Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~~Inside The Heart of God ~ Inner and Outer as ONE~

Lia's picture





~Inside The Heart of God ~ Inner and Outer as ONE~





Beloved ones, we have spoken together of transforming the world, but transforming the world is only accurate when you see the world as a human being and believe that it is outside of you. When you recognize that you are the heart of God and that All That I Am is alive within you, then you feel the world from the heart’s perspective.


Lia's picture






About twenty years ago I, and several others, all saw another life form. I do not know if it was an angel, and inter/multi dimensional being, an alien, or what have you. What I do know is that it was not a trick of the light, imagination, or a case of mass hallucination. The being had a humanoid appearance, was neither male nor female, about seven feet tall, and floated above the ground. It had a three dimensional form (what was visible to my eyes), and you could see it's surface as a solid, while at the same time being able to see through it. It was unlike anything else I've ever seen.

~The Ascended Masters~The Joy of Helping Others gives us our Life Force~

Lia's picture


~The Ascended Masters~The Joy of Helping Others gives us our Life Force~



Hello friends Smile After the very positive responses I recieved from my first AM channeling, not to mention how wonderful it is to be in their presence, I have channeled another message from our Ascended Friends. We give this message to all in Love Smile

~Uriel's Message ~ Create Your Version of Heaven~

Lia's picture



~Uriel's Message ~ Create Your Version of Heaven~



What do you think heaven is? The place your soul returns to when your body dies? A place where you can finally be at rest, free from the burdens of life? A reward for a life well lived? Heaven is all of those things and more. It is the place where all is at peace, where joy and unconditional love reign, where there is no hatred, anger or fear. It is a place where you live in perfection with the knowledge that you are perfection in body and where you feel safe and secure. But Heaven is not a place where you go, it is something that you carry with you every day of your life. It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment. With your intention and beliefs, you create your own version of Heaven in your life every day.

~Tree Spirit Prayer~

Lia's picture

~Tree Spirit Prayer~



Great Spirit, Mountain Ancestors, All My Relations, Blessings be here today as I come before you Honored One.
You have seen many sunrises and sunsets upon your branches,Your sacred roots have been quenched by life giving rains.

Honored Tree Spirit, I give Thanks to You

...for the singing birds that you shelter
...for the music you sing in the breeze
...for listening to the voices of the creatures
...for echoing the ancestors strength

Respected One, I ask your permission and humbly request your presence for my guided purpose as Great Spirit directs.

All things belong to you, Creator, all things are sacred.
So this day, I honor you, Tree Spirit and humbly Thank You.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Original prayer/poem by Hanoochi ©

The importance of Trees . . .

Trees are a vital and nurturing force.  They benefit our environment, provide us medicines, and inspire myths and stories.  One of the best ways to realize the importance of trees is to imagine our world without them.


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