Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Judge Gets 28 Years After Making $2m for Sending Black Children to Jail

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Judge Mark A. Ciavarella

By Amir Shaw, Rolling Out

Judge Mark A. Ciavarella, 63, serves as an example of why the private prison industry can do more harm than good.

Ciavarella worked alongside owners of private juvenile facilities to ensure that the prison remained occupied. The more prisoners equated to more profits for the owners of the prison.

As a result, Ciavarella would sentence offenders with small offenses to months and, at times, years behind bars.

He once sentenced a teen to three months in jail for creating a MySpace page that mocked her school’s assistant principal. Ciavarella also sentenced another teen to 90 days in jail after a simple schoolyard fight.

But after a federal investigation, it was discovered that Ciavarella and his colleague, Judge Michael Conahan, received more than $2.6 million from privately run youth centers owned by PA Child Care.

Seven weeks of street protests reveal both Bulgaria’s failure, success

Rain's picture - 8/01/13

Seven weeks of street protests reveal both Bulgaria’s failure, success

Every evening now for seven weeks, the protesters march along Sofia’s ‘yellow brick road’ – named after the colour of its paving stones – past communist-era government buildings and Orthodox churches to the parliament.

The tsar and his horse are swathed in Bulgarian green red and white flags. “This is an awakening; we are taking responsibility for our destiny. We are coming together,” said Bezuhanova, who hints that she may set up a pro-reform political party in the future. “Whatever happens, Bulgaria will never be the same again.”



U.S. UFO Intelligence Leaks? Tough Road for Government

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Huffington Post - 8/01/13, Roger Marsh


Image: Robert Hastings has interviewed 140 former U.S. military veterans about UFOs, including a case from Ellsworth Air Force Base, pictured. Credit: Wikipedia.

U.S. intelligence leaks involving UFO activity seem to be a bit of a quandary for federal government agencies. How do you publicly admonish someone who is passing along information that the same government denies?

In this type of situation -- where active duty Air Force personnel leak information about UFOs near nuclear weapons sites to outsiders -- the Pentagon becomes trapped by its own deceptive policy of claiming that UFOs pose no threat to U.S. national security. (It was this official stance -- UFOs, even if they exist, are not a threat -- that was used to justify the closure of the Air Force's UFO study, Project Blue Book, in 1969.)

More: Huffington Post


Geoff Marcy, NASA Planet Hunter, On The Lookout For Alien Ships In Deep Space

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Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 7/25/13

planet hunter geoff marcy kepler space telescope

Artist's concept of a planet passing in front of a distant sun is an example of how the Kepler space telescope (illustrated in the lower left) is able to detect exoplanets. As the planet passes in front of the star, it causes a dimming of the star light, indicating to scientists that there's a planet there. Note: Kepler doesn't actually get this close to any stars, making its planet detection process even more remarkable.

The University of California at Berkeley astronomer is an official NASA investigator assigned to the Kepler mission and credited with confirming almost three-quarters of the first 100 exoplanets -- planets outside our solar system -- found by Kepler, as reported in Open Minds.TV.

Breaking News: Edward Snowden Granted 1-Year Asylum in Russia

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snowden Russia asylum

From – August 1, 2013

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia and is allowed to enter the country’s territory.

The whistleblower has been granted temporary political asylum in Russia, Snowden’s legal representative Anatoly Kucherena said.

“I have just handed over to him papers from the Russian Immigration Service. They are what he needs to leave the transit zone,” he added.

Snowden has already left the transit zone of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport, an RT crew at the scene has confirmed.

His present location has not been made public nor will it be disclosed, Kucherena said, adding that Snowden is among the most wanted people in the world.


July Crop Circles - Update

Rain's picture has reported 30 formations for July. To see all the July crop circles, visit this page.

Below are the latest two crop circles reported in July. To see more photos and notes, visit the link above.


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