The long foretold “turning point” we have waited for is here.
At 8:54am PDT on Friday June 21, 2019 – please check it for your time zone.
What we’ve been anticipating as a “turning point” is actually a profound moment of brilliant illumination – a moment of revelation beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.
So - this is a global moment! This pathway allows energy to flow freely with no obstructions – it’s a full spectrum energetic amplification of our connection with Presence, coming in from above, from below, from all around - coming right through our “normal” reality.
This influx of cosmic flowing energetic coherence is ruthlessly revealing, yet, it brings a deeply encouraging reassurance - bringing with it the illumination of a way to live that is loving, caring, resourceful, creative, connected and worth celebrating.
The Creator Avatar Race Solstice Full Moon of Gemini is introducing the Ascended Human Race Life and Living, and is preparing for the Solstice removal of the old and unascending planetary/universal life systems.
This is a very dynamic, important and Powerful Full Moon! This Full Sagittarius Moon is not only sitting with Jupiter (which rules Sagittarius) but it is also sitting on the Galactic Center (a portal to the Universe, where we can access Higher realms, Higher truths, and Higher wisdoms)...and then to add even more energies to this Sagittarius Full Moon…. it is happening only days before the Summer Solstice! Intensifying the energies as we move into Eclipse season in July! Then add in the Cardinal T-Square with Pluto/Saturn/South Node…opposing Mercury/Mars/North Node and all 6 being squared by Eris! We have a time of intensified Evolution! It is a turning point…..a time of initiation…a time of choices….releasing what is no longer vibrating we are now vibrating and a time of radical change!
It is also a time of feeling like you have very little energy and a time of feeling overwhelmed. Also since Mercury (planet of our Voice…how we speak and what we say) is sitting in the Cardinal T-square, you may want to watch what you say….the tone you say it in and the energy around it, as words can fly out of your mouth in energy or in ways that you didn’t intend for them to be surrounded with, and there can be miss understandings etc. This is very strong energy and our bodies are trying to incorporate it all….and it isn’t easy. As we move though July with 2 Eclipses….the energies will continue to increase from this Full Sagittarius Moon through July. Just be prepared and work with the energies and make good choices….because on the other side….there can be amazing opportunities.
This Full Sagittarius Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time of year that Strawberry’s become available. It gives the Moon a sweet energy.
UFOs have always fascinated the public and sightings and reports are frequent. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) is the Pentagon's mysterious UFO program that was previously run by Luis Elizondo. Three videos of encounters were released to the public in 2017. Elizondo left his position after expressing concerns of national security and potential vulnerability. He now exposes a series of encounters and journeys on new investigations that urge the public to ask questions.
This Gemini New Moon is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks, in all types of Relationships. All though this New Moon is not majorly aspected itself….it doesn’t mean that the energy is easy or that there isn’t anything else going on…..because there is!
Gemini is about communication on many levels and I found it quite interesting that the President of the U.S. was involved in some major “talks/meetings” with foreign countries and dignities…. during the energies of the Gemini New Moon. Hummm This is Gemini…seeing both sides of communications, and how they can play out….and at this challenging Gemini New Moon…communication and how you present it and how you respond to it…is of most importance!!
Actually the energy of this Gemini New Moon feels a bit Chaotic…..and there really isn’t any way out….except going through! With Mercury ruling this New Moon….most changes and encounters will come through communication of all kinds. Change is coming and we can sense it…..we can see it…..we can feel it!!