
I've fallen in love with Jesus!

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Falling in Love with Jesus

Dear Readers,

I’ve fallen in love with Jesus…
Falling in love happens when you integrate more with the Christ Consciousness and the I AM of your Being, so it is quite normal in the ascension process to fall in love with Love! The more Light you hold, the more you embody the Flame of Love, which is sparked into Life by your I AM.

We are all in the process of becoming efficient co-creators with our I AM, so that we can manifest again the Gardens of Eden on Earth as it was meant to be eons and eons ago.

It is our I AM who is the Spark that fires into creation our manifestations. It is up to us as its human counterpart, to set the intention, and to use our innate creative imagery and passion to keep the intention alive and clear by feeding it our love and gratitude, until it manifestations into form.

Think of it this way…. Our I AM is the spark plug that causes our car engines to burst into life. Without that spark we cannot go very far. The same metaphor applies to us as humans. We are the physical vehicle that our I AM sparks into life each day. Therefore it would be prudent to be in congruency with this precious and vital aspect of ourselves. As we become congruent, of ONE Heart, ONE Mind, with our I AM, through our clearing work, we are elevated into the higher dimensions of our consciousness.

Personal Invitation to Join our Live Group Clearing Workshop

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Personal Invitation to Join our
Live Group Clearing Workshop with the Masters of the Sixth Ray ~ the Flame of the Resurrection & The Dragon Realm

Dear Readers,

Did you know Mother Nature uses the Flame of the Resurrection in Spring-time to stir to life the flowers and all of that which has lay dormant throughout the cold winter months? You too can learn how to use the Flame of the Resurrection! In fact you can use it in a much greater way in your own life. You can resurrect your health, your finances, your relationships, you name it!

Over Easter time, for a period of 40 days, the Resurrection Flame is at its strongest and most potent.  As Jesus says, the Flame is limitless and free for the asking! What better deal can you get on the internet?

Through the guidance of Lord Sananda and his Twin Flame, Lady Nada,  we will teach you how to build momentum using the Flame so that you can resurrect areas of your life and also increase your Light quotient to help you make great changes in your ascension journey.

In this event we have once again the assistance of the Dragon Realm which is most prominent at this time in the uplifting of humanity in their Ascension journey. The Dragons will assist us to clear all unwanted energies, within ourselves and also within the Elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

For more information and to book your seat, please click on the link below:

Equinox Message of Encouragement from our Sisters and Brothers of the Light

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Dear Readers,

I asked for a message today that will set our minds at rest over the huge changes that are currently unfolding all over the Planet. This is the message I received:

You are currently experiencing the most powerful influx of the Diamond Light codes ever. Never before Dearest One has the Earth and her people been the recipient of so much Love! It is there for you, for the taking, for your choosing. Realize that you are the co-creator in your reality and it is up to you what you choose to do with this powerful creative energy. It is through your intention and free will to create the reality of your choosing that you bring forth your New 5D Earth reality. But know that with all great change comes a great releasing also of all that which was and is still being mis-appropriated (mis-created) by those who are not yet awake, or fully awakened, to the great shift occurring on the Earth. Therefore be prepared for great changes both within and without as this great releasing takes place.

Within your own energy matrix you are already seeing how much more connected you are to Spirit, and how much clearer your inner Voice is becoming, and how much more intuitive you are becoming as you align more with the Truth held within the chambers of your Sacred Heart, as you BEcome the God/Goddess, Priest/Priestess of your choosing. You have a keener sense of the intense support and unconditional Love that flows from within you, through and around you, from the Almighty I AM Presence, the Father/Mother of your Being.

NEW MOON IN PISCES – March 17th 2018

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 Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology 


This is a very powerful and Healing New Piscean Moon. Pisces is watery and dreamy….with visions, Angels and the Mystical. Pisces is about unconditional Love and high channeled creativity.  This Pisces New Moon is also falling on St. Patrick’s Day….so it shouldn’t be a surprise if you see little green “people” floating around…. surrounded by lots of  Leprechaun’s and Fairies. J  Enjoy the soft intuitive energy of Pisces and take time to turn inward for reflection, meditation, and revelations. 

It is time to find our Sanctuary….time to surround your Sanctuary with Soulfulness and Peacefulness.  Your sacred space where you can go into meditation and feel the high Spiritual energy! A space where you can dream, where you can communicate with your guidance….a place where you can manifest and create!


Joe Barnett's picture



Dr. Angela  Barnett
Crystal Magic Orchestra


TODAY is the beginning of the BLUE MOON MONTH

Go to CD BABY, listen and buy the frequencies


This is the month when the Suns will be watching you through the eyes of the Moon. Shine as brightly as you possible can this month. The Suns will be making a decision to see how close your frequencies are to theirs. When your frequencies match the frequencies of the Suns, you will be ready to turn into light.

March 1st 2018 – VIRGO FULL MOON

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This Virgo Full Moon….is quit the powerful one!  As we know….we are in a very intense time period!  The World seems a little confusing and quit chaotic right now.  Lots of conflicts, anger and accusations daily just about everywhere you turn.    Actually these energies, even though they can be disruptive and chaotic…are putting things right in our faces so that we have the opportunity to make decisions/choices……as to what we need to purge in our lives and in society, and what we need to keep.  We have just come out of 2 very powerful Eclipses…shaking up our psychic, our physical bodies, our communities, and the Earth itself.   There have been  Earthquakes, tornados, floods, lots of rain/snow and crazy swings in temperatures, over the last several weeks… is just a lot of energy for the Earth and everyone to handle.  Remember that the energy and activations from the 2 Eclipses last month will affect us for the next 6 months in many different ways.   We are also beginning to feel the shift in energies as we approach the arrival, in about 3 weeks, of the Spring Equinox.

With this Virgo Full Moon and Piscean Sun…there will be a blend of logic (Virgo) and Illusion (Pisces)…along with a pull between living good and temptation….with some wild and sudden responses.  One of the wonderful things that this Virgo Full Moon brings us….. is the many opportunities for releasing, shifting and Healing!


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