John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

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The essential need to honor oneself.

A musing from John.

As I was meditating this morning (one day in April 2016, actually) the thought “honor yourself” flowed into my mind. And I suddenly realized (finally!) that that is the only rule we need to observe!

If I do not honor myself how can I possibly honor anyone else? The vast majority of humans, regardless of race, color, or creed, were, as children, told and shown that they were not good enough. It was (is?) believed that they had to be taught to behave well and honor others, BUT they themselves were not so honored! After all, they were only children!

We are all teachers, as ACIM makes very clear, and we teach what we believe even if we are unaware of it. So, as children, many of us are dishonored, unacknowledged, discounted, and that is what we learnt and then teach, purely by how we conduct ourselves, how we live our lives for all to see.

Our upbringing makes us feel inadequate at best, and at worst worthless! Our “elders and betters” think this is good for us because it was how they were brought up – children need to be disciplined – and that it is the correct way, otherwise they will become uncontrollable! Then in our teens, sometimes much earlier, we rebel against this unfair and unjust treatment, and are again harshly judged by those “elders and betters!” And we do become uncontrollable.

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Love is all-pervasive. All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It.

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, and most enthusiastically, because, in spite of the unsettling and disturbing mainstream media news, people everywhere are beginning to see the Light and feel uplifted and inspired to make the daily intent, on waking in the morning, to be loving throughout the day, whatever arises.  Doing only that is enormously powerful and effective, it is what you all incarnated to do – to be conduits for the Tsunami of Love enveloping the planet.

As all of us here in the spiritual realms – the formless realms where there is only the One, Consciousness, the field of divine Love in which all that has been created has its existence, in fact where all of creation resides eternally and joyfully – keep telling you through the various channeled messages, Love is All, there is nothing else!  Therefore, focus on Love.

When you do peace and contentment will embrace you, assisting you in dealing satisfactorily with the human issues that you all encounter and have to resolve, issues that are not in perfect alignment with Love – no other issues exist – and even those are unreal, an aspect of your intense sense of separation.  When you focus on Love that sense of separation eases because It helps you to access your sense of connection to Source, the connection that has never been broken or removed, and which never will be because it is eternal.

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To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been.

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself.  These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive.  Of course your survival is never in question because you are divine creations enfolded in the LOVE That Is All That Exists for all eternity.  However, as humans on Earth, you must learn to live in harmony with all that is present in the earthly environment and put that learning into practice or you will self-destruct at that level.

Your divinely planned awakening from the illusion into Reality is by way of a pleasant dream in which there is no lack, pain, or suffering of any kind, it is akin to a state of Heaven on Earth where you further develop your spiritual awareness and abilities in order to prepare you for your full awakening back into the divine Presence which you have never left, but which you chose to become unaware of so that you could experience the sense or feeling of separation from Source.

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Mary Reed

Mary decided to make a video for those who may be struggling with their fear, anger, or sense of helplessness, and for anyone looking for a perspective that helps them look at what’s happening in an empowering way. And here’s the link.

She is also a a participant in a great new documentary: “What is Mysticism.” I heartily recommend it. It’s on YouTube in 12 consecutive parts, so it’s very easy to view/listen to it one part at a time, or allow the whole documentary to play right through. Here’s the link:

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There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you.

As all the channels are reiterating, enormous changes are happening right now, right as you are typing this!  They are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening into the awareness that all are one, that there is only ONE and that all are at one with That.  The idea of separation would be an enormous joke if only you had not convinced yourselves so firmly that separation is REALITY!  It’s not!  There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you, without any exceptions.  How could there be exceptions when there is only the ONE?

Many of you are now awakening to this knowing, this realization, and as you do your energy fields change vastly as Love flows through you abundantly instead of in the dribs and drabs to which you have all become accustomed.  Consequently others, many, many others, are feeling, sensing, that enormous change is in the air, as it most definitely is.  Those of you who read these messages, and many other beautifully channeled messages, have been holding the Light on high for decades to bring the awakening into the lives of all around you and to extend it to all on Earth.

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Love is complete acceptance and complete forgiveness without conditions of any kind.

