Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Obama to choose Yellen for top Fed job, markets relieved

Rain's picture


Reuters - 10/09/13, Mark Felsenthal and Jeff Mason


Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen addresses the 29th National Association for Business Economics Policy Conference in Washington March 4, 2013. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen addresses the 29th National Association for Business Economics Policy Conference in Washington March 4, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Gary Cameron


The nomination will put Yellen on course to be the first woman to lead the institution in its 100-year history. The advocate for aggressive action to stimulate U.S. economic growth through low interest rates and large-scale bond purchases would replace Ben Bernanke, whose second term as Fed chairman expires on January 31.


Bahrainis hold demonstrations against Al Khalifa regime

Rain's picture - 10/08/13, MN/AS


File photo shows an anti-regime demonstration in Bahrain.

File photo shows an anti-regime demonstration in Bahrain.
Bahrainis have taken to the streets in the northeastern island of Sitra for the sixth consecutive day to denounce the Al Khalifa regime’s unrelenting crackdown on pro-democracy protests.
On Monday, people from all walks of life attended marches in Sitra to demand reforms and an end to the decades-old rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.





Government Officials Not Told About GCHQ Spying Programmes, Says Chris Huhne

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Cabinet was told nothing about GCHQ spying programmes,
says Chris Huhne

The Guardian - 10/06/13, Nick Hopkins and Matthew Taylor



Chris Huhne questions whether the Home Office deliberately misled parliament over the surveillance capabilities of GCHQ, pictured. Photograph: GCHQ/MoD/EPA


Cabinet ministers and members of the national security council were told nothing about the existence and scale of the vast data-gathering programmes run by British and American intelligence agencies, a former member of the government has revealed.

Dozens play chess in public to defy SF crackdown

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Yahoo! News - 10/06/13, Paul Elias/AP



At least for an afternoon, the chess players were back at the usual spot they've occupied for years along downtown San Francisco's busy Market Street.


But instead of hustling a dollar here and a dollar there with deft openings and clever traps, the mostly homeless players and their supporters were playing Sunday in defiance of a recent police crackdown and ban on the public games. And they were backed by a brass band and several homeless advocates who helped organize the three-hour "chess-in" under bright, blue skies on a hot San Francisco afternoon.




8 Lawmakers Arrested at Immigration Protest

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The New York Times - 10/08/13, Julia Preston


Conservatives questioned how the rally could be held on the Mall, a national park, while the government was shut down. Gabriella Demczuk/The New York Times


As several thousand demonstrators rallied around them, eight members of the House of Representatives were arrested on Tuesday outside the Capitol in a protest to push Congress to pass broad immigration legislation that includes a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally.

The representatives arrested were Joseph Crowley and Charles B. Rangel of New York, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Al Green of Texas, Luis V. Gutierrez and Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, Raul M. Grijalva of Arizona and John Lewis of Georgia. More than 150 other protesters, many from labor unions and immigrant organizations, were also arrested after they sat down and linked arms in the same street.

More: NYTimes


Dave Hodges ~ America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date With Destiny

Lia's picture

The Common Sense Show October 6, 2013

The winds of change are blowing across America. The following events, detailed below, mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the federal government and the people not of the federal government. We are at a definitive crossroads in history and I can scarcely believe what I am witnessing.

After reading the following accounts which have transpired in the past few days, it will become clear to the reader that we are moving into times of unprecedented change. These changes are promising and exciting, yet are very frightening.

Arizona State Government Weighing Options to Defy the Obama Administration

Will the country soon be following Governor Brewer’s lead?

Since the historic finger pointing encounter on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport over the controversial immigration related issue of SB1070, it is no secret that Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, and President Obama do not like each other. In fact, to say that they don’t like each other is a gross understatement.

Presently in Arizona, there are 7,000 hurting families which derive their livelihood from tourism at the Grand Canyon. Obama has ordered the shutdown of the Canyon in regard to the budget impasse.

Governor Brewer is actually considering the use of the State’s National Guard to man the Grand Canyon in defiance of the federal order which shut down the park. Arizona is awaiting Brewer’s next move as she contemplates how to stand up the tyranny emanating from Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Defies Obama’s Shutdown Orders

Bahraini protesters hold anti-regime demonstration

Rain's picture ~ Ahlul Bayt News Agency - 6/10/13


Bahraini protests hold anti-regime demo in Bilad Qadeem

Demonstrators chanted slogans against the ruling Al Khalifa family during a protest in the town of Bilad al-Qadeem. They said King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa must relinquish power. 

The Bahraini uprising against Al Khalifa began in early 2011. Scores of people have been killed and hundreds arrested in the regime crackdown ever since. 



One Hundred Days of Solitude - the Protests in Bulgaria

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EU Inside - 10/03/13, Adelina Marini


Sofia for years has been a city of contrasts, of at first glance conflicting cultures. A city of the beautiful and the ugly, of the best from the European and the worst from the Oriental, a city of clean and dirty, of new and old. A city where alongside a Christian church you will see a mosque or a synagogue. A city of past and present, but with ever more unclear future. Where you can spend a wonderful afternoon in a cosy and amazing tea-room with home-made cake while you watch the tram station across the street where a mother of Roma origin is holding a crying girl by the hand. A city in which it recently became painfully clear that two warring societies live side by side - of those who want a change and stronger integration with Europe and of those who want the status-quo.



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