Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult

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Storyleak - Michael Thelan, 8/29/13


During a short interview with Germany’s DW News last Monday, former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased political knowledge of the public.

“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said Brzezinski during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal.



The Indigo Evolution

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GFP Note: Indigos have incarnated throughout human history - they were Beings who had contracts to perform specific missions. Modern Indigos started incarnating in the late 1940s, after we planned our current mission.

There are about 12 million Indigos incarnate on Earth right now.


The Indigo Evolution ~ Full Length Documentary ~

Indigo Children



Pictures: Marches on Washington, 1963 vs. 2013

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National Geographic - 8/29/13, Sasha Ingber

The Washington Monument and a U.S. flag are reflected in the sunglasses of Austin Clinton Brown, 9, of Gainesville, Ga., as he joins others in the March on Washington on Aug. 28, 1963. (AP Photo)

AP Photo

Wednesday’s Washington rain did not deter thousands from heading to the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.


People listen to a speaker at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

Photograph by Jewel Samad, AFP/Getty

The Top 12 Places You Can't Visit

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GFP Note: This article describes these 12 locations: Lascaux Caves in Southwest France, North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal, The Ise Grand Shrine, Club 33, Metro-2 (Beneath Moscow, Russia), Mount Weather, Vatican Secret Archives, White's Gentlemen's Club, Room 39 (Pyongyang, North Korea), RAF Menwith Hill, Coca-Cola's Recipe Vault, and Area 51.


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart - Liz Burlingame, 8/29/13

France investigates US PRISM spying scheme

Rain's picture - 8/29/13

The Paris prosecutor’s office launched a probe on July 16 into the US spy agency’s illegal access to personal email and phone communications of French citizens following a legal complaint by the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) and the League of Human Rights (LDH), according to AFP.

The complaint filed by the groups also targets giant tech companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Paltak, Facebook, YouTube, Skype, AOL and Apple. The purpose is to reveal if they have provided the NSA and the FBI with access to their servers, said Emmanuel Daoud, a lawyer for the two groups.



U.S. fast-food workers protest, demand a 'living wage'

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Chicago Tribune - 8/29/13, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, Reuters

Fast-food workers went on strike and protested outside McDonald's, Burger King and other restaurants in 60 U.S. cities on Thursday, in the largest protest of an almost year-long campaign to raise service sector wages.

Rallies were held in cities from New York to Oakland and stretched into the South, historically difficult territory for organized labor.

Video and more:


Let Freedom Ring - Ceremony Marks 50th Anniversary of "I Have a Dream" Speech

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Reuters - 8/28/13, Ian Simpson and Jeff Mason

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) joins members of the King family and other dignitaries to ring a bell on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I have a dream' speech in Washington August 28, 2013. REUTERS-Kevin Lamarque

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) joins members of the King family and other dignitaries to ring a bell on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the More...
Credit: REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Obama, the first black U.S. president, spoke to thousands of marchers on Washington's National Mall to commemorate King's landmark address, which came to symbolize the struggle for equality among blacks and whites in America.


Joe Rogan Questions UFOs

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Source: OpenMinds.TV - 8/27/13, Alejandro Rojas

Open Minds UFO Radio: Joe Rogan, a comedian and actor, is also a self proclaimed life-long paranormal mystery addict. He has a new show on the Syfy Channel titled Joe Rogan Questions Everything, in which he explores the evidence for various paranormal phenomena. The latest episode was on UFOs and featured Open Minds editor and writer, Jason McClellan. Jason and I talk about the episode, his experience being on the show, and some of the important topics raised by the show.


(GFP Note: To listen to the radio program, click on the link at the top of the story.)


For more on the UFO episode of Joe Rogan Questions Everything, visit his Syfy page at:



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