
8/8 Meditation Gift & 14/8 Full Moon Workshop Invitation

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloveds, the upcoming Full Moon on 14/15th August in Venus focuses its attention on our need for a deeper and more meaningful love relationship with ourselves, and others, especially those closest to us, and a deeper understanding of who we are.  Therefore in this workshop, we work towards bridging the gap in separation consciousness between who we see ourselves as as humans and we we truly are in the higher realms of Consciousness. You cannot fully love another until you love yourself. To love Oneself one has to know Oneself.

To read more and book your seat in this Full Moon Workshop – PLEASE CLICK HERE.

We use the Diamond Light because it is a very powerful energy and like the diamond gem itself, can cut through anything. This is why we use this powerful light in our energy work. The Diamond Heart energy is also associated with the First Ray, the Sapphire Blue Ray, which governs the throat chakra, one of the most heavily congested chakras in mankind today. The Throat plays a major role in acting as the bridge between the Sacred Heart and Solar Christ Consciousness. The Blue Ray is also associated with the Fire Element. Say no more…

A Profound Evolutionary Transition is Coming

AdiGaia's picture

There is a rapid evolutionary transition about to take place on your planet. This time heralds in a profound new phase on your Earth plane. You are going to enter into a more tumultuous time within the human experience of 3rd dimensional drama, and simultaneously, you will be moving through a life-changing transition within your sacred multidimensional nature.

The full energetic of planet Earth and your personal unique energetic framework are about to move through an intense repositioning. There will be a metamorphic shift within your personal energetic systems coinciding with the opening of a high-frequency, multidimensional grid within the planet.

A profound new energetic cycle is going to be set in motion and it will propel itself within the environment of Earth throughout the month of August. Through a series of magnetic core shifts, a direct pathway of alignment will be forged to the sun. These formed connections will set in motion deep transformative shifts by mid-month. They will strongly impact the planet’s energetic configurations, and there will be a releasing of a series of veils. These openings will maneuver the energetic grids to a sacred configuration throughout the Earth plane, naturally aligning and birthing a communion, activating a series of pulses of light communication between Earth and your resident Universe.

Oracle Wisdom for this week 08/06/19

Blue Diamon's picture



Essential meanings: A clear knowing that something is being denied you; “rejection is God’s protection.”Protection message: Don’t chase after what flees from you. Don’t obsess over what eludes you. Don’t bang your head against the wall. There is nothing romantic about what is unavailable, no prize given for torturing yourself, and nothing to be gained by refusing to see the red flags that have been waving since you began your pursuit. Now is the time to walk away. There are other goals, other loves, other games, other successes waiting for you. The way out of obsessing is radical acceptance and surrender. Spirit only wants the best for you. This is a sign that you have something much better waiting for you. Trust.

Sanat Kumara ~ Gaia is Freed

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The energies above the earth are light and bright. Only in certain places are there densities, but even in the near future they will be dissolved and destroyed. My dearly beloved Friends, you are doing a great job. The waves of light are spreading further from you as rings on the water and light more and more Light earth over. You do your work to the fullest, you do what you have been expecting in eons and you do it brilliantly in the double sense. With peace and love in your mind you hold the Light. In this way, the Light can penetrate into all corners and spread in the name of Truth and Justice. As you know, Light and Truth always prevail and now is the time. Mankind be- comes free from the past.



by Emmanuel Dagher | Jul 31, 2019 | Monthly Forecast | 0 comments

July 31st, 2019 - New Super Moon in Leo

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
The energies leading up to this Leo Super New Moon has been quit chaotic, intense and in some instances almost/most volatile. We had 2 very intense and transformative Eclipse’s in July. We can see the powerful transformations, with a bit of chaos added in, and the changes happening all around us …. in our own lives and also the lives of all humanity around the World. All you have to do is turn on the news for a few minutes. The energies have been quit intense and are not easy for the body or the Earth to handle. When you add in 6 retrograde planets … you begin to have a feeling of low energy, no motivation, and no direction….which seems most common at this time. There is also a sense of emotional detachment…a feeling of being removed from reality. Just remember that the body is trying to embody a lot of intense, chaotic, transformative, and powerful energies. Time to rest, listen to your body and meditate on moving forward. It is almost like we are being asked to take all the insights we have receive and meditate on what has been put in our faces with these Eclipses…..and make a re-start! The happier and childlike innocence of the Leo energies now all around us....will help us start to “play” again. 

A Major Shift is Here!

AdiGaia's picture

A Major Shift is Here!

You will No longer tolerate things you allowed in the past. It is NOW time for a brand NEW BEginning.

Since Ancient times entities that Light up the skies have held spiritual meaning, as they were Believed to BE Divine Messengers sent from the Cosmos.

Every particle of Light we see is made up from Photons, which are BElieved to hold Multi-Dimensional Energy travelling through space containing data and information possibly from millions of years ago.

When we sense and decode the messages hidden within Light particles, we then open up to the Highest level of Consciousness, Awakening, and Enlightenment. This process is known as Ascension, as we transcend the physical state and communicate with the non-physical by Absorbing and Channeling Highly Charged Energy through our Chakras.


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