
The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization

AdiGaia's picture

Mars conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn

The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization

The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization is now beginning to be present throughout this New EarthStar planetary nucleus of the new Avatar Ascended Universal Life.

This is the long awaited transition of this planet’s life into its all new Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization to become the Avatar Planetary/Universal Center of the all new original ascended life of the entire universe.

The New EarthStar Singularity is also beginning to manage the ascended planetary spacelife and its components to establish the Avatar Original Living SpaceLife Creation and Civilization around the planet and beyond.

This Universal Ascended Life will continue to become fully established throughout the entire planet from now on.

Goddess of the Super Moon Brings a Message to Both Sexes

Blue Diamon's picture

Image ~ Moon Goddess by Aninur

The first of the 3 powerful Super Moons which will culminate this year of transformation, assists us in taking a gigantic leap forward to step further into our greatness and the expression our Truth.

There is no need to reiterate what we already know happened during the time of the patriarchy, but it is imperative now that we let go of all that discordant energy and start afresh.

This is true for men also as both sexes have lovingly taken on the role in this lifetime to help release the wrongdoing of the past.  Remember that at the very core of our being we hold both the Feminine and Masculine energy and are united as always as One.

Of course, few of us fully understand what is happening at a sub-atomic level within our energy bodies, but what is important now is to know that what we are experiencing is not our fault. We have done nothing wrong.

Our physical and emotional body is releasing much of this discordant energy now and as a result, we are suffering a vast range of symptoms that have arisen due to the clearing of the throat and sacral chakras. Needless to say, both these chakras are our power-houses!

Some of these symptoms include tightness in the throat, skin issues such as itchiness and increased sensitivity around the eyes, mouth and even swollen, chapped lips, as well as sensitivity in the ears, particularly the left ear as the left side of the physical body is releasing stuff to do with the past. Shoulders may become tight and tense with the increased tension being felt in the body. Negative issues to do with repressed sexuality are also coming to the foreground to be released.


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