Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Top 10 UFO sightings: from Roswell to a pub in Berkshire

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The Guardian - 6/21/13, Michael Hogan

As the MoD releases its final UFO files, here are the world's most famous sightings of alien spaceships – sorry, we mean unidentified flying objects. Keep watching the skies.

Kenneth Arnold

4 Kenneth Arnold case, 1947

 Pilots EJ Smith, Kenneth Arnold, and Ralph E Stevens look at a photo of a UFO that they spotted in Washington. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis

The press first coined the term "flying saucer" after this Idaho pilot claimed he had seen a string of nine shiny, saucer-shaped objects flying at supersonic speeds near Mount Rainier, Washington. What's the frequency, Kenneth?

More: The Guardian



Solstice Celebrations - Photos

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The Washington Post - 6/21/30

People around the globe mark the date as the Earth
reaches its maximum tilt for this half of the year.

A man in Native American gear stands during the summer solstice shortly after 4:52 a.m. at Stonehenge monument. The solstice festival attracts people from around the world. Lefteris Pitarakis / AP

More: The Washington Post



Stonehenge Revealed: Why Stones Were a "Special Place"

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National Geographic - 6/21/13, Rachel Hartigan Shea

Revelers at a Celtic summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge.

Each year revelers like these travel to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice. Photograph by Jim Richardson, National Geographic

One of our discoveries in 2008 was on the avenue that leads out of Stonehenge. As you are moving along the avenue away from Stonehenge, you are looking toward where the sun rises on the midsummer solstice. If you turn 180 degrees and look back toward Stonehenge, that's where the sun sets on the midwinter solstice. Underneath the avenue, we discovered a natural landform, formed in a previous ice age, where there are grooves and ridges that by sheer coincidence are aligned on that solstitial axis.

We think that long before Stonehenge this location was already a special place. These hunters and gatherers may have been the people who first recognized this special feature in the land where the earth and the heavens were basically in harmony.

G8 Summit 2013: Protesters Had a Point

Rain's picture - Andrew Davis, 6/20/13

g8, summit, 2013:, protesters, had, a, point,

On Monday, leaders from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Russia met in Northern Ireland for the 39th annual G8 summit. The summit also drew in protesters from across the globe who denounce the G8 as an instrument of wealthy international elites that exploits — rather than serves — both the citizens of its member nations and the inhabitants of the world’s poorest countries. How much truth, however, really lies in this assertion? In short, the rather disappointing answer is that this assertion, in a less-sensationalized form, calls attention to some valid discrepancies between the lofty rhetoric that surrounds the G8 summit and the reality of what is being discussed there.

BBC - UFO sightings: Files explain why MoD closed down special desk

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BBC - 6/20/13

Undated handout photo issued by The National Archives of a photograph apparently showing a "UFO" by Stonehenge, Wiltshire, January 2009
"Discoid" shapes were spotted in photographs of Stonehenge, according to the files

The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk because it served "no defence purpose" and was taking staff away from "more valuable defence-related activities", newly released files show.

The desk was closed in December 2009 despite a surge in reported sightings.


More: BBC




Summer Solstice Traditions

Rain's picture - 6/18/13, staff

Though a connection between the Celtic high priests and England's Stonehenge has never been reliably established, many people who identify as modern-day Druids still gather at the mighty monument every midsummer. (Credit: Andrew Dunn/Wikimedia Commons)

Ancient Greeks

According to certain iterations of the Greek calendar—they varied widely by region and era—the summer solstice was the first day of the year. Several festivals were held around this time, including Kronia, which celebrated the agriculture god Cronus. The strict social code was temporarily turned on its head during Kronia, with slaves participating in the merriment as equals or even being served by their masters. The summer solstice also marked the one-month countdown to the opening of the Olympic games.


"A Different Kind of Patriotism": Russell Brand on Bradley Manning

Rain's picture - 6/18/13, Camille Dodero

Do you support of the general idea of whistleblowing? Or is your support of Bradley Manning's actions specific?

I think [whistle-blowing] is necessary, Camille. I think it's really brave. We know that institutions have a tendency toward corruption. And we are, to some degree, dependent on people within those institutions to arbitrate their conduct. No one within those institutions in higher positions is going to go, "Oh, we've got to be honest: we've done some dodgy stuff." So it's going to take some sort of rare quirk, some peculiar anomaly like Bradley Manning to demonstrate or highlight injustices.


The Indigo Evolution

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GFP Note: Indigoes have incarnated throughout human history - they were Beings who had contracts to perform specific missions. Modern Indigoes started incarnating in the late 1940s and many of the first of these grew up to become the Hippies or Flower Children.

Are you an Indigo Child? Is your child an Indigo? People with certain contracts and Divine Roles could definitely be called Indigo, but it doesn't matter. Once we awaken, we all start to embody the characteristics of Indigoes. Once we clear ourselves of belief systems, we will all become Crystalline, like the Crystal Children.

WE ARE all ONE. That means WE ARE all Indigo, in a sense. Just like WE ARE all Lightworkers and Starseeds. Labeling ourselves and others contributes to the illusion of separation.

We all came here to participate in the same mission - to be Love in Action and help Humanity reach the Fifth Dimension and become Galactic Citizens as this planet becomes a Blue Starseed Nation. WE ARE ONE.


Dear Lightworkers of the World WE NEED YOUR HELP

MomT's picture

Dear Lightworkers of the World

Today I am appealing to all of you. WE NEED YOUR HELP! I am a lightworker from Turkey and feeling slightly isolated but full of hope. Our country is in turmoil, the protests entered its 6th day, and there is unprecedented crackdown of the police that is violent and savage. The protests started to save one of the last green patches in Istanbul, to save Gezi Park, stop the slaughter of 650 trees and prevent a shopping mall built instead. However, these peaceful protesters were violently attacked on Friday and this sparked what has become a fight for freedom of expression, protect constitutional rights, respect to common people, respect to diversity of religion, race and personal choices.

If you want to learn more about the protests please see below links:

Russell Brand Works in Wisdom Around Morning Joe Interviewers

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GFP Note: Despite the interviewers, Russell Brand did manage to get in some words about our favorite subject - consciousness.

"I'm talking about Malcolm X, Che Guavara, Ghandi, and Jesus Christ and how these figures are significant culturally and how icons are appropriated and used to designate consciousness and meaning, particularly posthumously."

"They're all people that died for a cause, they're all people whose icons are used to designate meaning, perhaps not in the manner in which they intended."


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