

Joe Barnett's picture





Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We are the Creators. We Create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality. 

We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design. We create Novas through one exhale of Intent. We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine. 

Webinar Reminder!

Blue Diamon's picture

Dear Readers, 

Our LIVE webinar event is tomorrow! Please do join us, we would love to have your beautiful energy on board.

Please note that if you cannot make the Live Event, you may purchase the Mp3 Replay and PDF Notes, a 19 Page document which covers in detail all of which will be discussed during the Event. The document also gives you exercises which will help you to make this leap in consciousness.

You will learn how to:

  • Identify a 5D frequency of energy;
  • Recognize old patterns of behavior;
  • Use the Power of Surrender;
  • Move into One Unity Consciousness;
  • Use the Power of the Three Fold Flame.

Date – Saturday 13th May 2017

Time – 4 pm (SAST) GMT+2 Cape Town, South Africa.
Please check on for the corresponding time in your time zone.

Duration – Approx.1.5 hours



Revealing The Hidden Diamond Within

Blue Diamon's picture

Revealing The Hidden Diamond Within

Dear Readers,

This morning as I was sending out an email to someone Michael sent to me to receive the Trinity of Blessings, I found myself writing more than I usually do. And then I found myself wanting to share some of this with you and perhaps more will come through now, let’s see!

My own history of the Trinity of Blessings began in early 2013 when Michael led me to the website of Theresa Helton, the woman who had worked with Michael on the original attunement. I knew as soon as I found it, that I had found something that would change my life. I felt within me a burning desire to receive the attunement.

At the time I had only $5 in my PayPal account and so I had to wait a couple weeks before I could buy the attunement for $20. As soon as I had the money I went back to her site and purchased the attunement.  Since receiving the attunement my life has changed in a profound way. At that time I had no means of an income either so it was through selling the attunement myself that I was able to pay my rent and buy some food. I believe that this is Michael’s way of supporting Lightworkers who are in need of creating a little income as they set themselves upon the pathway of Enlightenment.

In the email this morning I found myself writing these words:

May 10th 2017 – FULL MOON IN SCORPIO – the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul

AstroEyes's picture


May 10th 2017 – FULL MOON IN SCORPIO – the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one!   Scorpio pulls us in to the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul.  Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, and emotions), as we then acknowledge this, and begin to communicate with our consciousness.   Also through our deep desires…. as we learn to let some of those intense desires go.  With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).  There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon as it sextiles Pluto…which then pulls it into the ongoing Cardinal Square/T-square. There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations.   Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes. 

This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. He was born in Lumbini not far from Nepal. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about COMPASSION & JOY


lovelylinda's picture


Posted on May 10, 2017
Butterflies were mating all around me on my walk.

Butterflies were mating all around me on my walk.

These days, these wild and wonderful days. Yesterday I sweated as I worked in the garden in 90 degree heat. This morning the wind is whipping all into a frenzy, stirring up my allergies and the temperature has dropped about 30 degrees. Up and down and all around, this mirrors my emotional state. We swing high, we swing low. Pinging, I have felt like a ball in one of the old fashioned pinball machines.

The God/Goddess Energy ~ Divine Masculine/Feminine Energy

Blue Diamon's picture

The God/Goddess Energy ~ Divine Masculine/Feminine Energy


A rebalancing is taking place in the energetic matrix and that is of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies – the God/Goddess archetype. As much as the Planet is in need of the Divine Feminine energy, so is she in need of her Divine Masculine energy, for the one illuminates the unique qualities of the other, and therefore both energies need to be present in order for a rebalancing to occur.

The human male energy must not be confused with the Divine Masculine energy. The human male energy can be controlling, domineering and may even resort to violence, whereas the Divine Masculine energy is unconditionally loving, nurturing, and protective.

So, in fact, the Divine aspects of both the Feminine and Masculine energies are needed on Earth in order for a successful rebalancing to occur. And this is our task here on the Earth plane – to bring into balance both aspects of this energy, to unite once more the Twin Flames of Divine Love into One Unity Consciousness, in an energy where they support each other. One cannot stand alone without the other. Both flames are needed in order to be complete and whole and in order to BE in their full creative power and Essence.

This is where we are headed here on the physical Earth plane at this time. Twin Flames are in the process of being reunited so that they can create New Earth together as One powerful energy.

Therefore let us remember to tune into BOTH the Feminine and Masculine aspects of our energy in order to rebalance us on all levels of our being and in all aspects of our creation.

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Blue Diamon's picture

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Let us talk about where you’re at currently with your transition. There is an air of transparency now that is affecting all at this juncture and it is permeating everything, every part of life and indeed every part of your life, your existence, both within your human form and within the world around you.

Everything Dear One, everything is a manifestation of consciousness, therefore do not look outside of yourself if something manifests in your life or in your human vessel that causes you discomfort or dis-ease. Always look within and ask yourself the question, “What energy am I holding onto that is manifesting this experience?”

Remember that the human body is a reflection of its consciousness, therefore will bring to your attention all that must be cleared in order for you to move forward freely into the next octave of your greatness.

This is a time where all is being illuminated. All is being revealed for transmutation. This is a time where nothing can be hidden. If there is something within your consciousness that is non-serving it will be illuminated now in order for you see it clearly so you may surrender it to your higher power for transmutation into the Light of Love.


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