Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

After Protests, Forums Sprout in Turkey’s Parks

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The New York Times - 7/07/13, By SEBNEM ARSU

Ed Ou for The New York Times.Crowds gathered at Abbasaga Park in Istanbul in late June. Anti-government protests have dimmed after an intense crackdown, but Turks continue to gather each night in dozens of parks across the country to brainstorm about ways to get politically organized.

“I have never done this before, talking to so many people,” Muge Cevik, a computer engineer, said timidly as she stood on a stage barely lighted by street lamps at Abbasaga Park, trees casting a shadow over the audience.

“Those with or without head scarf, Marxist or communist, believer or not — we walked all together, and should continue to stand for each other,” said a man wearing a black T-shirt, speaking on another recent evening to a crowd of nearly 100 men and women in Ortanca Park in Ferikoy, an Istanbul neighborhood.

Who are the Bulgarian protesters?

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GFP Note: If you read between the lines and look into your Heart, you will see The Truth - the Bulgarian Protesters are Indigoes! This is the Indigo Revolution!


heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart - 7/06/13, Maria Spirova

Brazil protests even hit top literary festival

Rain's picture - 7/05/13, Jenny Barchfield/AP

"We have gotten to a point in Brazil where the state has stopped representing public interest and has begun representing private interests," said Gil, culture minister under former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whose hand-picked successor Dilma Rousseff is the target of much of the protesters' anger. "We want a little bit of rest."

He said the protests have tapped into the spirit of revolt that has recently swept the globe, with the Arab Spring and recent events in Egypt, the Occupy Wall Street movement, Spain's Indignados and the mass protests in Turkey. But he said the demonstrations in Brazil are essentially Brazilian in spirit, drawing heavily on the country's Carnival tradition.



Two New Crop Circles

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Source: - July, 2013


Avebury Trusloe, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, UK. Reported 7th July.

We have had a crop formation appear on our land at Avebury Trusloe last night, which has not yet appeared on your website but no doubt will shortly. We request that nobody is allowed to enter the field to visit the formation. If we do find anyone in the field we will destroy the formation. Wiltshire Police have been informed of the criminal damage and have said they are prepared to prosecute anyone entering the field for trespass.

Cover-Up at Vandenberg (Sirius Disclosure - New Video)

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Professor Jacobs is a respected professor at a major US university. In the 1960's he was in the Air Force. He was the officer in charge of optical instrumentation and his job was to film ballistic missile tests launched from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. In 1964, during a test of the first missile they filmed, they caught on film a UFO traveling right next to the missile. The film showed that from the UFO a beam of light was directed at the missile. The next day he was shown the film by his commanding officer and was told never to speak of this again.



Published on Jul 5, 2013 by SDisclosure

The Roswell Crash - 66th Anniversary

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GFP Note: On July 7, 1947, a spaceship piloted by Greys crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Bodies and wreckage were recovered by the U.S. army. At least one survivor was probably recovered as well.

Governments around the planet had been working with The Illuminati and The Greys for a long time by 1947, so "those in the know" did not learn anything new when this ship crashed. Roswell is an important incident because the soldiers who discovered the crashed ship were not "in the know" and spilled the beans, so to speak. For the first time that we know of, evidence of a big secret had been revealed to the public. And ever since, The Cabal has been trying to put the Roswell cat back into the bag.

Reminder: The Illuminati left the planet in the 1990s and turned back to The Light. They are now helping us with our mission. The Cabal/minions/Greys have no real power anymore. The minions are surrendering and the Greys are dissolving.

Love won! Don't worry. Be happy!

Roswell gears up for UFO festival

Rain's picture - 7/03/13, Lauren Hansard

The festival starts with the carnival tomorrow, but the main event is Friday.  People will be in town to share their accounts of the UFO that allegedly landed outside Roswell in 1947.

"I started the investigation as a skeptic, I came away now 99% convinced it did happen," said Don Schmitt, a UFO investigator.

Video and more:


Russell Crowe tweets about UFO alien disclosure (Video)

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Source: - Alejandro Rojas, 7/03/13

Russell Crowe made news earlier this year when he tweeted pictures from an alleged UFO sighting he had four years ago. Last week he tweeted a video posted by Jesse Ventura of Canada’s ex-Minster of Defense Paul Hellyer talking about UFO cover-ups at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, a mock-congressional style hearing in Washington D.C. that was held in late April into early May of 2013.

(To see the related image, visit the link at the top of the page.)

Mass Protests in Bahrain

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GFP Note: The three articles below discuss something we haven't heard much about - mass pro-democracy protests in Bahrain that have been taking place since February, 2011. There were 448 protests in June.


heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart

Bahraini protesters demand freedom of political prisoners


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