Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Bulgaria protests are an indictment against corruption

Rain's picture - Tzvetina Borisova for Southeast European Times in Sofia, 26/08/13


A demonstrator waves a Bulgarian national flag during an anti-government protest in Sofia on July 24th. [AFP]


The main reason behind a recent wave of anti-government protests in Bulgaria is a result of corruption and weak public institutions that serve as a democratic facade for a system of governance allowing illegitimate oligarchic, vested interests to control institutional decision-making, according to Transparency International (TI) Bulgaria.

"They [the protesters] are fed up that the country's elites -- in politics but also in business -- are getting away with impunity for corruption," TI wrote in its recent report.


Turkey’s Hidden Revolution

Rain's picture - 8/26/13,

Peaceful protesters in Ankara, Turkey, June 4, 2013.

Young Turks, like those protesting in Ankara on June 4, don't fit into the country's old ideological categories. Photo by Adem Altan/AFP/Getty Images

On Aug. 5 a court in western Turkey handed down life sentences to a score of retired military officers, including the former chief of the general staff, as well as politicians and media figures, for plotting attacks that would have hurled the country into chaos in preparation for a military coup. The trial was widely regarded as flawed, but the verdicts did not provoke big protests in a nation that until a few years ago held the Army in higher esteem than any other institution. A few days later, at the end of Ramadan, the cities emptied as usual and the resorts were packed. Amid the festivities, the decapitation of the country’s former ruling establishment was largely forgotten.

Tens of thousands of South African workers go on strike over pay

Rain's picture - 8/26/13

Striking mineworkers gather outside the Anglo-American Platinum mine in Rustenburg, South Africa. (file photo)

Striking mineworkers gather outside the Anglo-American Platinum mine in Rustenburg, South Africa. (file photo)

On Monday, some 90,000 construction workers in the mining industry stopped work to demand a 13 percent pay increase.

On the same day, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) issued a statement saying, “They cannot ... plead poverty, and must share their super-profits with workers who risk life and limb every day in one of the most dangerous working environments.”

Also, on Monday, South African Transport and Allied Workers' Union spokesman Vincent Masoga issued a statement saying 1,300 aircraft maintenance technicians went on strike to demand a 12 percent wage increase.

On 50th Anniversary Of Martin Luther King's 'Dream' Speech, Bells To Ring For Freedom

Rain's picture


Huff Post - Reuters, 8/27/13

martin luther king dream speech

A combination image shows US civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (R) as he waves to supporters on August 28, 1963 from the Mall in Washington DC during the 'March on Washington', and newly inaugurated US President Barack Obama (L) speaking after being sworn in as the 44th US president of the US. 46 years after Martin Luther King's march on Washington to raise public consciousness for civil rights, the US on Janaury 20, 2009 witnessed the swearing-in of their first African-American preside


WASHINGTON, Aug 27 (Reuters) - An address by President Barack Obama and nationwide bell-ringing will cap celebrations on Wednesday marking the 50th anniversary of civil rights leader Martin Luther King's landmark "I have a dream" speech.

How Mainstream Media Is Distorting What We See

Rain's picture

Source: - Marty Kaplan, 8/26/13

Three recent stories that drive home the sorry state of the media.

Money, they say, is the mother’s milk of politics.  Also of news, sports and the rest of the entertainment industry.  Three recent stories drive that home. 

When Reince Priebus pressured Comcast’s NBC to drop a miniseries starring Diane Lane as Hillary Clinton, the hostage that the RNC chairman threatened to snuff was the network’s access to the 2016 presidential primary debates.  When the NFL forced Disney’s ESPN to pull out of a documentary about concussions jointly produced with PBS’s Frontline, the league’s leverage was its deal with Disney’s ABC to air Monday Night Football.  And when Time Warner’s CNN hired Newt Gingrich for its exhumed edition of Crossfire, its motive wasn’t political journalism in service of democracy; it was stunt casting in service of ratings.

Ben Fulford: Latest attempt to start world war 3 in Syria a sign of cabal desperation

Lia's picture



The final take-down of the criminal cabal that illegally seized control of many Western countries is under-way according to multiple sources in the Pentagon, MI5, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and in various Asian power centers.

The ongoing attempts by these religious fanatic criminals to start Armageddon, this time with an operation in Syria is nothing more than a sign of desperation. The list of countries that has agreed to attack Syria based on the obvious cabal staged poisonous gas attack in Syria is also a list of the countries still under cabal control. These are the US, Canada (to my deep shame), France, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The fact that other NATO countries, notably Germany, are not participating is a sign the cabal no longer controls the NATO alliance. Globally, the cabal now controls only 8 out of the 195 nations on earth.

It is true these cabal controlled nations still control considerable military power on paper but it is extremely unlikely the pentagon will go along with this latest cabal gambit. From their point of view it is difficult to see what sort of legitimate US interests would be served by attacking Syria.

Instead, they realize this latest horror is just a desperate attempt to start war in order to save cabal control of the financial system. That is not going to be allowed.

UFO Sighting Over Nuclear Reactor - July 1945

Rain's picture


Source: - 8/21/13

Grumman F6F Hellcat
Grumman F6F Hellcat

“There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.”

The U.S. Navy used slogans like these to emphasize the importance of flight safety when Byron D. Varner was an aviation cadet during World War II. That particular one stayed embedded in his mind through out his flying experience because he saw many would-be heroes kill themselves trying to be bold pilots. Mr. Varner hadn’t thought of this slogan for a long time until he met Rolan D. Powell, the only “old” pilot he ever knew who totally disproved it. Mr. Powell retired as a Lt. Cdr. USNR after not only serving in World War II aboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Yorktown, but also in Korea and Vietnam on other assignments. On November 29,1996, Rolan celebrated his seventieth birthday.

The following narrative begins on page 72 of the Varner/Powell book.

Roswell witness Jesse Marcel Jr. passes at 76 (Video)

Rain's picture

Source: - 8/26/13, Alejandro Rojas



Jesse Marcel Jr. was the son of the U.S. Air Force intelligence officer who first examined the crash debris found by Mac Brazel near Roswell, New Mexico in early July of 1947. His father had told him about the event and had shown him and his mother some of the debris that was recovered. Marcel passed away in his home on Saturday, August 24, due to a suspected heart attack.

Marcel’s daughter, Denice, posted this message on her father’s Facebook account:

It is with a sad heart that I have to break this bad news to the world.

NASA UFO transmissions make the news and the latest Daft Punk album (Video)

Rain's picture

Source: - 8/22/13, Alejandro Rojas



There has been a lot of news this week about a UFO spotted by a NASA astronaut that was quickly identified. A similar event that took place on an Apollo mission has also been featured on a track on Daft Punk’s latest album.

The most recent event took place this past Monday, August 19. NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy radioed down to ground control that he spotted an unidentified object near the International Space Station. Russian ground controllers quickly identified the object as an antenna cover from the Zvezda service module.


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