As all the channels are now telling you, GREAT changes are in progress all across the planet that will bring abundance to all, and that no-one will be left out.  All debts and liabilities will be erased and the stress and anxieties associated with them will dissolve as all find that they can afford to live well and stress-free.  The time of immense disparity in living standards is coming to an end.

This does not mean that all will live in similar circumstances – the one size fits all approach – but that all will be able to wisely choose the environment that suits them best and create it for themselves.  If that sounds “way out,” I can confirm that it is, but it will happen and all reason for conflict will fall away.

Conflict is unnatural!  For humanity it appears normal and unavoidable because it is ego-driven, and you all have egos, the aspect of yourselves that experiences separation and the resultant terror that that imaginary state induces in you.

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Forgive and be at peace.

All is One.  Each and everyone of you is individual, and, in this same now moment, the only moment, the eternal endless moment, in fact the Holy Instant, you are One with Source, Father/Mother/God.  There is No Separation!  There is only One, but, as humans in physical form, you remain unaware of this.

Intellectually many have accepted this truth, but very few have sufficiently detached from their ego personalities to be able to truly know it and live it.  To awaken is to know yourself as you truly and eternally are – One with the All – and in that knowing you are in eternal peace, joyfully fulfilling your creative potential in the most beautiful and harmonious union with your heavenly Father.  You need nothing and you want nothing because he has already given you everything – Himself and All of Creation.

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You are vaster than the universe! - John Smallman

As you are all very well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world as the awakening process gathers further momentum and the Tsunami of Love intensifies, calling all of humanity to awaken.  It is time for you to awaken, it is essential that you awaken, and as you do you can and will delight in the experiential knowing that you are indeed One, One with each other, and One with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God.  Untold joy will fill your hearts as all fear, hatred, bitterness, resentment, self-disparagement, and any sense of “worthlessness,” or of “not being good enough,” just falls away and dissolves in the infinitely powerful “solvent” – Love.

The awareness that there is only Love, that anything else is unreal, illusory, while accepted by many intellectually has not been felt in their hearts.  That is now changing.  Over the last few years – not decades, let alone hundreds of years – more and more of you have been intending to be only loving with whatever has been arising in your personal lives, and that most powerful intent is driving the implementation of many of the changes that need to be planned and put into effect.

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Humanity’s awakening is divinely willed and intended, therefore it most certainly will be achieved.

Within the illusion the only constant is change.  You all know this, but you do need to remind yourselves that change is part of the illusion, an aspect of time which is the linear coefficient of the illusory concept that you chose to construct and maintain.  Now that the foundations or underpinnings are collapsing changes are occurring ever more rapidly.  And these changes are especially noticeable in relationships, from personal or family ones to intergovernmental ones.  Change is an aspect of evolution and you are all evolving, and your evolution is basically along a spiritual path, even though vast numbers of you appear to have no spiritual interest or awareness, apart perhaps from believing that anything spiritual is unreal, the result of unbalanced emotional needs being pandered to due to a sense of loneliness, unacceptability, and the fear that that engenders.

Those needs are indeed very prevalent among those who are consciously attempting to follow a spiritual path, and may well indicate the initial signs of a growing awareness that there should be, and indeed is, far more to life than the generally accepted three dimensional materialist egoic drive for more of anything and everything that brings pleasure to your human form.  And, deeply asleep and dreaming, as most humans are, that makes perfect sense.  Anything that appears to provide safety, security, and pleasure to the individual is obviously something that is well worth working for.

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You are all creative beings because God, who created you, is creative.

All is well!  Do not focus with fear or alarm on the news of catastrophes and conflicts across the world.  Just hold the steady intent to send love and healing to those who are suffering, it will help them to release all that is bringing suffering into their lives.  Even in war-torn areas people can be happy!  Happiness arises when you accept what arises without judgment – negative or positive – and deal lovingly with the issues presented to you.  You are all on Earth to assist in humanity’s awakening process which is, of course, also your own awakening process.  Everyone on Earth is to awaken and needs to awaken into Reality, your natural state where you are Love and you know yourselves as Love.


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