

US Ambassador Killed in Libya: Yemeni Protesters Storm US Embassy

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Killed in Libya: Ambassador Chris Stevens.

US Ambassador Killed in Libya: Yemeni Protesters Storm US Embassy

 Commentary by Stephen Cook: You can call me a sceptic, but I’d much prefer you call me an optimist. I am a Lightworker, after all.

Something just isn’t sitting comfortably for me with regards this sudden anti-US feeling in both Libya and Yemen – and oh, so close to being 11 years since 9/11.

If the ‘dark’ could do what they did on September 11, 2001 – killing thousands, creating panic and fear, and receding basic freedom and human rights throughout the world – why wouldn’t they sacrifice one man to start a new ‘religious’ frenzy of fear and xenophobia? 

This is all too predictable for me. Tragic, but predictable.



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