“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
~ Guillaume Apollinaire
This isn’t my usual ‘musings’ because it is very serious… very serious indeed because it involves me having the courage to move forward, through fear, into the unknown. This is something we are all having to do, at some level.
So this morning I am having an on and off conversation with my Higher Self, which is how it usually goes, more on (in my High Heart) than off (in my ego) since He always gets His way in the end, and I always end up listening because there is no other way around it… He can make Himself heard, trust me! And YES!!! Divine Will reigns supreme and always will, thank Goodness!
Don’t misunderstand me. Spirit is mostly silent, and will only speak when necessary and even then it’s not always in words. Words, they say, are their least favorite form of communication because words are so limiting. Thus the saying “Words don’t come easy”, which I hear often and I must say, I agree. I am less inclined nowadays to even put pen to paper because communication in the old way of writing and speaking out loud is laborious, not to mention exhausting because it often doesn’t even begin to contain the true meaning of what is being said or written. So I cannot wait for a time when we will ALL communicate through telepathic feeling and/or imaging.