Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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Kris Won, March 6, 2011

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

I am Sohin, chief Commander of the Stellar Spaceship, "Alpha Centaurus", I have under my command a crew of 348 people, including my officials, those who come for a visit (temporary visitors), and the crew members who have as their regular mission to travel on a regular basis to the surface of your planet in order to carry out tasks that include sample-taking and decontamination of your ocean water and other points on Earth where some of your governments have buried, with no iota of conscience, highly-polluting radioactive materials in the subsoil of Gaia.

Gaia is your loving Mother, and must accept all those ignorant and immoral behaviours from some leaders of your race, who, in their unconsciousness, have not reflected on the terrible and searing effects on Gaia that the dumping of that radioactive materials deposited in the subsoil in some countries governed by corrupt personages who sell themselves in exchange for favours, usually monetary ones, have.

But tell me, what is the purpose of those economic profits or political favours to those cunning leaders, who are moved only by selfish motives, if that means the destruction of your forests due to the uncontrolled logging of trees, some of them millenarian, the pollution of your oceans and seas, or the explosion of nuclear arms detonated under the excuse of conducting "tests" to secure national safety?


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Thursday, 10 March, 2011 

Do you watch GLEE?  I do and I love it.  One of my favorite things they do on GLEE is a mashup.  It's taking two songs and mashing them together into one overlapping, connected arrangement.  It honors and celebrates the individual elements of each song, while also creating a new experience of the songs intermingled. 

I was so inspired by some brilliant writers this month, whose work resonated so abundantly with me that I connected the dots in my own life in a new way.  To describe how I experience the energy this month I must do a "cover" of a couple other articles, some great insights from kindred souls and in effect, creating my own here it is. 
The Backdrop

I've felt for a while now that a huge arc with my experience was moving into completion, and the wholeness of it emerging.  I have felt and experienced large cycles come to a close that seemed to be part of an even larger whole. 


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Uranus in Pisces, 2003 to 2011

Universal Heart Break


The planet Uranus shakes and shocks -- sometimes violently -- whatever it touches. It represents a fiery electrical current that gives humanity a jolt, so there's a breakthrough to the next level. It's the first outer planet beyond Saturn (structure), which gives our lives set boundaries. Uranus on the other hand is associated with evolution, rapid change, advancing technologies, progressive thought and mass awakenings.

When Uranus is activated in full force, it's time for the old ways to break apart, so that humanity can progress. It's been in Pisces since 2003, and will stay in this sign of the universal heart through to 2011.

The End of the Cycle:

Pisces is the culmination point in this cycle, since it's everything (and all Zodiac signs) merged into One. It fits with the wrapping up karmic impressions left on the soul of humanity. It throws us into the "deep end" where we deal with the infinite pool of memories, ancestral legacies, past life shenanigans, etc. It's swimming in the spiritual waters of humanity as a whole.

Surges and Urges


Lia's picture

Greetings. This is Lord Metatron.

I would like to welcome you to this broadcast today the First Day of the Unity Wave. It is a wonderful time of vast changes. Today found us on Soltec’s Mothership, the Phoenix. We were joined by Lord Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Father Alcyone, and the President of the Milky Way Galaxy, Lord Salvington. Others of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds were there as well. We met at Galactic Center, 26 degrees Sagittarius. The purpose for this meeting was a joining together of energies to launch the Unity Consciousness Wave.


Lia's picture

a message from Denise Lefay, Transitions, March 8, 2011


March 9, 2011 we officially enter the last, the shortest, and no doubt the most compressed and accelerated phase within the Mayan calendar. Tomorrow humanity and Earth enters the
Ninth Wave and quite literally we and reality will never be the same again.

To still polarized minds and lower frequency egos, if the sky doesn’t turn purple tomorrow or the oceans boil then all this Mayan Calendar and Ascension stuff is pure delusional bullshit. To the integrated, no longer polarized mind, tomorrow is another major turning point energetically. To the non-polarized mind and heart, entering the Ninth Wave phase tomorrow is entering the final stretch and seeing the finish line only a short few yards in front of us. Some know what tomorrow will trigger in us Starseeds, Lightbearers, Lightworkers, Indigos, the Galactic Center, within mass humanity, and within all global lower frequency patriarchal systems. We know that starting tomorrow the compressed and accelerated simultaneous death/birth stage will fully activate across Earth. Nothing and no one on Earth or off can hide from this Process and its energies.


Lia's picture

Monday, 7 March, 2011

How will you spend the end of time?
Silently, this week, a new wave of consciousness is forming. Off in the distance, the mother drum sounds, heartbeat of creation. In rhythmic overtones, she heralds a new beginning.

Beating......beating...... The drum builds to a crescendo through the Equinox in March, on though a volatile mid-year eclipse series and beyond, toward an infinite moment of divine splendor.

The end begins now.

A radical and profound interpretation of the sacred Mayan calendar pinpoints March 9 through October 28, 2011, as the ninth and final wave of consciousness expansion in the current evolutionary cycle that began 16.4 billion years ago.

The interpretation is offered by Mayan scholar Carl Johan Calleman, who's been tracking this ancient timekeeping system for several decades. His research diverges from the commonly held belief that the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012.


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