Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Solidarity growing among Turkish protesters

Rain's picture - 6/30/13, Senada Sokollu, Istanbul / bk

Kurds marched to pay tribute to Medeni Yildirim, an 18-year-old young man who died during clashes between Kurdish protesters and Turkish soldiers on June 29, 2013, in Diyarbakir. Photo: MEHMET ENGIN/AFP/Getty Images

Turks, Kurds, Alawis, Sunnis - old sectarian distinctions are apparently being ignored. "That was never anyone's intention," one Kurdish demonstrator said. "All that happened in the past were provocations. It didn't matter how many divisive statements the politicians made. The people won't lose their solidarity, and that's the important thing."

"We're all brothers," another Kurd added. "We're all equal and free, and want to live equal and free in this country."



Was soccer or protest the big winner in Brazil?

Rain's picture - Mark Zeigler, 6/30/13

Protesters gather near a line of security blocking a road that leads to Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, June 30, 2013.  Anti-government protesters marched Sunday near the Maracana football stadium before a major international match, venting their anger about the billions of dollars the Brazilian government is spending on major sporting events rather than public services. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

Protesters gather near a line of security blocking a road that leads to Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, June 30, 2013. Anti-government protesters marched Sunday near the Maracana football stadium before a major international match, venting their anger about the billions of dollars the Brazilian government is spending on major sporting events rather than public services. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) — AP

Think about it: Millions of people across Brazil spent three weeks relentlessly protesting in the face of a sport that is their religion, their passion, their identity.

UFO hovers around International Space Station

Rain's picture - 6/29/13, By Raymond

UFO recorded near International Space Station on 26 June, 2013, as reported by UFO sightings daily. The report was posted on 27 June, 2013. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. 


“There are hundreds of them on YouTube over the years and still NASA decides...don't talk about it and it will go away. The only thing going away however is NASA's credibility.”

Restore The Fourth: Group Organizes Nationwide Anti-NSA Spying Protests On July 4

MomT's picture

HUFFPOST LIVE Posted:   |  Updated: 06/28/2013 8:05 pm EDT

restore the fourth logo

A group of concerned citizens has organized under the name "Restore The Fourth" and plans to protest what it calls "unconstitutional surveillance" at rallies across the U.S. on July 4. HuffPost Live's Alyona Minkovski recently talked to Ben Doernberg of Restore the Fourth NYC about the group's NSA rally in Union Square on July 4 and how the group at large is demanding an end to all government programs that violate the Fourth Amendment.

To view the video about this peaceful movement visit HUFFPOST LIVE

Area 51 Whistleblower Now Involved in Military Contracts and Consulting on Weapons Systems

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Update on Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar

Source: -  Alejandro Rojas, June 27, 2013


Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar is best known as the whistleblower that outed Area 51 and its extraterrestrial secrets. He claims to have been an employee there tasked with back engineering alien technology. In a recent email from his company, apparently he is now a science and technology consultant to Raytheon, and his company has contracts with the military.

British UFO Document Release Designed to Deflect Public and Media Interest Says Former Ministry of Defence UFO Specialist

Rain's picture - 6/26/13, PR News Wire, SOURCE Robert Hastings. Press Release.

WASHINGTON, June 26, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A claim by the British Ministry of Defence that UFOs have no defense significance is "designed solely to keep Parliament, the media and the public off our backs," according to former MoD UFO Desk administrator Nick Pope.  

In reality, Pope says, "the UK's Freedom of Information Act contains wide-ranging exemptions covering areas such as defense, security and intelligence" and the newly-available documents had already been "judged to be unclassified" before their release.  



Middle-class rage sparks protest movements in Turkey, Brazil, Bulgaria and beyond

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The Washington Post - By and Paula Moura, 6/28/13

Protest movements around the world: From Turkey to Brazil to Bosnia, a range of society takes to the streets.

Indeed, on the heels of the Arab Spring, Spain’s “indignados” and the U.S. Occupy movement, some observers see a new class of protest emerging among the global citizenry. If the 1960s were about breaking cultural norms and protesting foreign wars, and the 1990s about railing against globalization, then the 2010s are about a clamor for responsive government, as well as social and economic freedom.

“These are a group of people who are better educated and more connected through technology,” said Robin Niblett, director of Chatham House, the London-based think tank. “In parts of the developing world, this is a new middle class, where the definition of success is not survival. It’s about quality of life, about future opportunity and freedom of expression.”

Rousseff's popularity plummets in wake of Brazil protests

Rain's picture - 6/29/13, By Silvio Cascione and Todd Benson

Photo:, AP

President Dilma Rousseff's approval rating sank by 27 percentage points in the last three weeks, a poll showed on Saturday, the strongest evidence yet that the recent wave of street protests sweeping Brazil poses a serious threat to her likely re-election bid next year.

Then came the nationwide street demonstrations of the past few weeks, which have sent shockwaves through Brazil's political establishment. While the protests have not been directed at a single leader or party, widespread discontent with a ruling class that is seen as self-serving and corrupt is eroding the popularity of politicians at all levels, including Rousseff.

Re~Post: The 1977 Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command Incident

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GFP Note: There has been renewed interest in this incident recently so we are re-posting this information.
by Curt Rowlett, April 2007


On Saturday, November 26, 1977 at 5:10 p.m. in the United Kingdom, a mysterious voice who called himself "Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command" performed an illegal broadcast on live television during the height of an evening news program.

The transmission lasted for over five minutes. This weird electronic voice - accompanied by a strange pulsating sound, echoes, and eerie distortions - overrode the normal audio broadcast signal in order to recite a lengthy statement warning viewers of an impending global disaster should humanity continue on its present course. (The hijack did not effect the video portion of the news broadcast and the illegal voice transmission was superimposed over the existing audio).


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