AdiGaia's blog

Uniting the Galaxy ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

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We want you all to see yourselves as the ones who are uniting beings from all different parts of the galaxy, beings that come in different forms, shapes, and sizes.We want you to look within yourselves for that sense that you are in fact meant for something big, meant to unite the galaxy. And you are also meant to continue to spread yourselves and your DNA around to allow others in this galaxy to feel what the Earthly experience is like. You are captivating to us, as we are to you, and it is the mutual interest that we have in each other that continues to bring about the expansion of the galaxy and the universe

The Arcturian Ascension Lightship following the Full Moon of Taurus

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The Arcturian Ascension Lightship following

the Full Moon of Taurus

Immediately following the Full Moon of Taurus at 2:42pm PDT on Wednesday, May 10, the Arcturians are bringing into the Earth’s consciousness system a massive Lightship which is designed to quickly facilitate the ascension of the lightbodies of all those who are striving for their ascension now as this planet is becoming the Universal Ascended Planet-Star Prototype for the ascension of all life everywhere.


This Arcturian Lightship is the incoming ascended light vehicle aligned with the trine of Mars and Jupiter which is now conjunct Arcturus.

This Arcturian Lightship will be active throughout the planet through the New Moon of Gemini which is also Ascension Day in the Christian calendar.


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Energy Update-Solstice Through End Of 2016~We are Creating Our Higher Reality Through Truth~Ascension Alignment

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By Diane Canfield

Ascension Alignment 

As we continue to upgrade at faster rates than ever, we will have access to more Truth and more hidden secrets. Many of these are coming to the forefront now. All that has been hidden must be revealed.

The Ascension process is about coming on line with everything that is authentic. This means all things non authentic are being brought to the surface, not only in ourselves but in all others. This will include all institutions including all agencies that govern 3D society. The goal is to use the truths that are coming out as a catalyst to align with more truth within ourselves. This is a reflection for ourselves, to notice what what does not align with the Truth and the Creator so we can adjust our alignment.

Opening the New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate

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Full Moon of Sagittarius



Opening the New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate



The New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate is now opening and will continue to bring in the new ascended universal spacelife to many areas of the planet during and after this Full Moon of Sagittarius.


This StarGate is empowering the creation of ascended spacelife structures to begin the Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization which is incorporating many of the currently available ascended spacelife forces throughout the planet.


-- to be continued --


Update on the New EarthStar Avatar Ascended Spacelife Creation and Civilization

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Since the recent announcement of preparations for Obama's disclosure, the New EarthStar Avatar Ascended SpaceLife Components are functioning to provide the necessary EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Forces for the development of the New EarthStar Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization Organism as the disclosures and the planetary ascension continue,

This is expediting the entire planetary/universal ascension as this process continues to increase in its implementation. And some EarthStarNation members will be able to participate in it very soon within designated groups of servers.

In the coming months of increasing ascension it is a time for the creation of the ascended space life of this planet which is a needed development for the greater life of this planet as it continues on its path of intergalactic ascended life and

This 11:11 doorway is a plateau of safety....

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This 11:11 teaches us every problem comes as a heavenly opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and then just shine.

Preparing for the next Full Moon of Scorpio

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New Moon of Scorpio

Preparing for the next Full Moon of Scorpio

The next Full Moon of Scorpio is to be the greatest planetary/universal ascension period so far, and it involves most of the ascended extraterrestrial influences that are assisting this planet’s ascension. The preparations for this Full Moon are already underway and are very thorough and fundamental to this planet’s destiny.

The Avatar Dimensions are allowing for the all new planetary/universal ascension forces to be available and empowered as they are becoming established in the physical life of those who are choosing to be members of the destined ascended planetary/universal living creation and civilization organism.

This includes the integration of the Creator Avatar forces into the planetary kundalini which may be accessed to create and empower theNew Earth Original Living Creation and Civilization Organism. The planetary kundalini is already producing ascended life forces of great creative potentials to ascend and empower the planetary/universal life of unique and destined creation as the planetary nucleus of theAvatar Mother Universe.

The planetary kundalini is now most empowering in the Lake Titicaca Andean Region, and is also moving north through the Sierras, Cascades and Rockies to the northern regions. The planetary kundalini is the balancing and ascending energy that is available for accelerating both personal and planetary ascension, and group ascension work.

The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization

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Mars conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn

The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization

The Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization is now beginning to be present throughout this New EarthStar planetary nucleus of the new Avatar Ascended Universal Life.

This is the long awaited transition of this planet’s life into its all new Universal Ascended Life of Creation and Civilization to become the Avatar Planetary/Universal Center of the all new original ascended life of the entire universe.

The New EarthStar Singularity is also beginning to manage the ascended planetary spacelife and its components to establish the Avatar Original Living SpaceLife Creation and Civilization around the planet and beyond.

This Universal Ascended Life will continue to become fully established throughout the entire planet from now on.

The New Mother Universal Ascended Life

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Message from the Arcturians ~


The Full Moon of Libra with Uranus opposing the Sun and conjuncting the Moon also has Arcturus in conjunction with the Sun, and this allows for much higher dimensional life to enter the planetary dimensions which are opening to their fullest possible extent for the advancement of all life throughout the planet as the planetary ascension process continues according to planetary destiny.  


The many forces and inputs of evolution are now converging into one unified body which is the new original planetary/universal life of avataric destiny for the benefit of the entire creation.



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