This EarthStar Galactic New Year is introducing the Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Universal Avatar Galactic Life Dimensions to our planetary/universal ascended life organism.
The expectation of public interactions with ETs should include some basic realization of the nature of various types of ETs.
Two basic realizations:
All ETs are telepathic and automatically are aware of the thoughts and intentions of all those who are around them. And most can be aware of the previous lives of anyone.
Secondly, they have mind-over-matter abilities, and can move physical objects with their abilities, and can teleport themselves. Some can change dimensions at will.
These are considerations to be aware of concerning any ETs ~
This GEC input is the most advanced, ascended,complete and accessible that I have experienced. Attuning with it in your own way will allow the Galactic Activations to begin and to continue to increase your frequency shifts and increase your awareness.
This Creator Avatar Race Ascended Life Galactic Full Moon Eclipse of Cancer in Capricorn is introducing the Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Universal Ascended Life Organism throughout the planetary life system, and is introducing much more ascended galactic life.
Downloading Your Galactic History ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extending out an invitation to all of you there on Earth who want to have a deeper experience of yourselves as galactic beings. We are ready to transmit more information that you can receive as a download, and that download will include more of the history of this galaxy of ours. In your unique download, you will receive images and knowings of your place in galactic history. If you want to know what part you’ve played in bringing peace during the Orion Wars, then this is the download for you. If you want to know what healing modalities you created as a Pleiadian, then this is the download for you.
The next wave of energies that is on its way to Earth is about establishing more of your sovereignty and your Divinity. We send these energies to activate you, to remind you of your true nature as Beings of Source, as beings who are not under the control of anyone else.
The long foretold “turning point” we have waited for is here.
At 8:54am PDT on Friday June 21, 2019 – please check it for your time zone.
What we’ve been anticipating as a “turning point” is actually a profound moment of brilliant illumination – a moment of revelation beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.
So - this is a global moment! This pathway allows energy to flow freely with no obstructions – it’s a full spectrum energetic amplification of our connection with Presence, coming in from above, from below, from all around - coming right through our “normal” reality.
This influx of cosmic flowing energetic coherence is ruthlessly revealing, yet, it brings a deeply encouraging reassurance - bringing with it the illumination of a way to live that is loving, caring, resourceful, creative, connected and worth celebrating.
The Creator Avatar Race Solstice Full Moon of Gemini is introducing the Ascended Human Race Life and Living, and is preparing for the Solstice removal of the old and unascending planetary/universal life systems.
UFOs have always fascinated the public and sightings and reports are frequent. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) is the Pentagon's mysterious UFO program that was previously run by Luis Elizondo. Three videos of encounters were released to the public in 2017. Elizondo left his position after expressing concerns of national security and potential vulnerability. He now exposes a series of encounters and journeys on new investigations that urge the public to ask questions.