
Webinar Announcement ~ Protocols for making the final leap into 5D Consciousness & Awareness

Blue Diamon's picture


Dear Readers, 

Many of you now stand at the threshold of a New World in consciousness and awareness but are struggling to make the final leap into LightBody.

Archangel Michael speaks:

“It is really simple to make this final leap in consciousness and awareness, but unfortunately many of you continue to live in an energy that is no longer supporting you. The energy I speak of is the energy of the old 3D paradigm which was dismantled some time ago, so therefore it cannot support you or anyone else for that matter. What we hope to achieve with these webinars is to assist you to move into the New Earth 5D Energy matrix, an energy that does support you.” Read More........

“You are much closer than you think. As always the last steps are the most difficult and often the most painful ones. Every Master who has ever ascended from this plane has had to go through the same initiations you are going through. This includes all of us in Telos, and in 5th dimensional Lemuria.”

The Arcturian Ascension Lightship following the Full Moon of Taurus

AdiGaia's picture

The Arcturian Ascension Lightship following

the Full Moon of Taurus

Immediately following the Full Moon of Taurus at 2:42pm PDT on Wednesday, May 10, the Arcturians are bringing into the Earth’s consciousness system a massive Lightship which is designed to quickly facilitate the ascension of the lightbodies of all those who are striving for their ascension now as this planet is becoming the Universal Ascended Planet-Star Prototype for the ascension of all life everywhere.


This Arcturian Lightship is the incoming ascended light vehicle aligned with the trine of Mars and Jupiter which is now conjunct Arcturus.

This Arcturian Lightship will be active throughout the planet through the New Moon of Gemini which is also Ascension Day in the Christian calendar.


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Taurus New Moon - April 26 2017

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NEW MOON IN TAURUS – April 26th 2017    

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  This Taurus New Moon is a quite New Moon as it doesn’t make any aspects to any other planets.  It is Peaceful and serene.  It embodies all of Taurus’s energy without being altered by any other connection.  True Taurus!    Your senses will be heightened….    Go outside and listen to nature….enjoy the sounds of the birds, the wind, and water.  Let you feet touch the Earth…let your feet “kiss” the Earth with merging energies.  We have been in a whirlwind of chaotic energies over the past several weeks.  This Taurus New Moon is asking us to relax, be with the Earth, Meditate, Manifest and take care of our Mother Earth and our own bodies and our Soul!

This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas. This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create! 

This Taurus New Moon also begins the Super Moon’s of 2017.  It is the first out of Three Super Moon’s.  Super Moons….are often called…Perigee Moon.  That is when the Moon comes within 90% of its closest approach to earth.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, and all its inhabitants including ourselves and our psychic! Bringing about accelerating shifts in consciousness. These Super-Full-Moons appear to last longer and look larger than any other Full Moons.

Spoken from the Heart ~ Take a Gigantic Leap Forward Now into the 5th Dimension

Blue Diamon's picture

The absolutely stunning image above is shared through Pixabay. Thank you!

This morning soon after waking my Higher Self said to me, “Let’s make hot chocolate!” Bless his cotton socks, I adore him! So that’s what we did… we heated whole milk in a pan with raw cacao powder and a few shakes of good organic ground cinnamon and added some honey. Absolute bliss to enjoy on a chilly autumn morning!

We adore cacao. In fact we think it’s one of the best things we ever created!

Whoa!! We created cacao?

Of course! We created chocolate. We created it all! Aren’t we amazing??!

Yeah! We are! What do you think people will say (or think) when you tell them we created chocolate?

Most of them will think we’re balmy… but we will just smile, as if we are privy to a major Secret…. which of course we’re not. We have said many times that ALL is within and that nothing – No Thing – exists outside of our Self, therefore if IT exists – whatever the ‘IT’ may be – it must have been created by us.

Let’s see if I’m getting this straight…. You’re suggesting that everything, EVERYTHING, is your/our creation?

Yes I am!

So that would mean WE are the entire Planet?

Yes, we are. Not only are WE the Planetary Body of Gaia, this Planet as a Whole entity, but we are the entire Universe, the Cosmos and beyond! We are infinite in our expression!  [Smile] Michael you are teasing me!

Yes I am!


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