Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

~Speech From Putin~It is impossible to move forward without spiritual, cultural and national self-determination

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'It is impossible to move forward without spiritual, cultural and national self-determination' ~ Putin September 19th, 2013

Source RT News


Vladimir Putin spoke before the final plenary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, outlining Russia’s urgent need for a united national idea in order to succeed in a global environment.

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon, friends, ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that the place for your discussions, for our meetings is well chosen and that the timing is good. We are in the centre of Russia – not a geographical centre, but a spiritual one. [Novgorod Region] is a cradle of Russian statehood. Our outstanding historians believe and have analysed how the elements of Russian statehood came together right here. This is in the light of the fact that two great rivers – the Volkhov and Neva – acted as natural means of communication, providing a natural linkage at the time. And it was here that Russian statehood gradually began to emerge.

As has already been pointed out, this year the [Valdai] club has brought together an unprecedented list of participants: more than 200 Russian and foreign politicians, public and spiritual leaders, philosophers and cultural figures, people with very different, original and sometimes opposing views.

Andromeda ~ Parallel

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GFP Note: True Disclosure ~
The TV series Andromeda is a parallel representation of what is
really happening on Mother Earth = Heart in this Moment of Now!


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart


Protesters in DC take barriers from monuments and dump them at White House gates

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21st Century Wire - 10/13/13, By 21Wire


(IMAGE: Iwo Jima Redux: Barriers taken down by US Veterans in defiance of the White House’s memorial shutdown orders)


As the Bobtail trucker convoys entered the heart of Washington DC this morning, Metropolitan police recognized that truckers were in an organized formation, and signaled their support to constitutional truckers.



The Attitude Of Gratitude ~ Canadian Thanksgiving

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Source:, 10/02/13

Gratitude is a pretty big deal to me. I have had a regular daily gratitude practice for a number of years, it has changed my life for the better in so many ways. More on that in the videos below, but first a little history lesson.

The Origins And History Of Canadian Thanksgiving

Very few of our US neighbors (or Canadians for that matter) know that the origins and history Canadian Thanksgiving are quite different from our neighbors to the south.

Living on $5,000 a year, on purpose: Meet America's 'intentional poor'

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NBC News - 10/13/13, Nona Willis-Aronowitz


Take a look at Dan Price's ultra-cheap lifestyle, starting with the home he built from scrap wood that he calls his 'hobbit hole.' John Brecher / NBC News


Price is part of a long tradition of eschewing the American dream of a house with a white-picket fence, from 1920s hobos to 1960s hippies. Nowadays, groups going back-to-basics are just as diverse, such as live-off-the-land types like Price, punky street kids, and twentysomethings living in modest group homes known as intentional communities. But they all have something in common: They’ve chosen poverty.


FIRST VIDEO: Snowden receives Sam Adams Award in Moscow

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RT - Edited 10/12/13

The first videos of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have surfaced since he received asylum in Russia. The footage, provided by WikiLeaks, was taken during the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence awards ceremony.

“This is not about any sort of particular program, this is about a trend in the relationship between the governing and the governed in America,” Snowden said speaking about the government transparency situation in the US. “That is increasingly coming into conflict with what we expect as a free and democratic people. If we can’t understand the policies and the programs of our government, we cannot grant our consent in regulating them.”

Video and more:


Arafat poisoned to death: Lancet medical journal

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Alalam - 10/12/13


Late PLO leader Yasser Arafat (R) prepares to leave Ramallah in October 2004 to fly to Paris for treatment for what was then an unknown illness.
Late PLO leader Yasser Arafat (R) prepares to leave Ramallah in October 2004 to fly to Paris for treatment for what was then an unknown illness.
A report by one of the world’s leading medical journals has supported earlier findings that Yasser Arafat, the late leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was poisoned to death nearly a decade ago.

According to British journal the Lancet, Arafat was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium 210.



Diana: Time for police to make arrests and seize documents, says lawyer

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Express - John Twomey, 10/12/13



Princess Diana in Washington in 1995 [AP]


SCOTLAND Yard was under increasing pressure last night to launch a full-scale inquiry into sensational allegations that the SAS assassinated Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed.

Simon McKay was speaking after it emerged a third witness has corroborated claims from a former SAS sniper who apparently boasted how the elite regiment was involved in the deaths of the couple in a Paris underpass.




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