Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Mitt Romney's Biggest Flip Flops

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Rolling Stone
August 1, 8:00 AM ET | By RS Editors

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Is GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney "a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering," as he once bragged? Or is he, as his onetime presidential rival Gov. John Hunstman called him, a "perfectly lubricated weathervane"? Take a read and decide for yourselves.


Medea Benjamin and Code Pink Protest the RNC in Tampa

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The Daily Beast

Aug 28, 2012, by

Spunky Code Pink cofounder Medea Benjamin dishes to Lynn Waddell on the Republican National Convention protest scene in Tampa—and why her antiwar group started wearing vagina costumes.

Republican Convention Protst

Police Chief Jane Castor speaks to reporters as Code Pink protesters hold signs behind her on Monday in Tampa. (Dave Martin / AP Photo)

Paul Ryan stands on a foundation of lies

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The Maddow Blog - MSNCB
By Steve Benen -Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:00 AM EDT

At a basic level, what bothers me about politicians who lie, especially at a national level, is that the deceptions are insulting. A candidate who knows the truth, but makes a deliberate decision to deceive, is working from the assumption that Americans are suckers.

And last night, Paul Ryan made painfully clear that he thinks we're all profound idiots who'll believe an endless string of lies, so long as they're packaged well and presented with conviction. Jonathan Cohn suggested last night's address may have been the "most dishonest convention speech" ever delivered, and I can't think of a close second.

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Commentary: Questions on West Nile Virus

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ABC News
By Nicholas Regush, Aug. 29

Outbreaks of encephalitis from the "West Nile" virus are not getting the proper scientific attention. The scope of the research is too narrow.

The potential importance of polluted and unhealthy environments in which West Nile virus outbreaks often occur is being ignored due to lack of funding and scientific indifference.

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Tampa jail may scale back due to few RNC arrests

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By HOWARD ALTMAN | The Tampa Tribune
Published: August 29, 2012

Republican Convention 001

 Police officers walk a man to a holding cell after they found him with a large knife during a march on Sunday. (AP)

TAMPA -- The Orient Road Jail was ready.

Temporary fencing ringed the jail and a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office patrol car blocked the entrance. Booking facilities for non-convention arrests already had been moved to the Falkenburg Road jail.

But instead of struggling to deal with an influx of protesters arrested during the Republican National Convention, Col. James Previtera had a different problem today – how to trim the hours of detention deputies.

Tampa-Area Police Are Prepared for So Many Protesters They Cleared Out an Entire Jail to Make Room

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The Blaze
August 26, 2012, by Jonathon M. Seidl

If you had any doubt about what the Tampa police were expecting for the GOP convention next week, look no further than the local Hillsborough County jail. There, police have cleared out an entire jail in preparation for the influx of protesters they’re expecting to arrest. In fact, the temporary facility has been outfitted with a command center, a court room, and even a medical facility.

Colonel Jim Previtera told WFTS-TV that the jail is preparing for up to 1,000 new arrests.

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Swiss bank employee arrested in data theft case

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The Miami Herald
AP, 8/26/12

BERLIN -- Swiss private bank Julius Baer says a Zurich-based employee has been arrested on suspicion of stealing confidential client information that was later passed to German tax investigators.

Bank spokesman Jan Vonder Muehll confirmed a report Sunday by Swiss weekly SonntagsZeitung about the case.

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Ex-RBS trader details bank's Libor fixing

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Rachel Armstrong, August 23, 2012

A former dealer for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC has provided fresh details on how traders at the British bank tried to influence Libor rates, court documents filed in Singapore show.

Tan Chi Min, who is suing RBS for wrongful dismissal, alleges that the bank's minutes of his disciplinary meeting held in September last year did not accurately reflect what was discussed and omitted details of conversations about how traders at the bank tried to influence RBS's interbank lending rate submissions.

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Mexican police officers detained over shooting of U.S. diplomatic vehicle

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August 28, 2012

(CNN) -- A Mexican judge has ordered the detention of 12 federal police officers accused of opening fire on a U.S. diplomatic vehicle south of the capital last week.

Under the judge's order, the officers will be held for 30 days, Jose Luis Manjarrez, a spokesman for the Mexican Attorney-General's Office, said Monday. They will be transferred to Mexico City from the state of Morelos, where they are being held, he said.

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NY Times: UN chief to attend NAM in blow to US, Israel

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August 24, 2012

The decision by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to attend the upcoming NAM summit in Tehran is proof that the US and Israel’s anti-Iran policy has failed to find followers in much of the global scene, The New York Times writes.

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
“The American-Israeli campaign” against Iran “is not resonating in much of the world,” the daily wrote on Wednesday.

It noted that Ban’s decision “reinforced Iran’s contention that a reordering of powers is underway in the Middle East where Western influence is waning.”

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