Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Greeks stage massive anti-austerity rally in Thessaloniki

Rain's picture - 9/08/13

Greeks protest against the government’s austerity measures and the layoff of public workers during a rally in the city of Thessaloniki on September 7, 2013.

Greeks protest against the government’s austerity measures and the layoff of public workers during a rally in the city of Thessaloniki on September 7, 2013.
Greeks have taken to the streets in yet another mass anti-austerity demonstration despite the government’s talk of improvement in the recession-hit economy.

Thousands of people, including union workers, rallied in the country’s second largest city of Thessaloniki on Saturday to protest against cutbacks and layoff of public workers.



UN: press should not be 'intimidated into silence' over state secrets

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The Guardian - 9/04/13, Josh Halliday and Ewen MacAskill

Glenn Greenwald David Miranda

David Miranda (right) the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greewald (left) was detained by the UK government under shedule 7 of the Terrorism Act. Photograph: Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Two senior UN representatives have warned the British government that the protection of state secrets must not be used as an excuse to "intimidate the press into silence" following the detention of David Miranda under the Terrorism Act.

California Abruptly Drops Plan to Implant RFID Chips in Driver’s Licenses

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Wired - 9/03/13, David Kravets

Photo: Ariel Zambelich/WIRED

Following complaints from privacy groups, California lawmakers on Friday suspended legislation to embed radio-frequency identification chips, or RFIDs, in its driver’s licenses and state identification cards.

The legislation, S.B. 397,  was put on hold by the state Assembly Appropriations Committee, despite it having been approved by the California Senate, where it likely will be re-introduced in the coming months. Had the measure passed, it would have transformed the Golden State’s standard form of ID into one of the most sophisticated identification documents in the country, mirroring the four other states that have embraced the spy-friendly technology.



With a Burst of Color, Turkey’s Public Walkways Become a Focus of Quiet Protest

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The New York Times: The Lede - 9/03/13,

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Those walkways generally attract little notice, but that changed last week, when a retired forestry engineer decided to paint the Findikli stairs in the central district of Beyoglu in all the colors of the rainbow — an act of guerrilla beautification that unintentionally triggered a fresh ripple of anti-government protests.



Brazil’s protests reveal the tension of a people moving ahead of their country

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Quartz - 9/05/13, By Osmundo Pinho and Micol Seigel

Protecting police above citizens. Reuters/Pilar Olivares

Anyone who still thinks the revolution will not be televised isn’t paying attention to Brazil.
Certainly in some ways Brazil, in all its tension and tragedy, is no more than this season’s most visible microcosm of the stratifications afflicting the planet—one nation’s 99%. And the high-tech engagements of the protestors may also be no more than that of their counterparts in Tahrir Square or on Wall Street. But Brazil’s contradictions throw this iteration of global protest into high relief, because the police brutality and state violence trouble Brazil’s international image of cordial civility and racial harmony.



Several thousand protest in Sofia as Bulgaria’s Parliament resumes

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The Sofia Globe - 9/04/13, Staff

protest august 2013 photo Vassil Garnizov

(Photo: Vassil Garnizov)

Bulgaria’s Parliament was the focus of a turnout of several thousand anti-government protesters on September 4 2013 as the National Assembly resumed after the summer recess, while there was also a strong turnout of pro-government demonstrators – both groups augmented by busloads of people brought in from cities and towns elsewhere in the country.

While the anti-government protests, going on for 83 consecutive days, have been demanding the resignation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party government and endorsing no political party, the September 4 protest saw former ruling party, centre-right GERB, associate itself with the protests.




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