Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~MOTHER EARTH'S URGENT MESSAGE~ I will be shifting up there is to be NO MORE delays~.

Lia's picture


~I will be shifting up there is to be NO MORE delays.~


Beloved Children, I AM Gaia. Thank you for being here with me at this moste IMPORTANT TIME in the history of the Omniverse.


Many of you have awakened to the facts around you that not is all as you have been led to believe about the occurances and control being fed to all of you across the many Generations of LINEAR TIME that you have been experiencing in this dimensional reality.


Lia's picture



I Am Chaldron

Chaldron is one of the group of Highest Cosmic Beings who laid the Original Plan for Atlantis.

© Channelled by Sandy Stevenson


There has long been a wish on this plane for the light to bring forth all its glory and sweep us away with its abundance and grace. We have relied on this in many ways. It is now time to understand the realities and process of masterful and realised evolution.

It is time to bring forth into your consciousness an understanding of the inner qualities we all have that can bring us to a point of being worthy, for want of a better word, of receiving the gift of a transcended life space.

~A LOVE MESSAGE FROM The Pegasians, Let the Circle be Complete~

Lia's picture

Hello to you, we speak to you in kind; in the kindest of ways we meet you.

We are the Pegasians and come to be with you in this way at this time in this moment of your being..

We come to you to speak of the ways of the heart and of the how’s to that awareness, for we are in wanting of agreements to yourself in aligning with the highest and wisest parts of your self’s, the over lighting awareness that is your totality of being.

~WHY NOT?... WHY NOT AFRAID? .... Ascension or not, it is only your choice, always....~

Lia's picture


WHY NOT?... WHY NOT AFRAID? .... Ascension or not, it is only your choice, always....


Dear Robin,


You bedazzled me and ignited me with this question.... "Why are you writing these good formulated letters?"  I truly never thought there will be one brave enough to ask so directly and so genuinely.....


And my answer to this is very simple:

Why NOT?.....


Why not? ...  share the heart with other humans?..... Why wait to get information on Main stream media, while we can be fully informed at this beautiful alternative and impartial New media concept? ....

~LOVE REPORTER DAVID WILCOCK~ Disaster Can be Averted by Our State of Consciousness

Lia's picture




Ann: This is David’s response to Ben Fulford’s latest post. He agrees with Ben, but then moves on to describe HOW we can prevent this from happening. He explains how the Earth is essentially a spiritual school and the dark events that happen are only for our own growth and ascension. Disaster can and are being diverted by our state of consciousness. He ends with a request to help neutralize the treat to the New Madrid Earthquake Zone.

Hello Everyone,

Ben Fulford

I must admit that once again, a lot of the things Ben is hearing are echoed by what my own insiders are telling me.

I revealed my own ‘intel’ in a major new post regarding a possibly imminent Disclosure event here:


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