Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz Music is a Magical element that will assist in preparing the listener to become a Multidimensional Person and then also be able to manifest the reality that makes one happy and joyful.
The Tide Turns: Solara’s State of the Planet, May 2018
Imagine you’ve been on a roller coaster — for years. You’ve weathered ups and downs and often you felt thrown this way and that by the forces in your life, but you’ve come through your endlessly long ride like a pro. Now you’re ready to get off the ride and get on with your life.
Off the Roller Coaster
What you’ll feel from energies in the month of May 2018 is much like what it feels like when you disembark from a very long roller coaster ride. You’re relieved to get off the ride and get on with your life. You’re elated from the excitement of having navigated lengthy periods of enormous ups and downs. And you feel extremely wobbly, as if the ground underneath your feet still buckles and isn’t yet solid.
The roller coaster you were on was a magical world — it was nothing like your ordinary reality. Now that you’re back on the ground, you remember what it feels like to be real. You’re no longer twisting and turning in the air, hands up and mouth screaming with a delicious mixture of delight and fear. No, you’re on solid ground now. You can get on with your life. The ride is finally over.
Become The Master of Your Own Energy & Be Your Best Self!
“Greetings Beloveds. It is with great honor and respect for you that I come forth to assist those of you who are awakening in your healing and clearing work, which is much needed now. As you are reaching higher states of awareness in your evolution, there is much clearing that is needing to take place. For eons of time humanity has been unaware of the sacrifice of the elemental realm in their service work on the physical Earth plane. What is needed now is for humanity to open their hearts to their compassionate nature so that they can embrace one another in love and respect, and also be awakened to the roles played by the elementals in their service to humanity. Until humanity understand the full impact their dissonant energy has on all sentient life, constant healing and clearing work is necessary. It befalls those of you who are awakening to do this healing and clearing work in order to lift the huge amounts of discord unknowlingly created on a daily basis. I come forth to assist you, with much love and gratitude, and I bestow upon you my Essence of Compassion & Mercy for the roles that you have chosen to play, to act as Beacons of Light for all humanity, and thus create a pathway of Light out of the shadows of darkness for our dear Earth.”
This is a highly charged Taurus New Moon! Taurus New Moons are usually very soft and relaxing with loving earthy energies….and all though this Taurus New Moon has those energies….there will be little time for relaxing or snoozing. This New Taurus Moon also ushers in one of the most powerful shifts of 2018 and beyond! Just 3 hours after the New Moon peeks….Uranus moves into Taurus! Uranus….the revolutionary, the constant of change, radical change and things happening out of left field….with the energy of lightning bolts and earthquakes…the Awakener! Uranus will be in Taurus and continue its revolutionary energies along with its liberating presence until November 6th when it re-enters Aries while retrograde. Then Uranus will re-enter Taurus again on March 6th 2019 where it will stay until April 25th 2026! Taurus is about security and our self survival and Uranus moving into Taurus suggests that there may be a revolution in the material world. With Uranus in Taurus, we will have the ability to deepen and ground some of the dynamic changes that were initiated when Uranus was in Aries! Uranus in Taurus will be influenced (Venus rules Taurus) by Venus…..the planet of creativity, beauty, and love. Uranus moving into Taurus at this New Moon….is bringing in a new phase and a new focus for our collective growth and evolution….both individually and for all humanity!!