Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Laser scans flesh out the saga of Cambodia's 1,200-year-old lost city

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NBC News - 6/18/13, By Alan Boyle, Science Editor

A map of northwest Cambodia provides an overview of the areas where lidar imagery was acquired, indicated with yellow shading. The background data is from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Evans et al. / PNAS

Lidar imagery shows the central area of Angkor, with the "walled city" of Angkor Thom above Angkor Wat. Red lines indicate post-medieval features, including roads and canals. The other features are from the Angkor era. Evans et al. / PNAS

International Business Times Reports on Another UFO

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Two Disc-Shaped UFOs Spotted over Berkshire Pub [PHOTO]|
International Business Times - 6/16/13, By

Bracknell UFO Image Credit:

A man from Basingstoke, UK, has photographed two Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) hovering over the skies of Bracknell, Berkshire, on the night of Friday 14 June.

This is the second time in one week that a UFO sighting has been reported in England.

More: International Business Times



David Icke on Stepping Out of The Box

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Uploaded on Aug 17, 2006 by marndin

Wogan re-interviews David Icke, and David Icke gets the better of him this time around!


"We have outsheeped the sheep because at least the sheep need a sheep dog to keep them in line. Humans keep each other in line. And they do it by ridiculing or condemning anyone who commits the crime – cuz that’s what it’s become – of being different.

I refused to conform and be bowed by the ridicule.

When you step out of the box of “What Will Other People Think?”
you then realize how small a box you’ve actually been living in."

When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

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GFP Note: Steven Greer sent out a mass email on June 15 with this message:

"This timely paper was written by Dr. Steven Greer in 1999 when he was about to brief the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)  Director.  If you are interested in Disclosure this is a "must read" as you need to know the potential of Disclosure : both the positive and the negative."

We are posting this for your awareness of what is being shared amongst the Lightworker community. Please remember that the remaining powers that were are in the process of surrendering and The Greys are dissolving. At one time the Cabal's plan to stage a false flag "alien invasion" as their final step to exert total control over Humanity was a real possibility and a real problem. However, this is no longer true. The minions have no real power now, and neither do The Greys. They and The Illusion only linger because so many people continue to give them emotional energy. Most of Humanity continues to cling to The Illusion and is resistant to change and The Truth. Let go and you will see that you have nothing to fear. Any last desperate acts the minions may carry out are not worth our energy.
Don't worry! Be happy!

Huge Mysterious Structures Found Middle Of Gobi Desert

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Source: - 6/11/13

It's located in Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu, north of the Shule River, which crosses the Tibetan Plateau to the west into the Kumtag Desert. It covers an area approximately one mile long by more than 3,000 feet wide.

The tracks are perfectly executed, and they seem to be designed to be seen from orbit.

Perhaps it's some kind of targeting or calibrating grid for Chinese spy satellites? Maybe it's a QR code for aliens? Nobody really knows.”

Another similar pattern of lines is located approximately 20 miles west of the first pattern.

Thousands gather for anti-G8 protests in Northern Ireland

Rain's picture - 6/15/13

Thousands rallied in Belfast on Saturday, protesting against the coming G8 summit in Northern Ireland's county Fermanagh. The action is part of the peaceful anti-G8 demonstrations meant to send a message of protest and concern to the G8-leaders.

What started as 1,500-strong march to the Belfast City Hall in police estimates, grew into a massive rally in front of the hall after thousands of people accumulated there.


Related Video: Belfast G8 demo passes peacefully

Inside Bilderberg: Clues left in the Grove Hotel reveal another piece to their financial agenda

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21st Century Wire - 6/14/13, By 21Wire

PHOTO: UK Column found Thomson Reuters boards still up from Bilderberg.

Investigative journalists from the UK Column, American Free Press and Sovereign Independent accidentally wandered into a presentation suite at the Grove – only discover the remnants of a presentation by Thomson Reuters which Bilderberg organisers had neglected to take down after the event. It read “”unleashing the power of our unified platform on financial markets”.

The Truth About “Alien Abductions”

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GFP Note: We are updating our FAQ/Ascension Primer as part of our new Disclosure Project and I will be adding this discussion to it. You can read the rest of the FAQ/Primer by visiting this page.


The Truth About “Alien Abductions”

Alien abductions did happen but they ended in the 1990s when The Illuminati/Annunaki left the planet. Abductions were conducted by The Greys, sometimes at the direction of The Illuminati. The Greys abducted people because they were engaged in hybrid reproduction experiments. The miniseries “Taken” actually dramatized a lot of what happened very accurately.

The Greys do not have souls – they are a negative thought form created by the Annunaki – and they were trying to find a way to continue existing. They even approached Mother and Father God at one point to ask if they could be given souls.


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