

AdiGaia's picture

Events in L.A., Oct. 8 & 9 and S.F., Oct. 14 & 16

Having obtained newly released Freedom of Information Act documents, Dr. Michael Salla is now able to verify the genesis of the U.S. Navy’s secret space program, and the key figures and institutions associated with its decades-long classified development that dates back to the 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid.

As a former Professor in International Politics and Amazon bestselling author, Dr. Salla is able to present clear, paradigm shifting evidence of military, corporate and government run secret space programs dealing with highly advanced technologies withheld from the public. The impact of these undisclosed programs is monumental in understanding today’s world events.

His lectures will present the history behind these secret programs using key documents and insider testimonies (William Tompkins and Corey Goode) that map the hidden world of antigravity spacecraft, successfully begun in pre-WWII Germany and Italy, and later reverse engineered by the USA. The startling reality of a Nazi/German Secret Space Program in Antarctica during the 1940’s, the evolution of the U.S. Navy’s Solar Warden Space Program from the 1940’s to 1980’s, and the subsequent development of highly classified programs that led to bases and colonies being established within our solar system will be shown as the basis of interstellar space flight that continues to the present day.


AstroEyes's picture


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Libra New Moon is the second New Moon in September. When there is 2 New Moons in a month it is referred to as a Black Moon. Most people are unaware of the second New Moon in a month because basically… we cannot see a New Moon. It is dark. The Black Moon has only recently been acknowledged… so it’s meaning is still being worked out. I think it gives us an extra opportunity to go deep into ourselves and to not only Meditate, but to Create and Manifest what it is that we want to see in “the New”…..”our New” what we want it to look like…what we want to become our “New” reality!!! It is as if the Universe is giving us another opportunity to do this….especially after the power packed September we have had so far!


hollyirenecardoza's picture

WILL THE PROTECTORS OF THIS EARTH PLEASE NOW COMPLETELY COME FORTH AND DEFEND HER? I am asking. The information about the military & police escalation at Sacred Stone Camp came across my news-feed yesterday. IT's UNACCEPTABLE. I purposefully did not watch any videos about it yesterday because even though I know I am very strong, I am also simultaneously very fragile right now. I cannot watch those videos or see the photos from it without having PANIC ATTACKS and going into COMPLETE RAGE, which is what just haPPened since I just pushed play on this video. "WE HAVE NO WEAPONS! WE ARE UNARMED!" VIDEO:

BIG OIL: You've already been told. YOUR TIME IS UP. We have clean and renewable energy that is taking over now. MOVE OVER.

Archangel Michael presents a Tele-Web Class on Manifesting Wealth in the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth

Blue Diamon's picture

Please join Archangel Michael and myself as he shares his Wisdom, Power, and love with us on Saturday, the 8th October, to assist us in moving forward into a more productive and abundant life in the higher frequencies of the New Earth.

Archangel Michael Speaks:

Greetings Beloveds! It gives me great pleasure to be with you All. I am always available to guide those who are willing students and participants in the Great Planetary Shift in Consciousness now occurring on your Planet.

You are, as co-habitants of Planet Earth, in the process of moving towards a whole new way of BEing and this means that whatever may have worked for you before, no longer works anymore. This is due to the energetic shifts that are occurring on your Planet.

Presently Earth is receiving the highest incoming Light frequencies ever experienced. This precious energy is building what can be likened to a quantum field of energy from which all manifestation occurs. This Quantum Field is the Creative Energy of your New Earth!

For some, your lives have been irrevocably transformed over the past several years, and for others, you are only now beginning to become aware of the transformation occurring within you. Where ever you may be in your Spiritual transformation journey does not matter. What does matter is that you begin to realize that you can only move forward, and in so doing, move upwards, into higher frequencies and conscious states of being.

New EarthStarShip Ascended SpaceLife and Singularity

AdiGaia's picture

Sun conjunct Jupiter, and Pluto going direct



New EarthStarShip Ascended SpaceLife and Singularity



The New EarthStarShip Ascended SpaceLife dimensions are now empowering the creation of ascended spacelife communities of ascended masters of creation and civilization which are able to begin the creation of the new EarthStar ascended spacelife creation and civilization.

Speaking through the Heart's Knowing: Spiritual  Activism

LuminanceRiver's picture

spiral of the galaxyAsking and Receiving on the Subject of Karma
A Download and Vision for the World To all Consciousness Ambassadors

I offer you a download and vision received in meditation in answer to the questions about karma. It begins in a question answer format in order to bring through information from beyond my own mind, from a higher source and perspective. It led to a fascinating vision for the world. 

Do you wish to share about karma?
Being in the stream of love releases the karma. Individuals, can see where they need to clear karma, on a personal level. What is that, what is karma? n the third dimensional regular world, Karma is the law of cause and effect in that your reap what you sow in life depending on your actions. We speak of the energy that karma is, in a form of multidimensionality, beyond linear definition as you have in the 3D world. We gift you a higher perspective from our stream of seeing. 

Pathways and Spirals: Love for the Self and Love for Other as a Metaphor

An image to explain - we see pathways as a spiral going inward and also going outward. To clear karma is to unblock of energy with others between forces that are polarized, between one and one, or many. What clears karma is to do good works, to serve and to love others as yourself. You can clear the pathways between yourself and others. The process is an internal thing, a shift in one's consciousness in which to see "the other" as a child of God, a part of God and having a right to exist.

My first Light Body experiences shared for the very first time here!

Blue Diamon's picture

Baby Learning to Walk Cotton Lace Shoes from

I had another light body experience early this morning! I felt myself become light-er and lifting off my bed and trying to stand upright. Someone behind me was helping me and held my arms. He said in what sounded like a Canadian accent, "it's okay, take it easy.." but then I let my fears get the better of me. Because it feels so weird being weightless and much larger than my human form, I started worrying that if I floated off, I (my human self) could fall out of my light body and get hurt. Which is impossible, I know! Really silly how fearful we can be as humans! But at that moment it’s difficult to maintain coherent thought! So, of course, I floated back down onto my bed. 

The light body feels to me as if I am wearing a space suit because your light form feels so much bigger and of course there is no gravity at that level of frequency. I guess I shouldn’t have watched the movie “Gravity”…

This is my first experience of trying to stand upright, so I guess we are progressing! I feel kind of like a baby trying to stand up and take her first steps! Imagine that!


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